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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. i have no living children nor nieces nor nephews to pass physical things on to.. i would hope johnnybird would put my culled cookbook collection and recipe cards up on the "FREE cookbook" thread i started here on egullet - though i do have some hope of passing some of them on to my sister-in-law who, at age 38 has started to develop an interest in cooking. i do hope those who have known me physically or online would remember my sense of humor(offbeat at least) and my ability to laugh at myself during life's mishaps - what do you mean you set off the fire alarm, cleared the library out, and brought out the fire department while toasting the onion roll for your buffalo burger? i hope people remember my love of getting my own food by hunting and gathering - god knows i have a "black thumb" and can't grow anything. and my joy in cooking and feeding whoever is around...
  2. phlawless- i just got a chance to catch up with the blog. what beautiful food and a handsome family(has anyone mentioned that your husband looks - at least to me- like a leaner jeff gordon? *ducks since i know many nascar fans dislike him*) bravo on the sourcing of your food. i noticed it's something showing up more and more in things i read from Jane Goodall's book to various food mags. i, too, try to do this - course it also gives me a bit of an advantage since i'm only 50 miles from nyc and that includes fish - and 90 miles from the inlaws which includes a dynamite meat purveyor. though the two does wandering around in the neighbor's yard looked interesting, too. how many people see a deer and think - mmmmmm, venison. can't wait to see the pig edited to add and was that handsome puss stealing M's snack? i though only my Yoda was a cracker/bread eater.
  3. lou- i've seen frozen frog's legs recently -either shoprite of wharton or jerry's seafood in sparta - sorry but i can't remember where. you might give them a call - course the asian market on 10 could have them as well. ps - there's always time to get banned nb - viva la france!!! - and i don't freakin give a rat's ass(to keep it in food terms) about soccer...just a contrarian - as you know. have fun and don't eat - er- drink too much
  4. but zhelder, aren't you closer to larger farmer's markets? the other thing i find interesting is that the "local" artisinal cheesemaker isn't represented here - guess because another 20-30 minutes and you are at his farm. yet we have a raw cheese maker from PA. pm me if you do decide to head up this way - maybe we can carpool to other places to save gas!
  5. you made the vinaigrette already??!! as far as frugality - i am frugal in some ways but could be considered extravagant in others. like you i have a mini grocery in my basement. i buy on sale and with coupons. not to excess but i do have a several month stock of some things, a bit more on others. i use coupons for the things i always use - paper towels, toilet paper, pasta, john's favorite roobis tea, etc. sometimes i will use a coupon to try a new product(alexa potatoes, dole frozen fruit). the one thing i do do is pay into one of our joint accounts monthly the amount of money i saved on couponing. i do work part-time(25 hours per week) outside the home unlike you but this way i feel i can help even more for our emergency and/or fun funds. where my extravagance comes into play is paying more local, organic fruits and vegetables and buying johnnybird a pie once a week when the local farmers market is around. unlike my mom i cannot make a decent pie crust - i have decided for crusts and biscuits i definitely have warm hands and are definitly ham handed. i buy good grades of things like cheeses since a bit can go a long way - except in mac and cheese and i try to buy organic, free range meats. funny the best value i have ever gotten is from a 4Her. Kimmy sells the eggs from her prize winning chickens for 1.75 a dozen- 1.50 if you return the carton.
  6. here's last week's post but i think since we are into 2006 this deserves it's own topic: well, lafayette, the closest one to me opened today between the pouring rain... not much yet but some old regulars were there; Windy Brow Orchards - blueberry crumb pie for johnnybird and their cherries DanaRay Farms - some nice fresh herbs and fresh swiss chard as well as some of their homemade goat milk soap met a new guy who does organic free-range pig and cow - we will be talking later another farm(can't remember their name and i buy from them all the time - bad susan)- had potted herbs, lettuces, first bright, vibrant summer squash, rhubarb, potatoes, strawberries, garlic and garlic scrapes and beautiful beets(which i didn't buy since johnnybird won't touch them - his quote "they taste like dirt") missing this time but hopefully back soon: the raspberry guys, the cheese guy from lafayette(really good cheddar and dilled colby he makes)and the goat cheese people. maybe even Westfall Winery who make some nice whites with local grapes. hmm.... i see a squash frittata with sauteed chard and garlic for dinner -------------------- Engineer + Hunger = Chain Johnnybird Forest engineer, Safety engineer and spouse of 24 years [user is online!] [Profile Card] [PM] [Report Post] [+] went today and there was much more variety - sour cherries and the best blueberry pie with crust(as opposed to crumb topping) from Windy Brow, the first thin yellow and green beans and lovely English peas and i'm told the first of the season's local tomatoes will be next week. most interesting thing this week was a new cheese guy - Farmstead Fresh from PA. they make raw milk cheese. i bought a small piece of cheddar to see if johnnybird could handle it - it is aged a year. their website: http://www.farmsteadfresh.com/ unfortunatly danaray was out of the new red cabbage. how were your experiences?
