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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. is it wrong to want to eat the entire bowl of angel food cake batter BEFORE you bake it?
  2. temps in the 20's with some good nw wind gusts here in nw new jersey. just out of the oven: scottish apple pie(can't remember where i saw the recipe)- filling is cubed apples, 1/3 cup orange marmalade and crushed ginger snaps. blueberry streusel coffee cake for john's snacks during the week at work in the oven right now: potato/onion/leek casserole - made this two weeks ago and we really liked it. will probably make this dinner with a salad 4 slices of irish back bacon - 2 plain and 2 with toast dope on them to make candied bacon on the stove some vegetable stock simmering and a pot of coffee for me
  3. OH!! SWEET JESUS!!!!!! HMMMMM... i'm off tuesday - will it still be on the menu?
  4. lamb sandwich, lou? how do you serve it? (busting you - all i see on the website is the regular dining room menu )
  5. sunday dinner was an homage to Edna Lewis from The Gift of Southern Cooking. i had already decided to do chicken and had it thawing in the icebox. Chicken Baked with delicate herbs and bread crumbs - pronounced by johnnybird to be a real keeper. it was nicely crunchy and reminded me of my mom's oven baked chicken Lemon-glazed sweet potatoes - another keeper. the lemon syrup was a great complement to the sweet potatoes Garlic Green Beans Egg Custard Pie simple good southern food
  6. thank goodness you aren't married to a safety engineer. i always had a teapot on the stove until i got married. now NOTHING and i do mean NOTHING is allowed to stay on a burner "just in case". and this includes the pan in which i i just cooked his egg sandwich. on the other hand i do have to have my favorite cutting board on the big table - just in case
  7. put a buy request in last month(actually a resubmit since i originally put the request in in the fall when i saw the publication notice) for the library where i work. if y'all want to borrow it wait 6 months after publication and do an interlibray loan - we will be glad to comply.....
  8. gee and all i got was a "Birthday Survivor" ribbon to wear at work (hadn't found the right tiara then) Klary - your cake looks like the white fruit cake we used to make though they were soaked in rum weekly from the time they were baked(late november) until eaten (around christmas).
  9. but i took half of it home!!(and they do take away, too)
  10. took my dangerous dining companion, 'chelle, out for her birthday lunch at Plaza Bistro in Sparta. it has changed owners though the name is still the same and it is still byo. the new owner is latvian and the lunch menu and the starters reflect that. for lunch you can order off that menu or any of the soups. 'chelle ordered the stuffed cabbage with a side of pan roasted vegetables. i ordered the meatballs (stuffed into pasta) which are poached in vegetable broth then served in butter with sourcream and a side of rice pilaf that came formed into a small cake. i could only eat half and have the other half for my dinner tonight. an amuse of a seafood puff came out. it was light, puffy and ethereal - and devoured. there was also a basket of warm bread. iwanted to order the borscht or the spicy lamb soup (both offered at 5.00) but knew how much food would be coming out for our lunch. service is fairly relaxed as usually there is only the owner and one other kitchen worker in at noon. total for two lunches with tax 18.02
  11. took my dangerous dining companion, 'chelle, out for her birthday lunch at Plaza Bistro in Sparta. it has changed owners though the name is still the same and it is still byo. the new owner is latvian and the lunch menu and the starters reflect that. for lunch you can order off that menu or any of the soups. 'chelle ordered the stuffed cabbage with a side of pan roasted vegetables. i ordered the meatballs (stuffed into pasta) which are poached in vegetable broth then served in butter with sourcream and a side of rice pilaf that came formed into a small cake. i could only eat half and have the other half for my dinner tonight. an amuse of a seafood puff came out. it was light, puffy and ethereal - and devoured. there was also a basket of warm bread. iwanted to order the borscht or the spicy lamb soup (both offered at 5.00) but knew how much food would be coming out for our lunch. service is fairly relaxed as usually there is only the owner and one other kitchen worker in at noon. total for two lunches with tax 18.02
  12. i've done with the basic breadcrumb/herb/chopped tomatoes as well as crab/herb/egg/breadcrumb and minced scallops for the crab
  13. no, john- after having a nice lunch with my john and sharing a bottle of champagne i spent from 3-11 am in the bathroom sicker than a dog!! it's that stomach virus that's going around these parts. haven't been to a white castle since library school days in albany...
