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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. That is a great article. I do not want to sit at a communal table, I want to sit in a comfortable chair, I want enough light to be able to read the menu and I want it to be able to have a conversation without shouting or having to wear a hearing aid (which I do not need as yet). As a "mature" person I also appreciate smaller portions.
  2. @Franci Did you use all-purpose or bread flour? And thank you for this.
  3. Would you have a link to this recipe in English?
  4. @JoNorvelleWalker Thank you very much for those links. I read the reviews on the the Ruben Porto site and he prefers the Cuisinart over the Breville. Thank you too for the other link which you started which I will read as well. I have only ever made custard based ice cream and the only recipes that presented me with rock hard unscoopable ice cream were ones made with 5 or fewer egg yolks. I now always use 6.
  5. I stand corrected. Turned the thing over to find the model number and it is indeed the ICE-50. I am torn between buying the new the Breville or the Cuisinart. The Cuisinart would be the one you have - are you happy with it? I just spent some time reading the reviews on Amazon for both machines and neither inspire confidence. I have a few Breville items and for the most part am happy with them. I think the CSO is the only other Cuisinart item I have and I absolutely love it. (Thank you, eGullet enablers!) I do know I am tired of having to weigh the motor arm down to get it to work. Not to mention, I have had to buy two new lids due to the way the arm fits into it. The little plastic arm holders snap right off. Good luck with your ice cream. Hope it turns out.
  6. This thing. I call it the arm because I don't know the correct term. I have an older model, the newer ones don't have these. I tried to find the user manual to find the correct term but it seems to have disappeared.
  7. What I do, to keep the thing going and not stop after 15 minutes is weight the "arm" down with my 12" Lodge Cast Iron skillet which is further weighed down by a 796ml can of tomatoes. I discovered my smaller CI isn't heavy enough, and it and the tomatoes fall off before it's done churning. I sort of have my eye on the new Breville.
  8. I recently purchased some commercial ice cream stabilizer called Avacream made by Avalon Chemixals, Inc. The ingredients are guar gum, monounsaturated dyglycerides and carrageenan. I bought this mainly as a curiosity as I wanted to experience the effect it has on home made ice cream. My freezer is a Cuisinart ICE100, and has a built-in compressor. I used the stabilizer for the first time this week when making some salted caramel ice cream. I used 3 grams for a recipe that makes about a quart. The resulting ice cream had a different texture than usual, it was creamier but almost too much so. It also seemed to me that it melted faster than ice cream made without it. I am not sure if I used the correct amount - I am making a vanilla bean ice cream next and will try 2 grams of the stabilizer. Does anyone else use an ice cream stabilizer? If so, what has been your experience using it?
  9. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Which recipe do you use?
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Looks good. What were the caps stuffed with?
  11. Yesterday I mixed up a batch of sourdough using my newly refreshed starter as I wanted to make sourdough focaccia. Everything was measured by weight. The end result had the consistency of pancake batter. I knew this was wrong and decided I must have weighed something incorrectly (forgot to hit the tare button?) And so added more flour, but did not think to add more starter. Just as well, looking at how much the dough rose. I ended up with 50% hydration. Oops. That dough will not become focaccia but I thought it might make okay bread. Into my bucket the dough went. The recipie called for an overnight rise and this is what greeted me this morning: When I put the dough in the bucket it was slightly under the 1 quart mark. I did not expect it to rise that much. After some dithering, I decided to put some of the dough into a 6" springform pan and the rest in a pain de mie pan. It rose to more than double after which it was baked. Pictures below. The little round guy got eaten for lunch and it was pretty good. The other, not so much. What wasn't apparent with the round loaf became glaringly obvious with the loaf and that was the lack of salt. I had almost doubled the amount of flour but had not added more salt. The crumb of the loaf is fine, but it is rather tasteless. I am on the hunt for a new sourdough focaccia recipe. If someone can point the way to one, I'd be grateful.
  12. Stay tuned for my sourdough "focaccia" story tomorrow. . Dough is fermenting on my counter but it sure as all get out won't be focaccia.
  13. @Anna N I can't remember when I have laughed so much reading a post. That chair paragraph is priceless.
  14. I agree. I prefer popcorn to potato chips but those chips beat any other chip by miles.
  15. https://www.theperfectloaf.com/pain-de-mie/ I made this twice, the first time using starter straight from the fridge. That did not end well. The second time I used a levain, made the night before. I also mixed everything up together the next morning rather than doing it in the several posted steps. The next time i make this i will ferment it one day and bake it the second. And there definitely will be a next time as this bread is well worth the time it takes.
  16. I stopped putting whole slices of bacon on my BLTs. I was forever pulling the slices out with my teeth. I now chop the bacon then put it on the sandwich. Much better.
  17. I'll just paraphrase here " Yikes! I have turned into my mother. This really isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Mostly."
  18. Does it really "melt" into the soup or do the curds just turn into smaller curds?
  19. I can honestly say that I have never eaten as much as a spoonful of plain cottage cheese or fancied up cottage cheese, for that matter. By that I mean cottage cheese on it's own. I could never get past the look of the blobby mess. I did, however, use it a couple of times in lasagna until I discovered ricotta. That was in my early cooking days so I have an excuse. On the other hand, I love Greek yogurt and eat it a lot. I shall be on the look-out for a full fat single serving portion of cottage cheese. Maybe I'll find I've been missing something all these years..
  20. That's brilliant. I have some jumbo chicken wings. Think that technique would work with wings?
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