  7. when it's that time of the month when i crave something it has to be from Burger King: 2 whopper juniors, extra pickles - discard the bottom bun and add extra ketchup to patty small fries vanilla milkshake about once a week i have to have pizza so that means our local Frank's outlet. i walk in and the guys just get my order ready - two plain slices and don't heat them. Taco Bell - two crunchy tacos with extra hot sauce
  8. just as i read this i turned the page in Southern Living's 1994 Annual Recipe book(to page 242 if anyone has it) and the first recipe is Vanilla Vinaigrette. since this is copyrighted material i'lm pming you the recipe - and if anyone else wants it please pm me.
  9. ok will throw my $/02 in TURKEY SANDWICH homemade portugese sweet bread - my family made this bread for the holidays NOT to eat with the meal but so we would have it for sandwiches cranberry sauce or cranberry orange relish turkey Miracle Whip another slice of the bread SANDY i don't eat them but my boss loves bologna sandwiches. her usual order to wherever lunch is coming from that day is the following: FRESH white bread mayo all beef bologna sliced thin a little bit of lettuce potato chips - not on the side but in...
  10. while that may be so... by the time it ended i CRAVED a couple of thin slices... but it was 11pm and i was in my nightgown...no wonder i woke up hungry
  11. working.....except for sunday and tuesday. planning on having a friend and her husband over for a grill session on tuesday - i'll see what looks good at the farmer's market on sunday for sides but the main event will be ny strip steaks. i'm going to try my hand at smoking some salmon and will use that for a starter - tucked inside a crepe with some tapenade. shrimp will definitely make an appearance - probably marinated and grilled. something with fresh cherries for dessert.
  12. o'soy vanilla yoghurt with tiny strawberries i got from the farmers market this weekend and sprinkled with johnnybird's toast dope.
  13. been loving this blog - thank you. how i wish i had access to some of those meats you do if your volunteer firefighters hang out at the barn(what we used to call the firehouse) and they seem to be involved with some water rescues - maybe make some of that bread pudding and send it to them? when we flooded here in 2000(23" in 24 hours/ 18" in 8 of those hours) i made sandwiches, soups and cakes and - once i could get out of my roads- took them to the firehouse where our guys and about 10 towns doing mutual aid were spending shifts doing pump outs,evacuations and rescues. any pepperslaw in the future? please? i love pepperslaw.....
  14. tracey - deanna was sad that calhoun's wasn't better to you. she also recognized your beer pub, Woodruff's, that was a furniture store when she was in college there. not that she or her progeny would be going in there today(they are non-drinking Baptists). be careful on the drive back - it's been raining all week and shouldn't be nice till saturday.
  15. "absolutely nothing!!! ...Say it again" sorry for the diversion but i have to get to my fishmonger early after he's been into Fulton Fish Market in NY to BEG him for the back end of the halibut - filleted (plus the bones of course) - or he has steaked it all out. i can still get salmon either way which is fortunate since i am about tp try my first smoked salmon side as a surprise for johnnybird
  16. depends on your pasta - an how well you drain it. i make bow ties with veg and a vinaigrette the day before because it actually tastes better - IMHO any tubous macaroni salads i like to eat the same day as i make them since i can NEVER seems to get the pasta drained as well as it should be. as for the "what was i thinking" moment - you were being kind and caring and wanting to mother...
