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Everything posted by Jmahl

  1. This morning, home made yogart cheese omlette with five minute olive walnut bread and expresso. Weekends are great. Jmahl
  2. All good advice, however, what is missed is the temperature of the coffee when served from a French Press. I always pre-heat my cup or mug, otherwise, the coffee will be tepid when poured. I heat my cup in the micro with some water. Pour out the water, pour in the coffee Result, hot coffee. Enjoy.
  3. I use something called a Lowelego digital imaging system. You can check out on its web-site. I use it with a small digital camera and a compact tripod. Jmahl
  4. We make pasta all the time in the KA mixer. just simolina, eggs and water to replace some an egg. We run it with the paddle until it comes together, then a quick knead then allowed to rest. We like the rustic feel of the 100% simolina. We use a 30 year old 250 Watt KA and never had a problem. We found that sometimes the bowl would bind up in the base because the dough is so dry. So when we remember we smear a drop of veg. oil on the base of the bowl and that way it does not bind up. We then roll out in an old hand cranked pasta machine. To make ravioli we have used a round cookie cutter, fold in half and seal, or for round ravioli just one disk on top of another sealed. For hand rolling pasta I have seen rolling pins with rubber bands for the ends of various sizes for rolling out dough. Never tried it though. Jmahl
  5. For slashing - I use a pair of thin scissors. I slash deep and get good results. This works especially well for soft doughs. Jmahl
  6. Answer to your Q --- I purchased a Rubbermaid 21 cup container at the supermarket for about $4 it works perfertly. Jmahl
  7. Just purchased an Oster Fusion blender/ processor. It's got this feature where the blades reverse in a pre-programmed matter. I added quartered onions, no liquids and turned on the program. Cycling back and forth, soon I had onion slush. The Fusion has a 600 W motor and a 6 cup glass container. Oster Fusion Website Give it a look. Jmahl
  8. Yesterday we baked this Cranberry Unside-Down Cake. Cake contains some almond paste and cornmeal. The contracts of sweet and sour works very well in this recipe. Jmahl
  9. As posted on another thread - this latest loaf - rolled rye added. Don't think we will purchase another loaf of bread. Already have another batch of dough rising. Jmahl
  10. Our latest effort. A no knead loaf with rolled rye and fennel seeds added. Jmahl
  11. I don't know what to call it but we just baked a loaf with a half cup of rolled rye and about 2 Tbs., of fennel seeds to the basic recipe of 2 lbs., of flour with the addition of 1/2 cup more water and 2 Tbs., honey. The taste and aroma are wonderful. Jmahl
  12. Enjoying this thread and the bread as you can tell by my posts. On the discussion on percentages, take a look that King Arthur Flour website guide to percentage calculation I found this info. illuminating along with a lot of other interesting info. keep baking, Jmahl
  13. Jmahl

    Garde manger

    Work clean - work fast - take no guff - you will win respect. Good luck. P.S. you will get burned and you will get cut. Thank of it as battle scars. Good luck again - looking forward to your photos. Jmahl
  14. Latest attempt from a batch mixed three days ago. This loaf weighs one pound six oz. I calulate that you can get a yeald of three loafs like this from one batch. Added to basic recipe - subbed 3/4 cup whole wheat flour, (total flour 2 lbs.) two Tbs. honey and added 1/2 cup water or 3 1/2 cups. This is something. Jmahl
  15. Jmahl

    Braised meat

    Braised meat is always better the next day. As said, better, more intense flavor, better texture. Jmahl
  16. Even though it may be true that "livestock production creates more greenhouse gasses" isn't also true that livestock feed on plants that convert carbon dioxide to oxygen thereby reducing carbon dioxide. Further, range fed stock utilize plants and lands that otherwise are of no economic value. Unquestionably, the animals involved should be more humanly treated - further, that this will raise costs - that is the price of acting morally. That is why we have public universal education, minimum wage and child labor laws. Its expensive but it is a moral decision that a civilization makes.
  17. Hi. This bread looks fantastic!!! I'm really happy to see that the overnight rise in the refrigerator works as well with loaf breads. In fact, it seems like you probably get an even better rise. This is fascinating!!!! How full was the pan when you first put the dough in? Thanks, Zoe F ← When originally fulled it was only slighty lower than it appears in the first photo. I also did not mention that between batches I am not washing out the container but incorporating the residue into the slurry. Trying for a sour dough effect. The aroma of the day-old loaf is wonderful. Thanks for the comments. Jmahl
  18. Kim, the recipe for the peanut butter cookies called for one stick butter - cut to half and the original recipe called for 1/2 cup of brown and white sugar. We omitted the white sugar. The level of sweetness is not the usual American standard of over sweetness - but at this level you can taste the peanutiness - we used a chunky peanut butter which gave the cookies an interesting texture. Jmahl
  19. My young helper has struck again. This time a batch of peanut butter cookies ready to go into the oven. We cut the amount of butter and sugar from the original recipe and the results speak for themselves. Keep on baking to all. Jmahl
  20. It's very clear that this is a very hot thread. We are working on our 4th or 5th batch of dough and it is a shear joy. This batch has 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour -- two lbs of flour total - 3 1/2 cups water and one Tbs. of honey added to basic recipe. Used quick rise yeast. Let to raise in mold overnight. Should have slashed in the morning. (used sissors). For steam heated pan on bottom shelf of oven and added one cup hot water when bread went into oven. Lots of steam. All the water had evaperated at about 15 minutes. Oven time 40 minutes at 450 degrees. Here is the result. and the crumb. The crust and taste are really good. Already mixed another batch with 2 Tbs. honey. I calulated the cost per loaf at about 30 - 35 cents. Great baking to all. Jmahl
  21. Slice and immerse in warm stock and serve. The beef will retain moisture and taste. Jmahl
  22. Did the same, used rapid rise, also had good results - additionally substituted a cup of whole wheat for white flour. instead of measuring flour just weighed out two pounds flour total. Results were fine. Jmahl
  23. Pizza you say. This is our first attempt with the basic recipe. The results were wonderful - some sticking to the pan but all in all the best ever. I see the book is back ordered - no wonder. keep baking, Jmahl
  24. Depends what you mean by best. Most durable? Best non-stick? Obviously the non-stick finishes until now have had a limited life span. Overheat them once, use the wrong tool, wash them improperly and good-by. So it makes no sense to me to spend big money on a pot or pan with a short life span. On the other hand, several years ago in France I purchased something call a Dan'Roc. Its an aluminum pan with a really slick finish. I have taken care of it and it is standing up. So, bottom line. It depends on your expectations and knowing that non-stick has a short life span. jmahl
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