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Everything posted by SheenaGreena

  1. peanut butter roast squid? That sounds like an appealing combination. Koreans always eat peanuts with squid, so why not make it peanut butter with squid? I much prefer mayo though
  2. chwi namul is something else. I actually eat that all the time and it's relatively easy to find at the korean grocery store. It's not the same as the leaf in my profile picture. Oh well ): I'll figure it out eventually Also Sedum sarmentosum looks similar to the don namul, but there are no yellow flowers on it so I wonder if its the same thing? Anyone else have any unidentifiable veggies?
  3. ah yes, don namul, but do you know their english or scientific names? (:
  4. yep, my mother is growing both. I will ask her what the korean names are when I see her....we always have weird things growing in our garden
  5. Okay here are those two veggies I was talking about: This one is fairly small (as you can see it's about the size of my finger) and my family eats it raw in a salad application. We mix it in a salad with dandelion leaves, wild baby onions, red lettuce, and watercress. The salad dressing is just fish sauce, chile flakes, and I think some sesame oil? It's good with grilled meat This one is also eaten raw. I use it as ssam and wrap it around grilled or boiled samgyupsal. It has a slightly bitter taste and when it grows out of the grown, I can't find any visible fruits or flowers.
  6. Sorry I'll try to post it tomorrow, or the next day ): With the semester coming to an end, I am incredibly busy with term papers and homework. I have 2 leafy veggies to show you guys though (:
  7. thanks so much! Tomorrow I'll post a photo of another weird vegetable. Its large leaves that are eaten raw with samgyupsal or pork and they look like squash leaves but they aren't
  8. Okay here is a photo of the unknown vegetable. This time it has been blanched and marinated with a chogochujang based sauce that is really really yummy. I couldn't find the blanched only vegetable. Sorry guys, didn't feel like rooting through 4 freezers today
  9. nope not stinging nettle shoots and I don't know if it's a "mountain vegetable" as my mom finds it everywhere in nonmountainous (is that even a word?) settings. I'm definitely going to take a crappy webcam photo of it and hopefully that will help you all on your quest to help me out! (: I just want to know if only Koreans eat it or if it's eaten in Western cuisine as it's apparently plentiful here in the MD/DC area. Batard, since you live close by maybe you can pick some up? Also I have NEVER ever ever seen it in a korean grocery store. Then again my family eats a ton of korean veggies that aren't found in korean stores eta: oops Batard no longer lives in the area, but I bet you could find this stuff in the wilds of new jersey!
  10. It's driving me insane. It's a popular spring veggie (my mother just picked some yesterday) and it's called "duroop" or something along those lines in Korean. I am just looking for an english or scientific name. It's a green shoot that is usually blanched and dipped in chojang. Sometimes there are really tender spikes or thorns on it that can be eaten, but you have to be careful when eating it or they will hurt when biting down.
  11. msg gets a bad rap. I like sprinkling it on my pickles. Try it, it sounds weird but tastes amazing. I want odaeng so bad right now ): I hate this thread - it makes me so hungry
  12. I have no idea ): I googled "ssuk" and couldn't find a pic. Is there any way you can type up the hangul for me? (:
  13. I didn't know that dropwort was minari. My mother grows it outside near the pond and calls it watercress. We added some to some spicy maeuntang the other day. Of course its not as good reheated the next day. So speaking of korean greens, can you add injulmi to this soup? I like it in rice cake - of course and in daengjang, but I'm trying to think of other applications I can add it to.
  14. It was great! I was hoping I'd see you in it, but I did see your girlfriend so at least I recognized one person. Was the dead body stew chunggukjang? He never said the name of the soup so I could never figure it out. I figured thats what it was though.
  15. Oden....odaeng its all the same to me. I miss sipping on mini dixie cups full of odaeng broth in cold weather. Mmmmmm so hot and full of delicious msg. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
  16. Ugh god don't even get me started on the series finale of battlestar galactica.....It might just be worse than Bennigan's! I loved all the pics of the offal on the side of the soondae. I think I may like that better than the soondae. The liver is ALWAYS dry, that's why you eat it with saeojjut and not the gochugaru mixed with salt or you can just dip it in the soondae guk. Also what are the seeds on top of the soondae guk? I can't remember if it's mustard seeds or seeds from the ggaenip plant? This thread makes me hungry ): I think I may go to Seoul in the fall for a few months. If you are there we should grab a beer!
  17. I do a simple preparation, cut in half and steam for 5 mins, drain, then place in ice water. Dip into homemade daengjang or miso. It's kind of like dipping cucumbers and chiles into daengjang - very popular korean banchan.
  18. Nurungji is nostalgia food for me. Another way to make it is to take leftover cooked rice (from the rice cooker if you will) and then flatten it into a cake in a nonstick frying pan. Keep on low heat for about 20 minutes per side so that it gets dry, cripsy, and brown. You can eat this sprinkled with sugar or better yet break it into pieces and boil it in water for a few minutes to soften it. It's like nurungji congee. My little sister and I loved eating this when we were growing up with seasoned myeulchi (anchovies). It's also very comforting to eat when your stomach isn't feeling so well.
  19. I know that "maeuntang" basically means "spicy soup" but I thought maeuntang specifically meant spicy fish soup? Or am I just imagining things? I just had some kongbiji chiggae the other day. My mother grinds raw soaked soybeans and stews them in pork broth with gochgaru, pork ribs, and sour kimchi. The spiciness with the slightly al dente coarse beans is an amazing combo. I think it's funny that your wife gets upset when you put rice in your soup. Just tell her you're making gook bap (:
  20. My mother has 4 or 5 in the backyard and I have no idea where she got them (from korea I'm assuming) and I guess she brought them over here (the us) from when we lived in Korea. However I have seen them for sale before at stores in Georgia. If you got them shipped they would cost A TON of money. They weigh almost 100 pounds. Why don't you just pack the kimchi in a jar instead? I dont even think my mother uses them for kimchi...instead she just throws soy sauce and daengjang in them. Are you planning on storing kimchi in them and then burying them?
  21. I dont know if you have access to this, but freshly ground gochugaru is WORLDS hotter than the bagged stuff at the store. Also if it's not hot enough then add sliced red and/or green chiles. Nothing is worse than a lack luster (in the spice department) chigae
  22. Is that moo saengchae? I had some tonight with with bossam....extra extra tasty (:
  23. Never seen anyone do that exact thing at a korean restaurant, but it is popular to put hot dogs in things like budae chigae, kimchi fried rice, kimbap, baked goods, etc. Processed meat products (spam, hot dogs, corned beef, etc) are popular bc Americans introduced them during the Korean war. Theres a very popular dish called "budae chigae" which means army dish stew. It requires the addition of processed meats (hot dogs perhaps) and additional things like cheese, ramen, potatoes, etc. It was a favorite dish growing up (:
  24. Nothing wrong with adding rice to soup...unless its a communal chigae. If you drop even one grain of rice in it then all hell will break loose! mmm I love pa kimchi. My mother makes a fantastic rendition that uses copious amounts of vietnamese fish sauce
  25. my mother is sleeping right now, but I can ask her tomorrow if you'd like? Unfortunately I can only read korean and can't translate it all ):
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