  17. well, lafayette, the closest one to me opened today between the pouring rain... not much yet but some old regulars were there; Windy Brow Orchards - blueberry crumb pie for johnnybird and their cherries DanaRay Farms - some nice fresh herbs and fresh swiss chard as well as some of their homemade goat milk soap met a new guy who does organic free-range pig and cow - we will be talking later another farm(can't remember their name and i buy from them all the time - bad susan)- had potted herbs, lettuces, first bright, vibrant summer squash, rhubarb, potatoes, strawberries, garlic and garlic scrapes and beautiful beets(which i didn't buy since johnnybird won't touch them - his quote "they taste like dirt") missing this time but hopefully back soon: the raspberry guys, the cheese guy from lafayette(really good cheddar and dilled colby he makes)and the goat cheese people. maybe even Westfall Winery who make some nice whites with local grapes. hmm.... i see a squash frittata with sauteed chard and garlic for dinner
  18. straight from the proud new grandmother up here: Calhoun's http://www.calhouns.com/cal/index.htm. deanna says this is where her kids really enjoy going - especially the one near utk down on the river or Regas http://dinesite.com/info/rstrnt-349519/??&t=0. this is where she and her husband used to go. have fun and some more food porn, please.
  19. dinner tonight is going to be LEFTOVERS modified into this cookoff. using one of my mom's cookbooks - written by a friend of her's - Seafood Recipes from Local Waters by Jacqueline Pell Tuttle - and riffing off the recipe we are having seafood crepes. i did make the crepes with herbs - some tarragon from my plant and some scallions. shallots were sauteed in some canola oil then the cooked lobster and fresh shrimp were added. some sherry and Worcestershire - a sprinkle of salt and some whtie pepper. some clam liquor and parsley. pop into the crepes then cover with a medium bechemel sauce and more herbs. sides will be some garlic green beans and a green salad. god - i forgot how useful crepes were. i have a stack to freeze for future use - like in september when i can pull a few out so when i stagger into the house after 12 hours staring into the sky to see migrating birds i can wrap some chicken or salmon or tuna into them and heat for little packages of easy goodness.
  20. tracey - WHERE is the picture of the corndog?!! when will you be in knoxville? i can check with a coworker thursday - she, her husband and 3 of their 4 kids graduated from UTK and 2 of the kids still live down there. i'll ask if she has any good(non-chain) suggestions if you like. so which bike are you on?
  21. condolences to the family and to you for the loss of a family memeber and friend don't know what the weather is like up there but it is quite warm here so what about items that don't need to be heated? with the no meat idea what about some sort of a pasta with vegetable - bow ties with peas and squash and a vinagrette, a long pasta with pesto and tomatoes, - don't know if the "not crazy about dairy" would like a hard cheese added but you can always grate some fresh and put it in a small container for adding later. the protein can always be separate - roast chicken as mentioned is great, a roasted filet or some meatballs with gravy. a green salad? 4 bean salad(yellow and green beans, kidney beans, ceci, onion, shallot, fresh parsley and dressing made from oil, vinegar, pepper, sugar, a bit of water)? bread with a spread of some sort? stuffed/deviled eggs? can't help you on the dessert - don't eat it.............uhhhh chocolate mousse pie - will try to get it up on recipegullet and it is dead easy
  22. all- i'm now about 3/4 through the book. i find the branding discussion very ineresting since this has come up in other media- tv(just remembered there was some discussion of this on "On the Money"), books ("Nasty Bits" has something on branding i believe) and magazines come to mind. BUT if you don't have the money or want to own a book PLEASE borrow the title from your local library or ask them to InterLibary Loan(ILL) the item for you. many libraries will buy the item if there is local interest ( emeril - providence- j & w) or try to borrow it for you - though there may be a temporal delay(6 months for where i work). yes, you do have to keep an eye on when the item is due back but many times you can renew for more time or pay a small fine. back to finish the book(i hope) since i read from the back to the front i am looking forward to some interesting things - especially the bibimbapp chaper (ok - i check the chapter titles and the index- if there is one- out first)
  23. no... i haven't gotten anywhere AHD (i don't do cities well) but the lead article in this week's NJBIZ paper was titled "Rising from the Ashes" and talked about how smart the guys were in having a recovery strategy in place as well as the dogs.
  24. johnnybird left this morning for the catskills(giant ledge/panther). into the small cooler went 4 beers(2 cans of tetley, 1 can of guiness and 1 corona extra - with lime), a small baggie of egg salad, a small baggie of mayo, and a frozen bag of hamburger stew for dinner tonight. hiking he has whole wheat pita spread with peanut butter, an energy bar, and flasks of water. back up foods are ramen pride noodles and onion pitas, another energy bar and more water. small sterno stove, too. his hiking partner, moody, is taking a can of beans and homemade 2 year old peach schnapps. hopefully i won't be a widow tomorrow morning.
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