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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. steve/heather if that's the best you can do....<shakes head in disbelief> no berries? no quark instead of sour cream? NO CHOCOLATE - OH, THE HUMANITY love ya and keep eating healthy
  2. well, we headed up to holyoke, ma for a conference tomorrow. stopped to see john's mom, sister and two out of three brothers. went to lunch here: http://www.thehaymaker.com/mainpage.htm john had the salmon, liz had the turkey sandwich, julie had a philly cheesesteak sandwich and i had the smoked gouda beer soup with half a vegetable sandwich. made it up to holyoke (took the long.......winding road route through the berkshires(101 miles= 3 hours). after finding the hotel, settling in, sampling the Pama liquer i picked up we decided to get takeout - from the hotel's restaurant, Friendly's. since johnnybird wanted to watch a special on hendrix i was elected. not bad - 10.00 for a takeaway meal of 2 pieces of flounder broiled, a vegetable mixture, rice and a mixed salad. didn't have to have special dispensation for corned beef and cabbage tonight<SHUDDER>
  3. andi - one of my dearest friends still HAS and USES on a regular basis the "pickle server". last time i was up and we had sandwiches she pulled it out of the fridge.
  4. well, abc - channel 7 was promo-ing a story on the opening for their noon news
  5. two to two and a half hours shold be optimum. definitely go for the brisket and if you get up around new braunfels try some of the sausages....
  6. hey, every time johnnybird goes down to ft. benning i send plastic zip top bags with him labeled pulled pork, brisket, etc. he freezes them in the fridge at boq or his hotel and flies them home to me...
  7. suzilightning


    i did a quick sear on the outside after rubbing the roast with some enova oil then salt and pepper - maybe 2-3 minutes per side, 10 minutes or so then into a 375 oven for 17 minutes. it came out crusty on the outside and in the center it was a lovely picky rare.
  8. suzilightning


