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    Cobble Hill

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  1. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    I've been making a number of 500g batches of dough for the fridge and then stagger baking over a number of days. Some with yeast and some sourdough. One of the yeast doughs that had been in the fridge since the 17th was pulled yesterday and I baked a Italian Sausage and Mushroom pizza for dinner and with the remainder baked a batard. Pizza was baked in the oven using Jim Lahey's method. This dough made the best crust.
  2. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Yum is right. Reminds me that I have two pork tenderloins in the freezer. One is definitely going be used to make Schnitzel. Thanks for the inspiration. Tonight's dinner. Steak and Frites. Sterling Silver Ribeye steaks with a wine sauce.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Had a craving for Linguine and Clams. Thankfully my seafood supplier had just got clams back in. These clams were so sweet and tender. Fresh baked baguette for dipping.
  4. This is the last of the four doughs made on September 2nd. So in the fridge for 7 days. Never sure how these long cold fermentation doughs are going to turn out, so I am always pleasantly surprised. I decided as I was dividing and shaping that I would fold some Kalamata olives and rosemary in one of the three. Baked three longer baguettes. Moe had slices of the olive baguette with some old cheddar.
  5. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    I had four dough's still in the fridge since September 2nd. All were smaller 500g (flour) batches. Had intended to bake a few days in a row. We have had a stretch of 30 to 32°C temperatures this week so, didn't really want to turn the oven on to bake. So rather than had the dough go to waste, the last two days, Matt took a dough out, in the night and baked pizzas. Both of his pizzas are vegetarian. Saturday he baked a Sausage Pepper and Onion pizza and with the remaining dough I baked one baguette. Sunday he baked a broccoli and bacon pizza and I made Moe a Calzone for breakfast. The Calzone was just Italian sausage with fresh mozzarella and I used some of the tomatoes from the garden to make a fresh sauce.
  6. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Tonight's dinner. Halibut seared on a grill pan and finished in a hot oven. Served with butter poached lobster tails.
  7. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    I started a few doughs on Monday. Four to be exact. All the same. 500g of flour, 2g of yeast, 8g of salt and 330g of water. (66%). After the last stretch and fold, dough went into the fridge and was taken out today. Dough was divided into one 500g ball and one that was around 330gs. Matt used the larger piece to make his 17" three cheese pizza with garlic. He baked his on the steel on the bottom rack, at 550°F. And I used the other piece to make Moe and I a small Italian Sausage and Mushroom pizza. I baked ours a little later, on a stone that is just 7" or 8" from the broiler, using the Jim Lahey's method.
  8. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2024

    Made Moe a big breakfast this morning. Potato Pancakes, fried peameal bacon, butter basted eggs and toast. This should keep him happy until dinner. I had fried peameal and tomato on toast. Tomato from Matt's tomato garden.
  9. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    I would love a bowl of your chicken soup. Love brothy soups and I like the size you left the onions. Would just have to pick out the carrots. Last night's dinner. I bought a small rack of Pork and cut four thick chops, one bone each. Froze two and the other two were grilled last night. Made the potato gratin that Moe likes, with potatoes, onions cooked in chicken broth, seasoned with fresh thyme, salt and pepper. Cooked in a cast iron skillet also cooked on the grill. With grilled zucchini on the side.
  10. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Last night's dinner. Top Sirloin roast beef dinner. This is one of Moe's favourites. On his top five list. Thankfully this is a quick dinner to make. We were eating in less than an hour after I got home from work.
  11. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Tonight's dinner. Got to love a man who uses words like magnificent, incredible and fantastic while sharing a toasted BLT. Homemade bread and tomatoes from Matt's tomato garden.
  12. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    It was Pizza Night yesterday. Italian sausage and mushroom. Dough had been in the fridge since Monday night. Pulled out of the fridge at noon yesterday. Rather than use the OONI I decided to make a larger size pizza in the oven using Jim Lahey's method of baking using the broiler with the stone just 6" or 8" from the broiler. I actually like this method. As I was sliding the pizza off the peel on to the stone, I realized that the pizza was a little bit too big and would hang off the back edge so I pulled it slightly so it lost its round shape, but stayed on the stone. The stone is 20" long but only 13" wide. Pizza was over 15".
  13. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2024

    I love your little egg holder. Moe's breakfast. Low sodium bacon from Costco. I'm surprised how good this bacon is. Served with butter basted eggs. Today's baguette bake in the background.
  14. Ann_T

    Dinner 2024

    Moe and I have been together for 51 years. Yesterday we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary, with a lovely bottle of Italian wine and Bistecca Alla Fiorentina. The Porterhouse was cooked on the grill, and served with roasted potatoes, zucchini and fried mushrooms. Not bad for a worknight dinner.
  15. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2024

    Baked this morning. All Moe wanted for breakfast was toasted baguette.
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