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Everything posted by sadistick

  1. I must admit...After diving in to the world of Campari, It is now one of my favourite drinks! campari, OJ, and some soda! Mmm Mmm good!
  2. I was just in Philly actually, and one of my stops was to their liquor store, because of the mentioned bargains and selection. Let me tell you, if we could swing this in Canada, people would be besides themselves. Such an amazing selection, and the price discounts were AMAZING. I picked up a few bottles of Newton Epic Merlot, which retailed for $65 USD for $24!
  3. Without a doubt - Sticky Chicken Its this chicken theigh w/bone in dish she makes over rice, with brown sugar, soy and some other things, and the skin gets so caramalized and sticky, and oh the sauce over the rice....oh the sauce! Mmmmmm
  4. You dont need tahini to make humus...thats tahina... If you can find dried smoked chickpeas, they usually come from isreal, get those...they are amazing. Also I would highly recommend roasting your garlic, and use the best evoo you can afford.
  5. sadistick

    sushi kaji

    I have heard really good things about this place, still havent tried it though. Hero Sushi is up there as well.
  6. Jay, I think you and I need to talk Regarding tomatoes...I have about 9 plants out back, a variety of heirloom tomatoes...lookin good so far, still no tomatoes though!
  7. Just a little bit of advice... Instead of listening to all the hype surrounding "san marzano" bla bla bla (granted, they are good, but not 2-3X as good to justify the cost) why not try something different... I would suggest looking for canned cherry tomatoes...I found some at Grande Cheese (and San Marzano for $1.95/can) for a decent price, and boy do they blow ANY other canned tomatoes out of the water (IMO) Enjoy.
  8. sadistick

    Pizza: Cook-Off 8

    I will share one of my families favourite pizzas...We have made so many pizzas over the years, this one seems to be the general favourite (without spending tons of money for a truffle pizza ) Smoked Potatoe Pizza Buy pizza dough Cube yukon gold potatoes, fried ala hash browns. Roasted Garlic Caramalized onions little chili home made tomatoe sauce smoked mozerella Assemble with Sauce - garlic - onions - potatoes - cheese Enjoy!
  9. sadistick

    Kiwi Fruit

    I agree...just make a nice Kiwi Ice Very easy, puree them, put em through a strainer, get the juice... Make some simple syrup put it all in container - in freezer. After about 1.5 hours in freezer take a fork through the Ice, mix it up, and back in Cheers.
  10. I was there the other week...I dont remember all that much, as it did not leave that much of a lasting impression. What I do remember is the best thing we had there all night was the amuse, which was a wicked tuna tartar....wish I could of just ordered that. He had some nice sauces, but nothing out of the ordinary. It was also extremely over priced to boot. I would MUCH rather go to a Splendido or a scaramouch for that kinda $
  11. How a place like MASA can get on this list, ahead of someone like Susur (who isnt even present) is totally beyond me. Sounds like some shady shit.
  12. sadistick


    I actually found out who the importer for this wine was a week+ ago, and spoke to him, and he said all he got in was for the LCBO, and that was all he had.
  13. sadistick

    Cooking for One

    I enjoy cooking up large quantities of carbonara when alone, leftovers are great, and theres not much cleaning up to do.
  14. sadistick


    Tried to get some, went to summerhill (bayview wasnt getting any ????) at 8:30 and there were +/- 100 people there...right. A 95ws rating for $35 will go like gangbusters...dont know why they didn't pounce on that and order more.
  15. sadistick


    I have always loved splendido. The half a dozen times I have been there each time I have enjoyed it as much as the previous, if not more, and that says a lot for a restaraunt today. I will be going there for my birthday and look forward to that. It sounds like you had the tasting menu? Cheers, -Justin
  16. Easy solution, and cheaper. Coleslaw
  17. sadistick

    Dinner! 2005

    Decided to try something different tonight, wanted to try a Indian/Thai fusion curry... Did a Indian/Thy chickpea&lentil curry over basmati rice...reallly nice.
  18. sadistick

    Dinner! 2005

    I must say, I feel like such an idiot... I spent hours cooking yesterday, was planning on taking some pics (finally) for the dinner thread, but totally forgot...and NOW I remember...arG! Grilled home made sausages Italian/Mexican bean salad/salsa... Roasted garlic white bean paste ( I could eat tons of this stuff! )
  19. It's funny you posted this, as I just had some leftover mash from the other night... I chopped up some chives, cubed a few pieces of smoked mozerella, made balls out of the mash, inserted smoked moz in center, made in to patties...egg wash - penko - fry on high heat watching carefully.
  20. sadistick

    Seared Tuna

    I just put a non stick pan on a high flame, and let it sit for a minute or two...by then that thing is smoking hot, I dont use any oil and it still gets a great sear...I guess it really depends on what stovetop you are using as well...
  21. sadistick

    Seared Tuna

    Just wanted to report back from last night.... I decided I would play around with the sauce for the tuna...I didnt want to marinate it, because I often like having a few bites minus sauces to taste the raw product. Kristen, the marinade you had sounds like a base of the sauce I made... I squeezed one lime and a BIT of lemon in to a bowl...chopped up a handfull of cilantro, 1 thai bird chili, 1 scallion, and a bit of ginger - added all that in to the lime juice to macerate. I added a tiny splash of rice wine vinegar...a few tablespoons of sweet soy sauce, a splash of fish sauce, and then a few glugs of soy sauce...and finally, i decided I wanted to try something I had at a sushi place, so i added a few drops of sesame oil... Great sauce to add to the sliced tuna Cheers, -Justin
  22. sadistick

    Seared Tuna

    Jensen...You have a valid point with the substitution of the wasabi for chilli's, as it so happens at the market I picked up some red thai bird chillis....hmmm, I am going to m ake a few versions, see what turns out well! Let me know if you try it with the halibut, Im sure it would work great! DT - That sounds good, just not too many anchovies for me please
  23. sadistick

    Seared Tuna

    maybe a DROP of sesame oil...I just find that sesame oil is too overpowering... But I like your idea...maybe fuse mexican and asian....cilantro, light soy, lime juice, a bit of wasabe, DROP of sesame oil...? Sounds kinda interesting..
  24. sadistick

    Seared Tuna

    Hmmm...what about a wasabi/lime/cilantro?
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