    cool, susan we are going away for the weekend so i pulled a small venison roast from the freezer to provide dinner tonight and leftovers for me tomorrow's dinner for me. i'm going to sear it then roast lightly in the oven then serve with some <sorry i was just admiring a male cardinal who was haning out in the evergreen outside my window> noodles, broccoli and red cabbage and a mushroom sauce. <oohhhhh the fox is back in our neighbor's yard>
  9. I propose that FabulousFoodBabe and I dress up as a butler and French Maid, respectively, to serve burgers, chicken wings, bleu cheese and other Man Food to the assembled Ladies of eGullet. I'll even help you with your cummerbund, Fabby. ← Deal! And I'll make sure your seams are straight as you serve. Butlers are also a guy thing, food wise, I think. I know guys make a fuss about Hooters waitresses and French Maids but what they really crave are butlers. Heh. Pontormo, I like a food dare as much as the next babe. Winky. ← where and when? i'm in
  10. well, i guess my hormomes are readjusting as i progress through to the end of menopause... the meat, cheese and onion rings sound wonderful and succulent. grill me somethin', mister!! johnnybird prefers pasta, chicken, shrimp, chocolates and cosmos me, i want the bourbon and branch..
  11. oh, noooooo not ANOTHER italian restaurant - but isn't there one in the family already? the joke where i work in sparta is - oh, a new restaurant - italian or a pizza place. where i live in jefferson there are 3 white cloth italian and 2 pizza joints within 1.5 miles. italian is ok but where can you find good, decent american or french or bistro food? ok- whining over. lou, good luck with whatever path your life and career takes you. so can i expect some decent spaghetti and meatballs with gravy at the bar? love ya anyway ps- oh, yeah. you should be seeing a coworker and her family tomorrow for dinner - the same ones who were crazy enough to go out during the storm last month.. but hey, you know those retired troopers - they love to go out and play in the snow
  12. judiu try real maple syrup... back to the answer to the question - b,c and d
  13. to paraphrase one of my favorite comedienne's (Elvira Kurt ) "they suck" both dd - no taste and starbucks - burnt even the "coffee houses" in our area - either they burn their beans or don't roast them enough and the coffee is weak - Greene's beans, etc.... if i have good coffee - black for iced coffee i do have to add sugar and milk, just the way my mom did until 2 days before she died
  14. Sorry it took so long to answer - I was in the middle of watching Battlestar Galactica . After that, it's bedtime. ←
  15. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. yes, you can get some good burgers here but there is nothing like a chain burger you can personalize(sorry Fatburger but it didn't do it) love the pic of arden feeding his dad and that cheeburger looks so good....
  16. one of the people i work with uses the fake meat stuff to make lasagna or chili. i've tried tvp but it ain't like the real thing. i do use firm tofu then press it to use for padd thai.. and i am a carnivore and do enjoy working it... just don't mistake it for meat and treat it as a wonderul protein source...especiially in sweet and sour soup
  17. good luck packing and moving take the cracklin's with you double double in- n- out , please???????? enjoy the blogging ... and the sprucing up.... and .... everything. any chance of an egullet work party?
  18. What about Tom Perini's "Texas Cowboy Cooking"? If memory serves... Mr. Perini has also competed in several chuckwagon cookoffs....
  19. when we came back from florida two years ago i brought several boxes of key limes(johnnybird didn't understand till later) and when i got home juiced the bunch of them after zesting . we enjoyed margaritas - funny no complaints there!!- and i adapted both a lemon bar and lemon meringue pie recipe. they were really popular with all EXCEPT my mother-in-law who insisted that key lime pie was bright, artifically green takomabaker - if your family has too many key limes i can give you my snail mail address
  20. johnnybird really enjoyed the HALF sandwich and the potato salad i gave him. it was good cold the next day - that's what i had for breakfast before i ingested by antiinflammatory and my pain pill HELLO - balsamic carmelized onions are not simple food but simple food prepared well will trump fussy food any day for me. stuffed peppers for tonight - done with red peppers, ground buffalo and tomato orzo - simple yes, good and flavorful too glad you got a laugh about me forgetting my bra - the girls floating free would NOT have been a good thing - even at the bar gotta bring 'chelle since that english/irish lass does love a good lambie(actually swung by her place but she wasn't home - otherwise johnnybird wouldn't have gotten any
  21. thanks milady- i also am a gym rat - though now i have to give it a break. after having an amazing lamb sandwich at An American Grill here in nj i came home and slipped on some black ice - nothing broken but am on anti-inflamataries and pain killers - hopefully i will be back at LEAST for aerobics later this week. i have found when i do the gym 3-6 days per week my period is much less severe and the cravings are a bit less. unfortunately for three months out of the year i am standing around counting migrating raptors rather than working out - it does affect you!!!
  22. ate the FIRST sandwich at An American Grill : Lamb tenderloin sliced thin and marinated with garlic, baltic sea salt & rosemary with carmelized onions and a pink horseradish dressing. but brought another one home for by breakfast and johnnybird's lunch ( with the attendant potato salad) this was one of the most amazing things i have ever eaten - sweet, sour, salty and mostly meaty!!!!! and lamb
  23. lou, sorry i couldn;t post yesterday - i was having x rays - and to all please excuse any typos - i'm typing with my left hand only RUN, DON'T WALK TO GET THIS SANDWICH - of couse making sure that is available first new barmaid (note to self - take a new batch of bourbon brownies next time) gave her my lunch order - lamb sandwich with ice water and a piece of lime then ducked into the ladies room to put on the new bra i had to buy at kmart - finished a workout and found i had forgotten to addthat important piece of clothing to my bag. it would NOT have be pretty otherwise. lou was betwixt and between the bar and the kitchen and greeting guests . out came lunch a lovely - potato roll?- filled with medium lamb, some amazing carmelized onions, arulula? and the pink horseradish sauce accompanied by potato salad and some lentils ( i am so not a french fry girl). normally i eat only half my plate but i'm sorry - i inhaled the sandwich and about half of the sides. then i ordered another sandwich and brought it home. sent half the sandwich and the potato salad to work with johnnybird - had the other half of the sandwich for my breakfast (before taking the percocet) and added the lentils to some leftover soup i would rather eat this everyday for lunch or dinner than a burger... it was wonderful. unfortunately johnnybird will have to suffer with meatloaf sandwiches after he gets home to mix it up... hey cutting onions can be done lefthanded - who knew?
  24. suzilightning

    Swanson Dinner

    i want those alexis bonbons and both the pinot grigio and rosato sound absolutly wonderful. unfortunately i live in new jersey and the in-laws live in new york - neither on the ship to list
  25. klary, don't bet that you will be back to a smaller number of guests next year!! after the word gets around about your amazing cooking some of them may get - oh, just a little bit testy if they aren't invited next year what a beautiful dinner and i hope Mr. Chufi properly appreciates the hard, though loving, work you expended to make his birthday wonderful. it was hard work, wasn't it? till next year - tot ziens
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