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Everything posted by gfweb

  1. Its true the world largely survives with bad sanitation, crappy medicine, and impure water.
  2. Eating dirt is one thing. Inoculating it into food where it can cause food poisoning is quite different. Two issues are getting comingled.
  3. I want your kitchen. Although I'd flip it 180 deg. Nice pup. He won't fit there for long! (Host's note: reference to flipping 180 deg. precedes the photo correction in previous post.)
  4. Peas + beer don't sound complimentary to me, but it might work.
  5. Disgusting, yes, but (if the links are correct) the infection risk from undercooking isn't any more than with regular chicken. Its not infected, just muscle that died from decreased circulation exactly analogous to a heart attack, (probably pretty close to death too...if it had been in the bird for many days it would be more obviously dead and beginning to break down, and if for some weeks it would be converted to scar). Still completely disgusting. I wonder how much of this ends up in McNuggets...
  6. I've read that a short blast of microwave aids juicing. But any mechanical abuse of the lime should help eg a blow with a culinary hammer.
  7. I routinely cold smoke turkey breast and pork tenderloin and then cook sous vide. Works very well. Tender, smokey, tasty.
  8. Really great thread. The sort of thing eG shines at doing.
  9. gfweb

    Breakfast! 2015

    "multi-use specimen bottles" as in re-used?
  10. gfweb

    Methode Rotuts

    LOL. This term shall live-on.
  11. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 2)

    What is that glowing probe thing? Standard kitchen stuff in Sweden? Do those spits turn? This could be better than the Big Easy No Fat Fryer!!!
  12. Hard to imagine Cracker Barrel and sous vide in the same paragraph. Maybe a combi oven and brining?
  13. I use it for large groups, for the reasons detailed above. For turkey, duck, short ribs. A few steaks I can do a good job on with a hot pan and a 350 oven. A lot of steaks...SV for me.
  14. Or better (worse) yet...Rachel Ray and The-one-who's- married-to-Cuomo should use it for a casserole or something.
  15. Dunno. He did say 140F...was his "done " temp or something to that effect.
  16. Lot of work if you are going to incinerate a steak like that.
  17. It was the Costco sourcing I wondered about. I expect it to be good, as I generally trust Costco. But $139 is an expensive experiment.
  18. LOL. The price beats d'artagnan at my market or at the online sources I've checked. In fact it kicks their butt, esp since these are big breasts, not the weaselly little things my local thieves try to fob off on the unselective elite who shop there. One breast would be nearly a pound, more than two servings really. My one reservation is that I'll confit my own legs my own damn way. I'd rather not buy them pre-prepared.
  19. Costco has 6 magret breasts and six confit legs for $139 from d'artagnan. The breasts are guaranteed >5lbs total. Sounds pricey at first, but when I consider that I pay $18-20 for a scrawny duckling with breasts that are just a little bigger than two of my thumbs put together it starts to look like a better deal. Anybody ever try this from Costco?
  20. Not a new thing. Mencken referred to the booboisie.
  21. Right. Specialtyproduce.com
  22. A cool app for android and probably apple that gives information on a zillion vegetables. Good photos, sensible organization , valuable when in unknown veg territory.
  23. I don't hate Fieri. In fact DD&D is almost the only thing that's watchable on FN. Sure he's an over-the-top clown, but not unlikable. And the show isn't some contrived competition between line cooks with tattoos. For some reason Bobby Flay survives when the rest of his generation is gone. Not complaining; I can watch him too.
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