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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Thanks for blogging this week. I enjoyed your blog very much. Thanks also for writing about the artisan bread in 5 minutes. I started a topic on it last week after I made a few loaves. I'm pretty happy with the basic recipe so I can't wait to see what the book has to offer( its backordered) Also glad to see another Crescent Fan. I bought her soup book when it first came out( 92) and was litterally shocked when I heard about her husband's untimely death. So sad. Her veg book is on my list. Oh and I have a furry child named Oliver : ) After our blogging week, it was very nice to sit back and read someone else's Thanks again!!
  2. I used rapid rise on my first batch. I let it rise for 2hrs on the counter and then refridgerated it for a day until I pulled off a chunk to make my first mini boule. I let that rise for 40 min and I had no problem.
  3. Anyone have a Tried and True recipe for Gingerbread pancakes?
  4. I baked my first loaf tonight. This recipe is nothing if not idiot proof. I got mixed up & did the slashing thing at the beginning of the resting/raising period instead of just before it went into the oven, but I don't think it made much of a difference. I spilled about half the water trying to pour it into the pan on the bottom shelf then, like the aforementioned idiot, opened the door to add some more. The blast of steam just about melted my head. I was feeling a lot more like Lucy Ricardo than Julia Child. The bread is wonderful. The crust is especially delicious. I am delighted & amazed. I can't wait until I get the book. pat w. ← Gorgeous bread. Did you use all white flour?
  5. I have to agree with this statement. ← an affluent nation with a notoriously cheap food policy......... watch how things change this coming year..... food prices are going to go through the roof... ← You're right on that!! I see it already when I go over to MI. Milk is 1.00 more a gallon that in was in October. The cottage cheese I like is .50 more. Eggs are .75 more , etc, etc. I don't eat red meat( I havent for 20 years) but I do eat fish, chicken and pork. I'm actually weaning pork out of my diet, lately the smell of bacon does nothing for me. I think its the fatty bits that are grossing me out. Additionally, since moving to the country, I see Pigs and Cows in feedlots and trucks making their way to the States on almost a daily basis. I know those animals know they're on their way to slaughter. You can see it in their eyes!!
  6. No, I dont have the book yet. I'm just using the basic recipe I found on the web. I did order the book, but its backordered. I'll try to take a pic of the inside next time. I used 400( convection drops it to 375) for 20 minutes. I just let it sit on the counter for 40 minutes before baking. I also used the throw hot water into a pan on the bottom rack trick. Not sure if that really does anything. I also baked them on a pizza stone but left them on non-stick foil for easy transport to the preheated stone.
  7. There is a big one each summer in London, ON. Its put on by the Boys and Girls club of London I've never been, but Eg member Pookie attended and blogged about it in our tag team blog. You might want to contact the Boys and Girls club for more info.
  8. I baked off 3 more mini boules this morning. Today is day 8. I LOVE the fact that I can keep this dough in the fridge and bake off at whim. They smelled divine while baking, I can definitely smell a more pronounced sourdough odor than on day 1 or 2.
  9. I have just used some extra flour and rolled it out without too much difficulty. When all else fails, just use my fingers to stretch it a bit more. ← I mixed up my first batch of dough last night. OK, this should probably go into the "Absurdly stupidly simple cooking questions... " thread, but when you make pizza with this, do you prebake the crust or do you just roll it out, put the toppings on, & bake it all at once? Unfortunately the cookbook is out of stock on Amazon until the 25th. pat w ← Because the dough is so wet, I'd partially bake it.
  10. I make Ina Garten's curried couscous( using quinoa instead) for a client with gluten allergies. She loves it!! I've eaten Kasha( buckwheat) since I was a kid. Its very prevelant in Jewish homes, most notably for Kashi Varnishkes( we call it Kasha and Bows) I just bought some Millet the other day, dont know what to do with it. I buy Bob's Red Mill 8 grain( or is it 12 grain) cereal for Cook's Illustrated's multi grain sandwich bread( amazing bread) I don't think I like Teff based on the fact that I hated Injera( ethiopian flat bread) and I believe its made with Teff. I've had wheat berries in a pilaf, I love barley in soup. Dont think I've had amarath or kamut unless it was in cereal.
  11. I bought the diet cherry chocolate the other day. I really like it!! It reminds me of those old diet choc. soda's from years and years ago. I think Faygo made one? Anyway, I like this flavor and I hope it stays around( I bought it at Loblaw's) Anyone else try it?
  12. Since you are fairly close to Arva Flour, have you compared their products to King Arthur? ← I sure have. The protein content is different, I like the whole wheat flour from Arva, but they don't have bread flour. Additionally, they don't have white whole wheat( at least they didnt the last time I was there which was over a year ago).
  13. The bread looks great. Did you let it sit in the fridge for any length of time or did you bake it off right away?
  14. I'm glad to see that it took 2 years for this disgusting product to make its way into Ontario( at least in my small town and London). Even my 9 yr old neice, who loves Mcdonald's thinks these are vile.
  15. Oooh, those caramel-topped blondies look oh-so-good... ← I actually made Zingerman's Magic Brownies( recipe came from an issue of Midwest Living). I swirled in dulce de leche. There is a picture in the What are you baking thread. I'll go find a link. They were the best brownies I've ever made. I did use callebaut unsweetened choc instad of what was availble in the grocery store ( baker's) ETA: I found it, scroll down to post 2906.
  16. We have crap pizza here too. I did bake it on a stone, although I was impatient and didnt really preheat it long enough. How do you roll it out though, its very wet!!
  17. Those look great. Now I really want a Take 5 bar although here they're called Max 5. Now that I think about it, I havent seen them around in a long while.
  18. Funny you should start this topic. I had a pedi when I was in Hollywood, FL(US1 near Rosie's Italian Ice in the plaza with Blockbuster and Quizno's) 3 weeks ago. They used one of those wider microplate grates on my heels and I was wondering if this was a new pedi tool from Microplane. I actually have the same flat wide microplane( I use it for cheese) and I was thinking maybe I could use it myself on my heels. It did a great( grate, LOL) job!!!
  19. I baked a small tester loaf this morning. This is 3 day old dough. I thought it came out great.( I took a little bite off the side) It has great flavor. I'm going to make an open faced sandwich for lunch today. I let it rise on parchment and baked it directly on that. I also subbed out 2 cups of KA white whole wheat flour for 2 cups of the white AP.
  20. How about a diet coke? Welcome to the foodblogging world, I look forward to this more than you know. ( Robin keeps telling me to use up what we have in the pantry)
  21. **** drumroll please****** I lost 4lbs this week, while Robin lost a whopping 7lbs....... We feel pretty good with that. Thanks to everyone for your insightful comments and suggestions. It was much appreciated. p.s. Those turkey meatballs were HORRIBLE. I just hope the seniors like them. Maybe if I cover them in enough sauce, they won't notice the taste or texture.
  22. I looked the recipe up. Looks easy, I just need to get some flax (I think I have some, but it's about 4 years old...). I punched in the ingredients for just the crust into Now You're Cooking, and it's 2.4 points per slice (based on 8 slices). Not bad, I think. As long as I don't use too much cheese, it shouldn't be too bad. ← Just an FYI, I didnt use any of the meat( sausage and turkey pepperetts) that the recipe called for.
  23. Yes, I used the plastic blade and it is the recipe from Eat, Shrink and Be Merry. The crust was good, although it had a very healthy taste to it!!! The recipe calls for 2tbls of flax meal.
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