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Everything posted by SheenaGreena

  1. hiroyuki, does the fish cook at all from the soy sauce, dashi, and mirin? I imagine with all that salt from the soy sauce that it must change the consistency.....
  2. I think my boyfriend's former employee was stationed at youngsan, and yes if that was all he had exposure to then I can see where he is coming from...but still. Korea as a whole is quite beautiful and when he meant dirty he didn't mean the smell of garlic...I think he meant people's hygeine and the sanitation in the city. Koreans are some of the cleanest people I have ever met btw....at least when it comes to themselves and their houses. I heard about the mayor of Seoul trying to build some riverfront park. I saw the plans and they look awesome! I can't wait till it's up and running. hot dogs + bacon and chili? whoa....that would've gone great with all of your beers.
  3. apparently all the best recipes in the world are from western europe. It seems like on every show he is in italy or spain. Is it just me, or does he go to asia, africa, or even south america for any shows? Recently he did the best rice recipes in the world and I was surprised to see that he didn't even go to an asian country ): However despite that, all of the recipes look absolutely delicious. I think my favorite was when Batali and Bittman were grilling those MASSIVE steaks somewhere in italy
  4. great pics peter. They keep getting better and better and food looks more and more delicious. If only I could jump into my laptop screen and grab some food ): does serena like to dip the ddeok into anything? I used to like it dipped in soy sauce or gochujang and my grandfather loves it dipped in sugar. But he likes everything with sugar added I watched this fantastic thing the other day on the local boston news. They do a documentary type news thing everyday and they have a short series called Future Boston. They feature cities around the world that boston should kind of strive to be. They other day they had on Seoul and it looked completely different. They supposedly have some of the best internet connectivity (?) in the world. It was pretty fascinating and its amazing how much korea changes over the years. Does korea change drastically for you everytime you and your family go? I mean after my boyfriend and I watched that show on Seoul, even he wanted to go. And he heard from a fellow employee that korea is "filthy and stinks" ): Of course the employee was American and had recently been in the US military. now on to food - sorry........Doddie thanks for the recipe on the spicy crab (: At least you didn't have to eat it <3
  5. whatever you do, don't throw away scraps/peels in the trash after you're done eating it. Even if you double bag it, it'll still stink. I suggest the following: 1. put the durian in a paper bag 2. leave it on someone's doorstep at night (this should be someone you hate) 3. light the bag on fire with a match 4. ring that person's doorbell 5. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Id rather eat fresh balut than canned/jarred balut mush the weirdest thing to me (and I'm sure to most everyone on here) is the canned chicken. What the heck? ew
  7. wow, thanks milgwimper <3 I will eat it all, cause I only live with my boyfriend. He detests all things korean If I can't get red pepper threads, can I just use some gochugaru? eta: that doesn't seem like the spicy crab banchan, it seems more like the soy sauce one, am I right?
  8. believe it or not, I've moved on with the penis worms. It was hard...but I will manage (: cooking for a few days? I thought cooking for 8 hours was a long time. Are you serious?
  9. oops, I used a tiny bit in my bastardized version of mapo dofu. I also screwed it up more by using korean gochujang and korean black bean sauce. then it would be called mapo dubu (dubu = tofu in korean)
  10. my mother claims to know the same by sight and smell. Usually my sister and I follow the exact opposite of what she says. If she says it's mild and not spicy, we steer clear. Some korean chiles are really long and big, and you'd think they weren't spicy at all, but holy crap some of them are lethal. peter, do you know how to get seollangtang that milky white? I try to make it every winter (with oxtail bones), but it never turns out as milky. I think the trick to it is to bring the bones to a boil and then throw out the water several times or to soak the bones overnight. Does the wife have any tips? to the person who bought the pancake mix: usually pancake mixes cause for a 1:1 ratio. One cup of mix to one cup of water. I find it too thick, so I add a little more water or maybe 1/3 to 1/4 cup of kimchi juice (more flavor!) If you don't have korean pancake mix....I find that adding 1 cup of flour to a cup of water plus an egg works just fine. You can add green onion, chopped chiles, kimchi, mixed seafood, or whatever you want. It's always a toss up with kimchi jeon and seafood jeon with me. I think one of the best thing about sujaebi and kalgooksu for me is the spicy soy sauce condiment. Basically you take a bunch of chopped chiles, green onion, sesame seeds, and gochugaru and add it to soy sauce. It is nice topped on top of either soup. eta: I'd be content with a plate of those spicy crabs, a bowl of soup, and glass of ice cold beer peter, what do you like better? spicy crabs or soy sauce crabs? I can never choose myself. The spicy crabs are so sweet and well spicy, but you get a more crabby essence with the soy sauce crabs cause you can taste the guts more. You wouldn't happen to have a recipe for either would you?
