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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. reheated for lunch - garlic potato soup from the current Cook's Illustrated. it was sooooooo good. if you like garlic and potatoes do try this recipe. topped it with some frizzled prosciutto. tonight will be posole with cornbread
  2. megan- love to live in the city vicariously. how about some noodle shops or since it warming up(relative to the last bloggers) some island food and cocktails?
  3. susan- looks like potstickers for today... isn't prince from minneapolis? (your connection to the stupid bowl)
  4. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2007

    O-M-G what wonderful food - now i'm craving bacon burgers. tonight we sampled some portugese sweet bread then about to finish the main dinner- green beans with grape tomatoes, shallots and parsley whole wheat pasta for me chicken saltimbucca - chicken breast, sage, prosciutto de san danielle and provolone
  5. after (finally) being able to read the (full) soup and bread thread on my day off i was able to make some Portugese Sweet Bread. johnnybird and i each had a slice of the first loaf out of the oven. i took the heel - a bit of wonderful crispy crust and a bit of sweet structure. john cut a piece then cut off the sides and bottom. he only likes the "hearts" - no crust. i didn't kill him - though it was close. i grabbed the good stuff and snarffed it down. does anyone have this divide? course i'm a red sox fan and john is a yankee follower so we are used to controversy in our house...
  6. dang work is interferring with reading this thread!!! susan - no trout - WALLEYE!!!!! just put some portugese sweet bread to rise this morning - the first bread i've made in about a year. thanks for the reminder that i was missing something in my life - baking
  7. what about a senegalese served warm? ming tsai did a riff on chinese hot and sour soup with shrimps. i have the recipe somewhere if you are interested...
  8. leave the celery out and you can make that for me anyday... what about as a shot for an amuse?
  9. whole wheat pasta with meatballs and chicken sausage in a red gravy. just the thing for a morning with ambient temps around 5 degrees after the outside chores are done - oh, and two mugs of plain old black coffee
  10. suzilightning

    Super Bowl

    daniel - if you have Real American Food by Jane and Michael Stern check out pp 247-248. if not i can pm you the recipe. corn dogs...yum.
  11. Nu, so you vant I should make you a salami omelette? ← heather - not a big fan of salami but i DID have 2 quater pound Thumann hot dogs for lunch today - with onion confit and ketchup...
  12. give me MEAT!!! the chicken breasts last night were good, the fage with fruit for breakfast ok but i want red meat!!!! too bad i'm at work
  13. so it FINALLY seems to be winter in northwest new jersey and the cold front pushed through today with some heavy duty nw winds that dropped the temperature about 15 degrees in a hurry. there's a smooch and a loaf of banana bread going into the oven and a chile verde simmering on top of the stove. what's cooking in your home?
  14. i don't think it was covered but it seems it is somewhere between the beef and chicken stock that usually goes into onion soup. since it may be a bit richer instead of using an onion confit saute the onions(yellow, sweet and leeks?) then add flour and salt and pepper, maybe a few stalks of thyme(ok - i'm a thmyeofile), the stock and simmer for about 45 minutes. maybe do an interesting crouton - ciabatta or a rye bread? a sprinkling of gruyere to finish damn...... now i want onion soup
  15. I think I got 1 shot to Lorna's 5. ← actually it was 1:4. i counted. johnnybird and i were watching when all of a sudden "oh, s*&t - it's ling. where's henry?!"
  16. as a librarian (and a food person) love the books. just introduced one of our new hires to nugyen's book and have just discovered true lime and true lemon which i use as a backup for when i run out of the real stuff. any chance we can see some cow tipping among those mcmansions? does crab imperial figure into your ideas for tonight or more of crab cakes? any local beers that might make an appearance?(sorry but i always equate crab and beer - and lobster and champagne) blog on, dude
  17. just got back from the wharton shoprite and was surprised to see that there is a small d'artagnan section now. i found both wild boar and duck bacon at 4.99/ 8 oz. there were other things such as pate, duck confit and ... sorry, i can't remember. (this menopause thingy is a pain on my brain). used the duck bacon to do some red cabbage and it's wonderful
  18. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2007

    please, lumas, i would love to see that recipe...please, please, please, please?! when johnnybird gets home it will be maltaushen(waiting to be sauteed instead of poached tonight), red cabbage done with some d'artagnan duck bacon i found in my local shoprite, sauteed spinach with garlic, some steamed broccoli and homemade cinnamon applesauce. i get some quark and himself will get some fake sour cream(EXTREMELY lactose intolerant).
  19. There's a recipe in one of Arthur Schwartz' books that has both rice *and* potatoes in it. Wonder if that would be enough carbs for him. (Armenian Meatball Soup, and it's very good, too! ) ← might JUST be enough for him. will take a look at that one. thanks carrot top!
  20. as i've been reading this i have been working on the menu for lunches and dinners for the next three days. i am off from work on wednesdays, fridays and some sundays so that is when i plan my menus from/to. right now i am planning for tonight(pulled the maltausen from the freezer. have to pick up green beans and i have some red cabbage and homemade applesauce already), looking at what i have to do for our meals tomorrow since i work till 8(poach the chicken breasts for chicken waldorf salad. portion out the leftover soup for our dinners), and friday (still no clue for lunch though dinner will be lasagna. have to buy the lactose free cottage cheese today so i can let is drip for a day or so to get most of the liquid out before i use it like ricotta). since john will be gone saturday the package of loin lamb chops will come out and i can play after work. when i work sundays i will usually set something up and leave painfully, exquisitly detailed instructions so john can get the meal ready and we can eat when i get home. like most of the other responders i work in several ways: in summer what is fresh at the farmer's market in fall what i have squirreled away in the freezer since i am very busy elsewhere(pre beaten chicken breasts; casseroles; premade meatballs, etc) in winter and spring what's on sale and what meats john may have brought back from hunting trips i also have a good freezer and a pantry that i can pull from and i replenish when things are on sale and i have coupons i really like the idea of picking an area to cook from for a week and may start incorporating that philosophy in my cooking as well. just as long as there is enough rice, potatoes and rice noodles john will be happy
  21. made some stock sunday from veg scraps and the bones from the venison roast. after skimming fat and clarifying added some carmelized onions, carrots, leftover rice, leftover squashes and chopped beef. dinner for john- whose only complaint was there weren't enough carbs in it for him- and lunch today for me
  22. lentil soup for work. one coworker contributed the ham bone from her christmas ham, another made ham salad with most of the meat and i got the bone for soup - onion, carrot, shallots, bay leaf, regular lentils and two half bags of red and light green. fresh thyme and rosemary. served up with roasted garlic bread and a touch of vinegar.
  23. am bumpinb this up since johnnybird and i will be heading up that way in mid- to late july. anything new we shouldn't miss? anything near where john can see puffins(his main request for this trip) and whales?
  24. grazing.... a little 6 year old cheddar and maybe some maytag with triscuits (4 crackers per person) or some apple slices some leftover sweet and sour meatballs with some rice(only 3 per person) right now from the fridge a small bowl(4 oz or so) of leftover lentil soup with a slice of garlic bread some fage with poached quince for me - truffles for johnnybird the last of the port with the cheese and crackers the last of the veuve cliquot with dessert
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