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Everything posted by gfweb

  1. Me too. Did that with our kids. One peep and out you go. They figured out quickly what behavior was rewarded
  2. I make -butternut squash soup with turkey stock and a little sage. -diced sautéed butternut and potato hash with bacon - acorn rings baked then stuffed with mashed smoked sweet pots with a touch of allspice ..topped w brown sugar and broiled
  3. A quite nice pumpkin soup made with mirepoix, ginger and cream(and a bit of heat) in the American Airlines Admirals club in PHL. So far the best thing to come out of the US AIRWAYS merger.
  4. This is really the crux of it. A paper comes out. They lay press finds an attention grabbing headline saying "Bacon = Cancer" and presents the scientific finding as though it is the last word on the subject. No qualifiers, no insight, no perspective. And then next week theres a different paper that's published and its contradictory. And so on. Which one is correct? Often both are...in their way. The simple answer that we all want usually doesn't exist in medicine. Every study has flaws. Every experiment has limitations. Stuff that we are told as truth is often not, Can anyone find a study in humans (in a good journal) that says anti-oxidants extend life...or even do anything?
  5. In general, real scientists welcome critical thought and testing of hypotheses. Name calling is reserved for the faculty senate.
  6. I think that the public has a hard time telling trash science from the real thing. So much garbage is presented as though it were true. It can be hard to know who to trust.
  7. I think they said that eating meat raises your chance by ~15%. So if your risk is 1 in 100 to begin with ...your meat eating risk will be 15% higher. But, yes , it cannot be additive.or we'd all be deadly now. It's also not clear if this paper was actually peer reviewed or just published as a consensus paper, which may well go unreviewed. Also worth noting that consensus papers are what the group agrees to put their name to. Their May have been dissenters whose opinion isn't reflected in the final product. ..or strident minority opinions who get more prominence than they deserve.
  8. Not really news, but more confirmatory of what we've been told for years. I can't download the paper but the ars technica piece seems to be complete. From that...The IARC report seems not to take into account the eater's inherent risk of colon cancer. For example a population could have 20 % of people all of whom will get colon cancer from red meat and 80% who won't no matter how much they eat. And we know that there is clearly an inherited basis for a lot of colon cancers. So is everybody at risk ....who knows? This is important because I like cured red meat. Especially hot dogs with charred skins. Maybe yellow mustard's turmeric will fight the hot dog carcinogens. I'll go ask Oz and get back to you.
  9. I don't think that it either Julia or Kenji. Both offer a lot and they cover different ground. Complementary I'd say.
  10. Not using metric is "unscientific"? Everyone knows food tastes better when cooked to Fahrenheit temps.
  11. Its "healthy" because the carb isn't absorbed so blood sugar doesn't rise. Screwy logic.
  12. This says that slow cooking will convert the inulin. https://www.paleohacks.com/fructose/converting-inulin-to-fructose-through-slow-cooking-2099
  13. Somebody who suffers from the problem ought to do an experiment with aging the sunchokes and see how long it takes to convert the inulin.
  14. Figs and chocolate seem mismatched to me. I think I'd have a brighter flavor for figs. Citrus or strawberry perhaps?
  15. Beano is good only for certain carbs, those with alpha galactoside carbohydrates...eg beans. Inulin is different, so it ought not to work with J-chokes
  16. according to Wikipedia, J. 'chokes will convert their inulin to fructose if stored for a period...which should relieve the gastric issues. How long? A pure guess..weeks.
  17. Yes! The description and photo of the dish is more important than the Rx (usually).
  18. Pretty pictures. Trilingual text. Interesting ideas. An oddity, even the savory dishes look like dessert. At this price I should buy several as Xmas gifts. Looks like an extravagance.
  19. TLC plates....a big part of my life at one time.
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