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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. Karen Barnaby Well Fatguy I think this book meets Egullet standards (I did not see anyone had mentioned this yet?) very nice book and every recipe I have tried is true. Karen has a low carb board where there are lots of people who are really into food and cooking. She herself has lost quite a bit of weight and eats low carb. Also most of the recipes in her book are posted in her recipe site on the board so you do not even have to buy it! I eat a very low carb diet and have managed to loose a lot of weight keep it off and only with one slide during a recent tragidy in my life did I have to stop and start low carb over I (like many here) collect cookbooks like a maniac and have not found the need for a "diet cookbook" per se. I usually just recreate my own recipes from any cookbooks to low carb. it is part of the joy cooking to me. I am all about low carb because I love rich fatty foods and not having cravings I am way to stubborn to live in a land of deprivation when it comes to eating ps if you google her name her site comes up and you can buy the book there I believe but today the site is down ( just checked seeing there was only one book left on Amazon)
  2. I can not read that there is a GIANT piece of bacon in the way! never made it into one of these things but I have seen versions all over the web I dont know that I would but I would taste a piece for sure I love bacon but really in a pan friend or in a big pot of something seasoned ok and a BLT ok around a chicken liver or jalepeno pepper stuffed with cheese and grilled ok with peanut butter ok I could eat it most anyway since coming to this board I have not even purchased it because I make all the bacon we eat and am always disapointed when I try store bought bacon anymore fact is I just woke up thinking I need to make some bacon and look I find a bacon conversation so it must still be cool to eat bacon (like I would care!) thanks you guys
  3. Ok my story is not so much about getting it through it is about the guy with the hook on his hand not washing it and trying to open my coveted papaya salad. I was so mad! after taking all kinds of folks through touching and scanning and whatever ... he took the hook and started opening my salad container to look inside no gloves or anything. Now I realize that a hook is hard to glove! but what did he touch before with it? and why not have a way to accomodate this man so that we do not get germs in our stuff? I asked him to not do that and I would be happy to open it or could he go and wash first? he laughed opened it anyway and ended up touching the salad so I tossed it that was a very good salad that got tossed because someone was not accomodated nor was I!!! other than that my food goes through the scanner and I have not had a problem ..sometimes folks want to eat it and joke but never had a problem liquidy things I just pack in my bag to avoid any questions I also ship wine when I travel to avoid the above
  4. I have a big jar of dried fish the size of sardines. I love the guppy sized dried anchovies and thought these were similar ..wrong.. they smell like bait , are hard as rocks and I can not for the life of me find a way to use them that is any way appealing, but I do not have the hear to toss them either because they are all looking at me like I am a failure!
  5. Does the fact that Xanax is a palindrome make it any more appealing? ← In fact, it does. It also sort of sounds like an old Atari game, which makes it even more appealing! ← it does sound like an old Atari game! and I can tell you with all my heart it is going great with a huge spoon of Adams Chunky peanut butter right now and bacon sigh I am 50 is this ever going to end? I am not sure I really want it to ..honestly while I may be a truly unpleasant person to be around and the whole world is on my nerves..not to mention food choices become a little out of the ordinary ... I get a lot done during these period of insanity (even with my self alloted 4 monthly xanax tablets..they are really good if you only take them when you need them you know! LOL!) and I like the fact I have something to blame my crazy on periodically... what if the periods leave and I am still crazy then what do I say?
