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Everything posted by Jmahl

  1. "Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter" Phoebe Damrosch; Hardcover; $16.47 a Amazon. Jmahl
  2. Slime and lowlife they are. Tell them you'll just keep your asst. mgr. post at the old rate and if they are not happy - they can let you go. After all, you want them to be happy - don't you? Jmahl
  3. Like many things, its a matter of custom, and habit. Once you start using a 32oz. baseball bat it feels awkward to switch to something else. Same with knifes. When in New York I will watch the guys in China Town using their cleavers. I have one, but I can't use it like that. I'm used to that 8" German steel. Last week I took out the 10" and I had to be very careful. It just did't feel right. For what it's worth. Jmahl
  4. I saw the movie today. Enjoyable and worth seeing. Looks like it was shot in a working kitchen. Any foodie will enjoy it. Good details like at the end of service in one scene Aaron Eckhart is seen holding a espresso cup winding down. Nice touch. Jmahl
  5. After seeing this thread I ordered the book on Amazon. I have a particular interest since my son Philip worked in the kitchen at Per Se at the opening and the fire. He left extensive notes and an employee manual. I am interested in seeing how "it" works from another prospective. Jmahl
  6. Jmahl


    Porthos wrote, "Anyone who reads my posts knows that I am not a restaurant professional - I'm an engineer. One of the tiny details put into the film caught my eye and defined for me just how much effort was put into creating realistic kitchen staff. That tiny detail is when Collette gets off of her motorbike and grabs her roll-up case of knives to take into work with her. I doubt 1 out of 20 viewers will ever notice but for me it spoke volumes." Saw the knife case. As you said, the detail is spot on. Jmahl
  7. Going or coming from Houston Hinze's Barbeque & Catering 2101 Highway 36 S Sealy, TX 77474, right off I 10 is the place for pork ribs. They are usually out of this world. Jmahl
  8. Jmahl

    Dinner! 2007

    Tonight we eat a Beef and Dark Beer Chili. Instead of the meat being ground I did a fine dice. The recipe is taken from the Feb 2007 edition of Bon Appetit. Other variations, instead of using chili powder I used dried home grown wild peppers, garlic and fresh origano. I also added some instant expresso coffee. The cooking time ran longer than in the recipe due to the diced meat needing to become tender. For drink we had 1554 New Belgium "Enlighted Black Ale" made in Fort Collins Co. Good stuff. Not your ordinary chili. Worth repeating. Jmahl
  9. Buy two pairs of the best shoes you can't afford so you can change them out and let them dry. Start wearing elastic stockings. Right now. Work harder than you ever thought humanly possible. Jmahl
  10. Kent: If you plan to hit Del Rio you must try to get into the 116. No sign, No adv. You just have to know. Jmahl
  11. dystopiandreamgirl: WoW. But why the moniker? Jmahl
  12. At closing after 3:00 a.m. turning on the lights, stacking the chairs on the tables and mopping usually worked. Of couse with a good paying group we stayed to 6:00 a.m. What the hell, its the bizz. Jmahl
  13. Hope my message is in time. Check out the Liberty Bar. Any cabby will know. Jmahl
  14. Alan~ There is a recipe from Tra Vigne that calls for brining short ribs (RECIPE) that is terrific but I think the brining is more for flavor that moisture. Kathy ← If you look for a thread on Prime Rib you will find the answers to your questions. Good eating, Jmahl
  15. Just do the job. Don't put up with any foolishness. They will get it and either get on board or get out of the way. Jmahl
  16. As an aside, I would mention that when selecting a new cutting board buy at least one size larger than you think you want. You will not be sorry. Here also, size does count. Also a separate poly board for raw meat or poultry is a good idea - they go in the dish washer and you can sanitize with a clorine solution. Jmahl
  17. To revise my 2006 post I recently have been adding some chipotle to my tomatillo sauce. It adds a smoky flavor dimension. Jmahl
  18. Like Merrybaker I use a French mustard crock with a wooden salt spoon (that's what I call it). I don't worry about covering. If something falls into the salt it dies and is salted away. Jmahl
  19. Jmahl

    Dinner! 2007

    Tonight Chicken Enchiladas al horno Recipe from Bon Appetite June 2007 cover. Plated. with black beans and epizote. Jmahl P.S. Chufi, te admiro, what cooking, what photography.
  20. Jmahl


    Point was obvious. Wonderful film. Just see it. It is a foodies dream. Jmahl
  21. Creative, an interesting slide of hand. Years ago I took store bought lemon sherbet and stirred in fresh lemon peel and some lemon seeds. When asked if I had made this wonderful sherbet I said, of course, I did. Same concept. Same slide of hand. Jmahl
  22. speaking from experience -- we always cooked at home with my son. When my son voiced his desire to go to cooking school - I agreed with the proviso that he work in the industry for a year before making a commitment. He found a job, worked hard, got cut, got burned, we talked about the reality of the industry and he still wanted to go. What more can you ask. Jmahl
  23. craig001 got it right. Before I would consider help finance my son's culinary education I required him to work in the industry. After some months, cutting himself, burning himself and proclaiming that he enjoyed taking out the garbage I thought he was ready. He went to France for two years and got an excellent education. So, craig001 got it right. Work in the industry, learn spanish, don't expect to make big bucks - put in the years -- and then maybe. Jmahl
  24. I inherited this two tiered knife set that belonged to my Grandparents. I first remember seeing it in their Bronx apartment in the 50's. As a kid I tried to use the steel on the slicer when no one was looking and I screwed up the edge. The blade still bears the scratches I put on it back then. The edge has since been restored. Made in New Jersey. They hold an edge pretty well and I still use them sometimes, especially at Thanksgiving. I have never found a use for the monster in the middle. It has an edge on the top of the blade like a cleaver. As far as I can tell its not good for much but looks mean. Jmahl
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