  11. the colors in the banana photo are absolutely brilliant. I might use it as my desktop photo (:
  12. how's the fall foliage up in seoraksan? My mother took my sister and her boyfriend their in the summer and they had so much dong dong ju. They loved the stuff...unfortunately I have never had it. How does it compare to maeekkoli? I love makkeoli...tastes kinda like boozy milkis (you know what milkis is, right?). I also love drinking alcohol out of big rice bowls (: mmmmm soondubu. I think I am going to make some this week for dinner. I think it might even be good with some smashed up natto thrown in for some added stinkiness. The best soon dubu I have ever had was in seoraksan in some old fashioned restaurant. It was really famous cause a lot of korean celebrities would eat there. The tofu was so unbelievably creamy and smooth. I still can't believe you ate the sea penises.
  13. 4 asian pears cost $5? whoa, over here they cost like $5/pear there are a lot of good korean recipes out there that use the pear, but they involve using it uncooked and its more of a garnish. So the pear wouldn't really shine through as much as you might want it to. If you want some dishes that use it then you should post on the elsewhere in asia forum. or you could just mail me a box of pears (:
  14. I think that pumpkin candy is called "yut" or I might be thinking of another taffy like candy. I remember that when I went to the korean folk village some guy was making a molasses like taffy candy that almost tore my fillings out when I ate it. that korean guy making the candy also looks mighty cute in his kitty apron (:
  15. OMG I WANT ALL OF YOUR PEARS ON THE RIGHT sorry, I really like asian pears. They are too expensive for me to buy so I just wait till I visit my parents cause my mom always buys a box just for me (:
  16. oh my god I want to eat that whole plate of hwae and then finish off with that maeuntang. I love to put lots of kkaenip in my maeuntang if I have any leftover. are you sure korean sashimi is thinner than japanese sashimi? I always thought that that the korean version is much thicker than the japanese one. I still can't believe you ate that gross looking worm thing. Ughhhh, I can still remember those things writhing in a tank full of water at a seafood market. They look like really gross peeled penis worms barf ):
  17. the bland powder on the rice cake is kinako (don't know the korean name). It's just roasted soy bean powder and is very yummy. I love that acorn jelly stuff, but its a pain in the butt to pick up with chopsticks bc it always falls apart. However if you are using wooden ones, it is much easier (: does anyone know how to make acorn jelly?
  18. tonkatsu!!!!!!! I like to take some pounded pork, dip it in rice flour, then dip it in egg wash, and then dip it in panko. Deep fry or shallow fry it until done and then serve with homemade sauce. mmmmmmmm deliciously porky with lots of crunch
  19. bah, I have this problem with my boyfriend (as a lot of you probably know). We've been together for 3 1/2 years and he's changing very very very slowly. For example he only eats meat and potatos and he eats like a 5 year old. Just the other day I made tater tots and meatball sliders for him ): However his friend is a renowned chef in Boston who loves to play with offal so once in a while he'll try stuff like grilled beef hearts if his friend prepares them. However if I make liver and onions for dinner, he will throw a fit (like a 5 year old - do I see a theme?) But the worst thing is he hates korean food, and that is a huge part of me as a person. I just wish he liked kimchi ): sighhhhh not everyone can be perfect
  20. yes, please do. Despite what alot of people say about soju, I really enjoy it. It cuts through the greasiness of a lot of grilled meats and spicy food. My father says its like drinking embalming fluid
  21. that's it. I'm breaking up with my boyfriend. I showed him the pic of the grilled pork with the grilled garlic and said "hey, how f*cking awesome does this look?" He replied: "Is that pork? I don't like pork, that looks gross" wahhhhhhhhhh, what did I do to deserve this? anyways...I don't think I could loose as much weight in Korea as I did before, because of my beer drinking. However, the beer in korea is pretty gross and soju does go much better with spicy food.
  22. doddie, I read your post sooooooooo fast that I thought you said "choco long dong" mwahahaha I laughed so hard <3
  23. I bet the thousand island dressing is like it is in korea: mayo + ketchup always on top of shredded cabbage. so simple, but it always tastes really really good.
  24. maybe shiratama was what my mother made for me on new years? They were little tiny mochi balls about the size of a dime - a nickel (don't know their japanese equivalents ). It's nice to have a little chewy bite with a smooth sweet bean.
  25. jason, what's shiratama? If I decide to take my mochi to school and heat it up in the microwave, what would make a good accompaniment?
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