  6. a huge bowl of chorizo reheated in the microwave with about a third of a block of Tillamook sharp cubed into it ..then just a dollop of sour cream and a spoon at least I am staying away from sugar ..even the dark chocolate was 80% ....and I hate it btw but it was a case of need need need need endless neeeeeeeeddddd!!! I am trying so hard to cope with food this week but the moon is tugging hard and I want to eat the paint off my walls ..did I mention how much noise my husband makes when he feels the need to eat something when I am feeling like this???..it is like he does it on purpose .oh yeah and his hair growing is really really loud right now
  7. I felt the same way when my son hated potato! how could he live in this country or be from the US if he did not eat a potato ever????? well in the big picture ..dose it really matter? ps as he got older he appreciated them more ..never loved them but would eat them
  8. hummingbirdkiss


    this post ahead of mine reminds me when I am adding acid I tend to always add it at the end ..to finish a dish or as a condiment on the table ...unless it is something like Adobo or other where you are using more of it and really want the vinegar to cook into the other flavors
  9. hummingbirdkiss


    I would be lost with out the acidic component in most of my cooking and eating! Be it adding to the dish while cooking or at the table while eating tang does bring other flavors to light that is for sure one of my favorites is tamarind for adding tartness and I use it in many dishes ...it is so fruity and tart ..in curries, chiles, meats, salsa... even have slipped it into spaghetti and bbq sauce with great results .. also I have a line of vinegars on my counter from mild to very intense I love using sour salt as well just a dash here and there can perk up a lot of dishes with out screaming at you! lately I have been using a lot of coconut vinegar, the one that is just fermented coconut water (some have other things added that ruin it) what a perfect tang it has! usually when I am wondering "what does this need to finish it" it is usually the acidic flavor ..and a squeeze, splash or dash ..and it is done
  10. thanks I am going to look for them I know you can start lovage from seed what about Sweet Cicely? also thought about angelica ..and some unusual mints Hi there Meanderer ..it is never too early to start thinking about gardening is it?? and you were having trouble posting weren't you that is a great idea on the shoots...planted two packages of peas in various places maybe it is not too early to at least get shoots! ..I usually plant them the week after Prez day but I was being a rebel and really really need to dwell on and in my garden early this year ..it keeps the blues away you know I am putting in ..get this ..six more raised beds!! my husband has been teasing me about my "Victory Garden" but it is no joke ..I love to eat well and even with this economy I am not going to sacrifice my desire for wonderful food and what is better than that you grow yourself? ... our house sucking us dry lately with a new roof pending and the last room almost finished..I not only feel the practical need to plant and grow my own food ...but the absolute pleasure of doing this just does not measure on any yardstick that is for sure! I yearn for a green house you know ... then I would not have tiny pots of dirt all over my living, dining, and bedrooms (even on the heated bathroom floors ) ! but I will take what I can! I do have a make shift semi green house (an enclosed area on my deck) ..I am going to set a table in there this week and put some seedlings in it hoping it is warm enough to start them! we have our rain barrels lined up (I was given four by a friend and they are positioned ( from last seasons conversation) but have to wait until we get the roof and gutters squared away so this may take a while. I know it is too cold most places to begin but do you have seedlings starting yet? or things in pots by the windows.. the lemon grass is growing like crazy in one of the bedrooms and I just realized a single ginger plant is beginning to sprout again outside!!! it did well in a protected concrete planter and did not rot with all the rain and snow ... my carrots are about 4 inches high I planted them in late September and the snow did not bother them at all ..I have pulled a bunch more and they are just insanely sweet! onions in the garden are doing well and so is the garlic .. the best way to kick the winter funk in the ass is to dream about your garden I think Happy Gardening to you all
  11. hummingbirdkiss

    Dinner! 2009

    well I made this and it looked just like this ..I tried to take a picture but even though my dish looked as nice as this ..my picture sucked ..so look at this and know that it is HONESTLY really exactly as it looks, easy, very inexpensive and most important absolutely delicious as is! thanks! (I am early making dinner and have already eaten two bowls )the textures and tastes are perfect together! fresh crispy and nice click here please this is my frist duck gizzard dish and absolutely will not be my last! they have a crazy texture and I love the taste!