  14. The All New Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School Cookbook: Complete and Unabridged. my mom bought me this when i went off to college. i actually have two copies - my working one missing the covers and the first and last 10 pages and one i bought back in 1985 and had rebound. this has my favorite banana cake recipe (p 497) and the base for blueberry cake - with extra notes (p495), french chocolate mousse (p 395), the entire sauce section, and tetrazzini (p234).
  15. john and i were still full from lunch when he got home so just snacks - crackers and cheese, shrimp, some port and a bottle of nicholas feuillette rose. unfortunately at 3am the stomach bug that is making the rounds and visited here...
  16. ultimate- corn dogs especially at that time of the month - or fair time
  17. johnnybird and i went out for lunch for valentine's day - and to get him out of the office for a bit. went to Hot Rod's BBQ in Wharton. i had the brisket wrap with wasabi mayo and coleslaw with a mug of otter creek copper's ale(hey, i'm not working today) and johnnybird had the pulled pork sandwich with the fries and water with lemon which he adds sugar to to make "lemonade". john couldn't believe how crispy/fluffy the fries were and he inhaled the sandwich. i can only manage half the wrap but i love the play of the smoky beef with the mayo and the lettuce in the wrap. i do have to say that the slaw today was the best - sweet and crunchy. tonight - making crab stuffed shrimp and haricot verts
  18. congratulations on the work and the addition to the family, rochelle. i was thinking along the same lines a cali with - at least here- the return of coldish weather of mac and cheese or stew of some sort. i'm assuming that you are aiming your column at beginning/moderately skilled cooks and will probably go with more farmer's market/ seasonal foods as it gets warmer. pot pies? roast chicken? casseroles - stuffed shells, lasagna in the warmer weather maybe something with the ubiquitous squash - as johnnyd will tell you don't leave your car unlocked. meatballs? sweet and sour, danish, for gravy? some easy soups? i'm trying to think of the things i have been working with my sil on since THANK GOD at age 35 she has indicated an interest in cooking....
  19. lynnette - love your stocks!! can i come and play? unfortuntly johnnybird can't stand the smell of lamb so i have to wait till he is away for me to play with it. wish i had some of that soup - it looks wonderful. since i still have leftover soup none of that today but a soupy braise of pork, chicken sausages and meatballs over ziti.... love this thread.....
  20. a foot plus of fresh snow removed from the cars, the driveway, around 3 1/2 sides of the house and paths cut for the birdseed to be spread... inspired by a mario show i saw - and since i't's sunday - a bit of a meat braise. 3 pork chops and some chicken rosemary sausages from the freezer. browned in the pot then removed. two onions finely sliced, 5 cloves of garlic thinly sliced, two carrots diced, a frozen knob of tomato paste, a bay leaf, basil, oregano and diced tomatoes. low and slow for 2 1/2 hours. served with ziti. when johnnybird asked where the pork chops were i fished some shredded meat from the gravy up and showed him. they just disintegrated - with a little help from a wooden spoon. now back out to finish the removal for today since all the birds are happily feed and to roost.
  21. they're back in nw new jersey... going to have to check out the bakery in wharton. they changed hands during the holiday and supposedly the new owners are from poland...
  22. my english teacher also spoke about the norman invasion and it's influence on the english language. course i call deer/venison - bambi and rabbit/hare - thumper. influenced by felix salten who also wrote erotica
  23. suzilightning

    Outdoor Fridge

    well, susan, guess you REALLY aren't going to be doing anything with that stock for a bit - warm water around the base of the container?
  24. brooks - does the phrase "where am i and what am i doing in this basket?" mean anything to you? (p.s. picked up the chile magazine and really enjoyed your article). front went through yesterday but it was a work day so i'm out of the house from about 9-9. still chilly today though the wind has died down. so far: more smoky black bean soup for my lunches thursday - saturday and to take to a friend. venison stew for dinner tomorrow smooch (that amalgam of elbows, ground meat, tomatoes, onions and peppers known by many names by many people) - one container in the freezer for when i don't feel like cooking and one container to bake off for johnnybird's lunches on thursday and friday. next up is vegetable soup for dinner tonight with cheddar corn bread and an avacado and red onion salad. keep warm, all
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