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Everything posted by M.X.Hassett

  1. I remember having a truffle tasting menu at ADNY a few years back. The cost is up there though for two people we were in four figure land easily.
  2. I recall hearing that the Nathan's dogs sold at some franchises and in g.stores are different than the one sold at the CI location and some of the tristate franchises.
  3. Sabrett® is a registered trademark owned by Marathon Enterprises, Inc., a major regional supplier to the food service industry with an enviable reputation for quality and service dating back to 1916. Our frankfurters are sold nationally under the Sabrett® label. http://www.sabrett.com/about.cfm
  4. I have been using chinese cinnamon, mulled rye now that is an idea. Mulled cider and rye might work.
  5. I am not sure as to running it through the grinder a second time worth a try. The density could be adjusted by the addition of more fat possibly. Personaly I prefer a courser grind, with the addition of fine grind to hold it together lets say 85% course 15% fine. But hey I am a little strange I have been known to add duck fat, finely ground fat back or salt pork, even foie. Just a side note try slicing some fat back very thin like bacon and frying it in some duck fat makes a great burger topper imho, probably not for the masses though.
  6. CONGRATULATIONS,wow a bidding war for burgers, I just hope nobody hitches up your trailer to a truck and kidnaps you, next thing you know you are NJ how much does u-haul charge On the meat issue I have only used a manual grinder for home use. They have different sized plates for different grinds, you might want to try a course grind mixed with fine grind, to tweak the final texture. I am not sure about the heat issue but I would think if the meat is chilled and ground in batches you would not have much of a problem imho. Congrats. again
  7. It may be the same dog, as has been noted in this thread most papya places use Marathon, but the prep of it is what matters imho. Hell give two people a dry aged ribeye and some will cook it well, others will not. Product is essential, but so is method. As Holly Moore said Edit: quote
  8. WOW, great animation Francois (might be An eG first).
  9. Just in case anyone is interested they are open until 9pm on sunday, I could not find hours posted on this thread, I will edit in there full hours in a few hours . Edit: 8am-9pm 7 days a week
  10. "or Papaya Dog (175th st.)" Worst of all the papya places, it was very late and I was starving yet I could not eat more then a bite or two of that horrible dog. For the papaya places the best imho is the original Papaya King 86 and 3rd, for a great non papaya dog I would agree with Bergerka on Crif. Jason, Mandlers sounds really good, sausage and fondue I will have to check it out. Steve, Grays was started by a former employee of Papya King, I though it was covered in the hot dog doc. you were in on PBS.
  11. Pistachio, Durian not together though . The saffron and rosewater suggestion upthread sounds pretty good, and I like Pan's idea of allspice, Penzeys makes a "Cake Spice" (cinammon, star anise, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, clove). I also think you might be able to make a chile or "hot" CB of some type, I like the idea of spicy dessert, but I also put black pepper on my vanilla ice cream so to each his own. Speaking of ice cream my favorite is vanilla with cocao nibs and aged balsamic(25 year min) so why not vanilla, c.nib, and balsamic CB. Edit: Spell etc...
  12. M.X.Hassett

    Jones Sodas

    Melissa's link seems to be dead ending so try http://www.jonessoda.com/ Thanks for the heads up Melissa I love quirky things like this, I will pick some up in the next few days.
  13. I am not sure of the origin of osso buco(I always thought N.Italy). But I have eaten plenty of it and I have never seen or heard of it in stew form.
  14. I have found both French four spice(Muntok white pepper, ground nutmeg, powdered ginger, and powdered cloves) and Penzey's Cake spice(China cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cloves) to be very good additions to sangria like drinks. These and similar spices are normally used for mulled wines but I find them a nice addition in sangria.
  15. Plantin America, Inc. 518 Gregory Avenue, Suite B208 Weehawken, NJ 07087 Tel: (201) 867-4590 http://www.plantin.com/shop/index.php?main...e=index&cPath=4 "top chefs, including Rocco DiSpirito, Sylvain Portay and Christian Delouvrier, order winter (tuber melanosporum), summer (tuber aestivum) and white truffles from this company based in France since 1930" also I have had good expeiences ordering from D'artagnan https://www.dartagnan.com/search.asp?search...%20and%20Frozen
  16. Cool, I always contemplated getting these. How do they stand up to the dishwasher and microwave?
  17. Ann, what was the problem with the recipe in case someone runs into the same problem we will be prepared. Thanks
  18. Shit I can not find my copy but "Shcotts(spl) Food and Drink Miscelanea" has a great list of people's favorite martini ratios
  19. Is there not a "Thin Man" where Astor gets his paws on one of Nicks cocktails? Edit: Spelling
  20. I think the ratio of 1:1 was talking about the "Fitty - Fitty" cocktail at Pegu which is closer to the original martini ratio. Many prefer this to the wash glass with vermouth dump and add GIN or vodka I would try both wash gin/4:1/1:1, I think the "dry" martini is EVIL, but to each his own, W. Churchill liked his vermouth 16:1 of the ratio.
  21. Can not go wrong with "The Professional Chef" CIA, I also am alway consulting McGee, but these are but a few of many, lately I have been reading the new el Bulli book. Edit: I just ordered the Cook's book Edit: Julia's MFC is also great a true classic and Paula Wolferts Cooking of SW France is very interesting even in an armchair.
  22. Here is another burger thread for you http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=74332&hl= So do we all get free eGullet burgers when you open
  23. It is good all by itself also plus its great on "mild,creamy cheese" mmmmm....buttered cheese. Someone around here has a sig that is something along the lines of buttering butter between two layers of butter or something along those lines.
  24. I received a comped glass of this at the end of my meal at WD-50 recently. It has a port like taste and I almost picked up on oak notes. Anyone have any experience with this. Edit: Wrong word.
  25. M.X.Hassett

    Roasting Turkey

    Here is the link to Sam's blog http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=55282 he cooks the w/d dark meat sepretlyy. There has been some discussion that this is the only way to do it, even the greats like Duccase and the Bristol in Paris cook the meat seperatly or they pull the bird when white meat is done and remove thighs and recook.
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