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  1. Thanks for this, Kim. It looks delicious! I've made a note in my SV book.
  2. Shelby

    Breakfast 2024

    I always read this thread but rarely post because 99% of the time my breakfasts are leftovers from the night before....or a cracker and a piece of cheese lol. But, this is my favorite breakfast when the garden tomatoes get good:
  3. I already had enough cucumbers to start a crock of pickles a few days ago. I will have enough to start a second one in a day or two. I need an additional fridge in the garage sigh lol.
  4. I haven't been very creative yet this year. Been using the mandolin and salting the strips and squeezing fresh lemon over. Did a huge grated up ziplock so I could make fritters--which we might be sick of by now lol. And this sour cream zucchini bread I've given tons away already. It's either feast or famine with us lol.
  5. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I very much enjoy seeing everyone's meals whether cooking for one or cooking for a crowd. I seem to be piling up pictures and not posting very frequently. Garden is really thriving which is good but also makes me need a large nap in the afternoons lol. I am definitely in a cooking rut. Nothing sounds good when it's hot. Now is when I envy those who can get food delivered. Big salad night. Bacon, shrimp and leftover smoked trout for meats The usual broccoli salad with zucchini fritters and roasted chicken quarters SV'd steaks and cheese broccoli and cauliflower SV'd goose legs Deli turkey sandwiches Ronnie went to Sam's for supplies--cases of water because we're going through it like mad--and picked up a rotisserie chicken. I reheated it in the CSO. Nice and easy and good. Cauliflower mashed potatoes to go with Using the leftover chicken I made enchiladas Another big salad night You'll be seeing more steaks in the future. Ribeyes in a bag (not cut up yet) were on sale so Ronnie picked up a couple. Steaks ended up being about $9 a piece and the meat is SO tender. Reason number 126 why I love my Vacmaster.
  6. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Nope. I admire the hell out of you. When life is a pitfall and you don't know when you'll quit falling, a good meal like you made is amazing. Looks delicious.
  7. I'm so glad some of you got to eat there. I wish we had gotten to go. I wish him the best of luck in his next endeavor. I'm sure it will be another amazing adventure.
  8. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    You tell her to get in line 😬
  9. Shelby

    Kernza Wheat

    I just heard about this a month or so ago. I made a mental note to ask my farmers what they think about it but I haven't done it yet. It would be interesting to plant some.....
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I didn't know they closed down. I've never eaten there.
  11. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    It's been a while since I've made a burger with an egg on it. Need to rectify that.
  12. I do NOT like that at all. It leaves a horrid aftertaste and...some sort of slime that makes me gag.
  13. I seem to be all about easy the older I get lol. I use an Italian spice mix from Sam's and use the Italian breadcrumbs in the can from the store. Works and saves time.
  14. Thanks for this report! I, too, enjoy hard ciders. I'm decidedly more on the sweet side. But, maybe because it's been so hot, the drier ones sound good to me. I just might have to order some
  15. I know I'm not Mitch but this is my favorite recipe. I wouldn't mess around with grinding your own meats....just sub ground beef for the venison and add ground pork. Very tender.
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