  12. YAY!!!! someone else is with me now I just planted some onion seeds in pots so I will have starts and epazote and I am going to throw caution to the wind..seed a bunch of rows of Italian greens for seedlings to transplant later ..in my potato bin that has tons of nice soil for seedlings ..it is off the ground, in a protected area and I can put plastic over it to make a cold frame ...hope this works ..I am yearning for dirt under my nails tell me the best things to plant in rich compost filled beds that will get a bit of shade but very protected from cold ..unusual herbs would be great ... anything edible, fragrant, attractive all ideas appreciated
  13. the only thing I buy in a can with regularity besides tomatoes are water chestnuts
  14. coconut pecans and dark chocolate I am in a downward spiral!!!! heeeellllllppppp meeeeeeee
  15. the recipe for Adobo on this link is really quite full of infused umami try it!
  16. I am so happy to see this thread ..we have had a rough winter so far and today I am going to take advantage of the break and clean out my beds..maybe get some of my compost moved into them and a little lime would not hurt it is not too early since I plant peas next month! .and to cheer myself up I am going put up my table in my giant make shift cold frame and start some greens ..I ordered a whole bunch of Italian greens from a new seed company I have never tried ..taking a chance here but they should be ok so new company new seeds I am very happy to think about gardening right now just looking at my seeds I have saved over the years ..seeds from friends ...they are all here strewn on the table and ready to go I wish I could figure out cardoon and the blanching of it ..anyone just eat it like it is?? with out blanching? if so I understand I shoud eat it before March? hmmmm gardening it is like a natural Xanax tablet!!! very uplifting
  17. Soy Sauce, usually. ← ditto to this when you say "intense" reaction what does that mean? stomach, throat, rash?
  18. tips are great here! one more thing I have to add is that we need a social life when poverty strikes my friends and I have a poverty pot lucks... Right now everyone is struggling ... most of us work per diem and have lost a lot of work this year for various reasons (not just the economy but illness and grief, personal issues) we are all struggling right now so empathy abounds out there for you and everyone! what we do is just say lets gather this weekend and have a pot luck ..declare a theme and then whomever hosts it gets to keep the leftovers that we all help wrap up and freeze ..it is really nice ..kind of like a big stone soup I take poverty on as a challenge having had to deal with it on and off for the past 30 years when my husband was struggling to find his muse ... My tip besides having gatherings with friends and sharing food .. yes you can eat beans and rice but that carby stuff makes me hungry!!! base your meals around healthy fats! they stick with you a lot longer you buy and eat less of them! calorie for caloire my money goes on the fats to make food stretch rather than the carbs good luck and I imagine you now know from this great thread you started that you have tons of support and best wishes during these hard times
  19. I want to thank you so much for posting the list and the follow ups on this thread ...I travel to Canada (mainly Vancouver) at least 6 times a year (I am half Canadian and have family in North Vancouver and in Montreal so it is a coming home of sorts for me) visit, to wander ..eat ..mostly eat and then eat some more four of us went just recently and used that list to choose things we had not found or tried before and we did a bit of a scavenger hunt ..mostly on foot from our digs but a little bit of bus and train too ..not one time did we need our car anyway it was quite fun to each choose a few things to find and try our last thing was the chocolate cake at the Topanga Cafe ok who would expect a CaliMexican cafe in Vancouver??? the only thing I would go there for however is the cake and yes it is worth it if you love real chocolaty chocolate cake with a perfect frosting to cake ration ..it is a very "American" style cake ..moist...rich ....you could roll like a puppy in it and want more!!!! ..(I saved it for last because I knew I would go back and eat three more pieces if I didnt!) the food is kind of lousy and overpriced for what it is (I should not be so harsh we just had a light lunch since the cake was our destination objective and we had all picked it......the salsa was good the chips were too tiny to really scoop it however! anyway I think it was fun to have this list and am going to try to find them for other cities I visit ..something's were a bust but others were such a score ..and on the way to find some we found new treasures that have been there for ages and we just never noticed before! so even after 25 years of visiting this city many times a year there are always wonderful things to find in the Vancouver Richmond area I love Canada
  20. I am a fungophile and yes that is a king trumpet mushroom ..they are very good sliced and grilled .....but it is not a great one and the cap is missing so if you dont want to take it back and the rest is nice and firm cut the top off slice it , grill broil or pan fry it I think anytime you try a new mushroom you should prepare it as simply as possible so you can appreciate its flavor ..these are not a strong mushroom but they are fun to use ..great texture when fresh they are supposed to be easy to grow and I have always wanted to try! then later turn it into something with your second effort ..and those are worth a second effort enjoy your new market and dont be afraid to ask for recipes ..even if people are not fluent I find all I have to do is hold something up and say "how do I make this" then I am given all kinds of advice!!!
