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Everything posted by Mjx

  1. Mjx

    Real Wasabi

    An online search should give you plenty of results; this is one option: https://www.realwasabi.com/pages/fresh-wasabi
  2. Could you fill the bottle with something like the glass beans that are used (or at least, used to be used) to top up photo chemicals before closing the bottle? They're chemically inert, so they should be safe and not affect on the flavour, and with the bottle filled to the top, there would be little room for the CO2 to leave the beer, so it'd stay in solution (and the glass beans are easy to clean, and reusable; I think the ones that florists use would also be an option).
  3. The vegetarians I know eat cheese (and wear leather, but not fur). I suspect that this is because originally, they were unaware of the rennet element, and if and when they did find out about it, they figured they may as well go on eating cheese. This is just my hypothesis: I've never asked! The vegetarians I know best (including everyone else in my immediate family, lifetime vegetarians) are neither intrusive nor political about it, so I've seen no point in bothering them about this.
  4. Mjx

    Beef Cheeks for Peposo?

    I make peposo relatively often, and was taught to use...whatever's cheap (and usually, tough) at the butcher's that day. It's a great dish, but it's also Tuscan, and Tuscans are notoriously cheap frugal. That said, beef cheeks sound great.
  5. I can't tell whether all these versions are crunchy: I've never tried a crunchy wheat gluten strip, but I've had several versions of the chewy/flexible ones. The're not everyhere here, I don't see people wandering about eating them, or the empty packets on the ground, but they're readily available in SEA food shops. I find them kind of disgusting, but my boyfriend loves them, and if he opens a packet, the MSG slathering guarantees that if I try one, I will continue to eat them until there are none left.
  6. Mjx

    Dongpo Latte

    It not that it doesn't look real (at least, it looks no more unreal/surreal than that sort of thing in general), it's just that something about the image it doesn't look like the Starbuck's imagery I've seen in the US and EU, so it it registers as 'off'. Is there any sign of anyone trying actually trying this out of disinterested curiosity?
  7. Mjx

    Dongpo Latte

    It sounds revolting, but I wonder whether it's a real thing: something about the image looks subtly off. @liuzhou have you, or someone whose word you trust, actually seen this, in person, on a Starbuck's menu?
  8. The Detailed Fondant Discussion may also be helpful.
  9. An air fryer uses less energy than an oven, because the spaces in it are far smaller. Also, if you roast something that makes a mess, such as chicken, which coats the inside of the oven with fat droplets, cleanup is much easier in an air fryer. When I roast chicken in my oven, it means about 2 hours of clean-up each time, because its not self-cleaning (this may not be important to everyone, but I live in a flat that, if I move, I have to hand over in its original, pristine condition, including the appliances). The small, mostly non-stick interior of the air fryer drawer is a cinch to clean.
  10. Mjx


    @Duvel What don't you like about salsify??? It has a great texture, and not much in the way of flavour.
  11. Mjx

    Dinner 2023

    Salsify is one of my favourite root vegetables! I had it for dinner in a stew the other night.
  12. This is something of a shock. She was part of the hosting team when I first began, and she was always ready to help, and to respond to my endless questions. We kept touch after she stepped down from being a host, but this was often sporadic, and it had been a while since I'd hear from her. I'll miss her.
  13. I usually carry a pair of chopsticks in my bag, but use a pair that's meant for children, and fits nicely into a pencil case at the bottom of my bag (Pearl River Mart, about USD 3 when I got them). They're very short, but I don't think this would pose a problem to anyone with small to slightly-large-but not-enormous hands. I have other pairs which are much nicer-looking, but I find these the most pleasant to use.
  14. I just use the usual amount of whatever fat I have lying about, in the usual way (including rendered duck fat on potato wedges: superb!). I've thought about getting an oil sprayer/mister, but that would probably be most useful on paneéd food (because a paneéd surface would be easily broken up by rubbing/patting fat onto it), so I haven't got one, yet. I adore my air fryer, but the name is so misleading (and the reason I rejected the idea of having one, for years): it's a highly-efficient, miniature, convection oven.
  15. Mjx

    Remembering Anna N

    Kerry, thank you for bringing a gleam of light to this extremely sad news, with your wonderful memories of Anna. I haven't got the words for how much I'll miss her. One of my favorite memories was of her telling me about her husband, and the various Danish dishes she'd learned because of him, then there was a PM discussion in which we agreed that Danish cooking is basically starch and fat.
  16. @Duvel You've probably found a solution by now, but on the off-chance that you haven't, I've noticed that the empanada dough I've developed over time (I wanted a flexible crust, rather than a flaky one) doesn't shrink or expand, and it holds its shape (i.e. the crimping at the edge changes very little, even though it's not in a mould that would support it during baking), once baked. I usually use half a kilo of flour at a time, but this recipe may be multiplied and divided without any adjustments to the ratios. In a bowl, combine 500g flour and a teaspoon of salt; In something with a pouring lip, combine 250ml water and 60ml oil Add liquids to dry ingredients, and knead until smooth. Ideally, let rest in a cool area or the refriegerator, but I tend to be impatient and use it immediately, and the results are still fine. I vary the amount of salt depending on the empanada filling I'm using, and choose the flour and oil on the same basis; depending on the flour you're using, you may need more or less water. I usually bake empanadas in a 200C oven (with convection) for a quarter of an hour; time and temperature may need some adjustment for meat pies cooked in a mould, particularly if the filling is uncooked. ETA I think that any dough that fits yor requirements would need to contain a decent amount of fat (to minimize/avoid shrinkage: water/water-based liquids evaporate), no leavening (to avoid puffing up), and be relatively firm (so it keeps its shape).
  17. I have a recipe for a traditional Tuscan kale and bean soup that is delicious, and has a LOT of kale in it (it keeps and reheats well, too😞 let me know if you'd like the recipe.
  18. The owner of ckbk is an eGullet member, @mjcockerill and I'm hoping he'll weigh in, because I'm certain the feedback here would be useful to him, and contribute to offering a stronger product.
  19. If you're sourcing ingredients from Germany, @Duvel may be able to offer helpful suggestions; there must be online shops that have more specialized selections than this supermarket.
  20. Mjx

    Pectin ratios

    Thank you! I'm sort of wavering on the tapioca, now: I can easily get tapioca starch, but it can go slimy/stringy, and and I haven't worked with it much. Oh, and kickoff is at 16.00 today.
  21. So far, I've downloaded a few free cookbooks and guides (e.g. from sites such as Project Gutenberg), but haven't bought any. If I can get a print version of a book, I'd rather have that, because the damage from a fall or spill tends to be less catastrophic.
  22. Mjx

    Pectin ratios

    I promised to make a strawberry pie, and the recipe I'm using is from Cook's Illustrated (because their recipes have reliably delivered what they promise, every time I've used them) and calls for thickening 1.25 cups of pureed strawberries with 'a tablespoon of powdered pectin for lower sugar recipes (such as Sure Jell)'. I'm in Denmark, and neither Sure Jell nor a reasonable equivalent is available (I\ve spen tthe day looking); I do have pure apple pectin, but am having difficulty figuring out how much of this pectin, sugar, and acid to use, to get something with equivalent setting power to Sure Jell. Anyone have experience of this? This is the recipe, and the pectin, I'm working with: Thanks!
  23. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had lobster. No idea why.
  24. Mjx


    @Red Owl The recipe sounds as though it's not well-designed, it reads more like a pâte à choux recipe than one for a light quenelle.
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