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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. They also do fried dill pickle chips and fried jalapenos...they are really good on casseroles, burgers and salads.
  2. Darlin' that is why there is one box upstairs and the others are in lock boxes downstairs in the pantry....
  3. you can have mine.... we eat blueberry cherrios as a snack around here
  4. ...and a woman I worked with was a stewardess on the clipper when she was younger. She actually had to hide the fact she had gotten married until she began to show with her first child. She was a gteat resource for a bunch of papers at the library for me as she was a primary source.
  5. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    It was cool yesterday so used up some cooked bison, red pepper and onion with some Italian sausage to make myself a small lasagna along with a green salad. Today is hot and muggy so iced tea and not sure what will come....
  6. Skinny Pop Sweet & Salty Kettle popcorn.
  7. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    off by one number?
  8. Holy expletive deleted...new season of Fieri's show just started and there he was!😢
  9. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    managed a 3 oz bison burger with some crispy bacon and a piece of yellow American, a slice of fresh and juicy Mr. Stripy tomato. Hot and muggy here. Lots of iced tea!
  10. suzilightning

    Breakfast 2019

    but not as good as a Wawa 😘
  11. Yeah...doves and ducks!!! I still remember the first ducks I cooked. I was 7 years old and mom had had an operation. Uncle Otis gave us a brace of black ducks he had shot so I hung them (out on the clothes line - there are pictures somewhere) for a few days, de feathered them and singed them then , with Aunt Belle coaching me over the phone, parboiled then larded and baked them. Came out almost as good as Aunt Belle's - she even said so herself.
  12. Actually that was my sick mind attempt at humor playing off Ann's comment with an Elvis song. I blame it on the amount of country music I listen to and Ken Burn's new documentary...
  13. Don't be cruel, @liuzhou!!! I have to ask my friend, Sha (i.e. American named, Sandy) if there is someplace around here where I can get some.
  14. yupper...just what he said. @chromedome beat me to it
  15. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    Yesterday John's new go-to when getting ready to travel... fish sandwich. Baked breaded fish(thinly sliced cod or flounder), tartar sauce and Udi's bread. For me … lettuce salad topped with a tomato and cucumber salad and a 3 bean salad and a bison cheeseburger(pimento cheese) for National Cheeseburger day. Today he is off hiking and sent him with a mixed bag of gf pasta with pesto, hard boiled eggs, potato salad and three more fish sandwiches. Stopped at a local butcher's and got two sweet Italian sausages I'm roasting now with some onions and peppers. Also picked up a crusty Italian roll. Same place got some of their pulled pork and pulled chicken and made some barbeque sauce for sandwiches Saturday night before he and a friend head t a concert n the city.
  16. ditto, except minus the broadwing hawks and bald eagles...9 years later.
  17. Years ago when we foraged wild grapes we made jelly we also used quite a bit of sugar per juice, put into small ball jars and, before sealing them, topped the set jelly with a film of paraffin.
  18. suzilightning

    Breakfast 2019

    While making chicken with carrots and tarragon for dinner the other night I had two chicken breasts left over. I roasted them and made a chicken salad with chopped green onion, dried cranberries, chopped pecans and apple. Perfect for breakfast.
  19. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    For John, roasted shrimp with thyme and garlic served with a tomato salad and some bread. I had a piece of meatloaf with Bisto onion gravy, mashed potatoes and peas.
  20. suzilightning

    Dinner 2019

    It was a bit cool so a comfort meal: mashed potatoes, wax beans and meatloaf. Tuesday was supposed to be pasta with chicken piccata. OOPS, just as the chicken was finishing got a call from John. Could I come pick him up in Hamburg? He had just totaled his car.
  21. suzilightning

    Breakfast 2019

    leftover diner corned beef hash, two hard scrambled eggs and a small spicy virgin mary
  22. John will order 2 filet o' fish without cheese if I haven't given him enough of his edible food. I do keep some fish products in the freezer so he can make them for himself if I am away.
  23. great pictures of your food and drink can't exactly tell the size but definitely an accipiter - sharpshinned or coopers hawk....looking for his meal...………………….
  24. NOT a farmer's market but a farm stand (Story's Farm in Catskill, NY). They do also feature products from other local producers. 3 ears of their corn. For whatever reason(I suspect cool temperatures and late rain) the corn her in NW NJ has no taste this year. This stuff tasted like corn!! Friends told me the tomatoes up in the valley were ok - so brought them some from here. Local shallots, b potatoes, cranberry beans, wax beans and two different melons I will nurture along to maturity.
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