  21. I am reading the entire 1968 Time Life FOODS OF THE WORLD series in no particular order over no particular time frame wow the "world" has changed just a tad so far I am really having fun reading these! my father bought and read them when they first came out!!!
  22. what I do for a living and how I try to live my life are fairly close .I encourage my patients to live with moderation ..and I try very hard to do that myself....I know I have some kind of chemical addiction to sugar ..and it really sucks! because it could be the cause of a mutitude of health problems if I let myself go and just ate like I wanted to ....I am not a diabetic ..my thyroid is fine ..healthy as can be ... my only disability (and for me it is one ) is being addicted to sugar... my being becomes taken over by a physical and emotional demon .I have a love/hate relationship ..just like some folks do with booze ..I am with sugar ..and I am sure I am not alone out there (HELLO???) when I eat a piece of cheese I can eat a piece of cheese ..taste it ..appreciate the flavor and enjoy it fully understand the food I am eating ..put it down and reflect can not do that with sugar! I go into another world of tasting when I am eating sweets ..sure I appreciate them ..en mass!!!! I have crazy behavior with sugar! it is not good for any one to over eat anything so I try to find a mid ground in life ...sometimes it works ok ..sometimes not if someone can fix this fine ..but once in a while I want the demon!!! bad!!!!!! it is always validating to find out people of higher degree ..can prove what you already know!
  23. I live just 20 min north of Oly and work there .....well I used to before this snow ...if I do not make it today it will be a full 7 days of being stranded on this hill!!! .good thing nurses are in great demand or I would be fearing for my job now! ....yup it is pretty wild! Ok I got serious on the meal thing after I regained my sanity for a while yesterday ..so ...no chocolate cake although it would have been a meal and I spent a while reading through the thread about it and how to make the best ever..I finally pulled myself together ... I went for a big pot of red sauce ..with meatballs ...really good meat balls with the last of the parsley I dug from under he snow! really home style ..Providence RI ...suck your thumb twirl your hair pot of spaghetti and meatballs!!! My husband was like a puppy in stink over that one ..he thanked me profusely when he realized I did not go the chocolate cake route!!!! serious comfort food for cold days here ..nice big juicy meatballs ...lots of good sauce to pour over the pasta ..and now I have tons of sauce and only had one lb of pasta left ..oh well guess if I am stranded again today I can make my own spaghetti noodles I have semolina and flour and time I have to get out of this house!!! I have never in my 25 years of living here had this much snow! it is crazy ..beautiful ..trying but crazy!!! Off topic a bit ...I feel sad I have no gifts for my coworkers this year..I was not "safe" baking cookies stuck in this house or I would have eaten them all ... ..unless I can stop and get some wine on the way in I feel like such a heel oh well maybe I can bring some sauce in jars today..some of the sausage and bacon I made ..and perhaps a ham hock ..festively wrapped cured meat and sauce maybe good ..I better get busy putting bows on the hamhocks!!! sigh it is the season for giving not lamenting I guess happy holidays you guys!!! stay warm!!!
  24. chocolate cake ..and since I have been snowed in on the South Puget Sound for (today will be 6 days) yes I am falling off the wagon and this will be a meal for me today! I am not dealing with being snow bound very well ..no matter what direction my fantasy world takes ...or how beautiful this all is ..it ends in me being cold, miserable and missing yet another days pay!
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