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I'm sure with the right equipment you could measure the size of the crystals. However, I don't think that most people will have that equipment at their disposal. That said, if one product has smaller crystals than the other, there will be more of them in a given volume. So, the product with smaller crystals will be heavier than the other. As an experiment I measured a tablespoon of the "old" DC salt and compared it to a tablespoon of table salt. The table salt was significantly heaver. I repeated with several times with consistent results. If you send me a box of the "new" DC salt, I'll gladly repeat the test.
My scale measures down to 1/10 of a gram.
Measure a specific volume of each then weigh them
This weekends WSJ had an article about pasta and what chefs are doing with it. It was pretty interesting. Here's the link One of the most interesting to me was the Tortelli from restaurant Wildweed. They make sheets of pasta the have tiny lines of yellow and red in it. I've seen pasta created like that but it was always wide strips cut and placed side-by-side to create a sheet. Wildweed's looks like it's about 1/8 inch wide. If they are doing it the same way, they are artists with the patience of Job. I'd never be able put it together. Here's a photo of the pasta and another showing more typical sheets.
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I stooped by the local second hand so and found this book. it brought back memories of a trip my wife, mother, and sister took to see a concert my sisters daughter was in. She was studying opera and her class was invited to put on a concert in NYC (sorry, I don’t remember the church). after the show we all (minus the rest of the choir) went to Cafe des Artiste for dinner. It was a great time.
My wife and I always had Rack of Lamb with Potatoes au Gratin for special dinners. Since I've been feeling a little nostalgic lately, that's what I'll be making.
One Thanksgiving my wife and I went to my sisters for a visit. We brought the recipe for Cranberry-orange-nut bread from Cook's Illustrated and made it a few days before the event. Everyone fell in love with it and we made it every day we were there.
NY Times Wirecutter named TJ american cheese slices the best. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-american-cheese/
It's chanterelle season and I've been craving some. I will occasionally see some in small packages for a dear price at one of my local farm stands. I bought once or twice but they were the tiniest little things, and I needed several packages to make a meal. Does anyone have a mail-order source that they like? I used to buy from earthy.com (fresh morels, never fresh chanterelles) but haven't since they were acquired. Today, they only had dried.
A friend of mine pointed me to a reddit group IDidn'tHaveEggs. It's full of these kinds of reviews
The time that it rains also matters. If the rain happens slowly over an extended amount of time, it is going to penetrate further into the soil. One of the reasons that heavy rains are so devastating is that it simply washes down the top of the soil or street. This all adds up to flooded streets, overflowing rivers, mud slides, etc.
I was watching an episode on Milk Street the other night and Chris Kimball showed something he uses for marinating (although he didn't use it to make the pickles he was demonstrating). This was episode S7E9. The container was interesting in that it was rectangular and had a lid with a "press" that you could screw down to hold the product completely in the marinating liquid. I had never heard of such a thing and did a quick web search and didn't find it. Does anyone know what this is?
I remember seeing a chef on TV (I can't remember which one) that was making a recipe and made some stock/broth from the discarded beef trimmings. He took the beef trimmings and browned them well, then added the veggies and water and made a small amount of broth that he used for a sauce. I wish I could remember who it was.
I was at TJ the other day and needed some salsa. They had several. I looked them over and picked the “extra hot” figuring y try his is consumer grade stuff, how hot could it be? Well, I was wrong not only did it have decent heat, it had pretty good flavor. now this wasn’t any salsa that was going to test your fortitude. It was hotter than anything you could find in the supermarkets around here.
I have been craving halibut for a couple of weeks now. My "local" fishmonger didn't have any. I finally found some at Whole Foods and cooked it up. It was great! I was at Trader Joe today and was hoping they might have some frozen packages but I struck out. I guess I'll have to order some from Rogers Fish Co.