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  1. Do you only stay at campgrounds and use their dump station and water? We’ve been dumping sometimes at truck stops and overnighting at Walmart/rest areas/etc. when on the way to somewhere, and finding potable water is proving to be quite frustrating.
  2. Yeah, even if you filtered it back into a jug it’d be annoying to have to store a whole extra bottle of oil. Storage is a constant issue in our RV.
  3. I was going to recommend Calibre also.
  4. We’ve only been doing delivery/take out. I’m high risk due to medications so we’re just being extremely cautious. I feel like we’ll never be able to just go to a restaurant again at the rate things are going. Seems like every time things start to get better people throw all caution to the wind and we have another surge.
  5. ‘You’ve got a lot of company with that struggle. We haven’t been out to a restaurant since before the pandemic hit.
  6. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    Pseudo-Indian today - roasted cauliflower tossed with oil and garam masala* and cucumbers dressed with Greek yogurt, and a butter chicken/palak paneer inspired chicken dish over rice. * - AFTER I got everything ready I realized we were out of garam masala at home, so I found a recipe online and made a similar blend using what we had. (Which was everything except coriander seeds, so it tasted ok.) I need to place a Penzey’s order ASAP.
  7. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    Tacos tonight with chicken cooked in a tomatillo/poblano/onion/garlic sauce. The taco tray might go to the RV as it proved very useful for assembly and keeping everything from spilling all over. To test it we ate outside on the porch. 😄 Tomatillos are a newer ingredient for me - I’m finding them a bit unpredictable sweetness-wise - sometimes they’re pleasantly tangy then every so often it seems like as they cook they go quite sweet. There’s some sauce leftover - I can’t decide if I want to do another round of tacos or get some nice steaks and just serve it on the side. Or perhaps mash it up well with cheese in quesadillas?
  8. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    I am intrigued by this baked ricotta concept.
  9. I’m not sure I can be convinced that mosquitoes are worth it. (They find me especially tasty.)
  10. Now if someone could tell me what the “one spice” is in shelf-stable packet Indian meals that tastes nasty, I would love to know. They all have the same note and it isn’t present in freshly cooked Indian.
  11. quiet1

    DARTO pans

    We have the smallest frying pan because Cute and we only use it in the RV really - it’s a good size to put on one bit of the grill to sauté a few onions or keep things warm, or to do just a couple of eggs for the dog’s dinner if we’re having something he can’t have, like spicy chicken. The only reason we’re thinking of a couple little baby paellas is my SO loooooves Raclette and melting it over some potatoes in a pan in the oven is quicker for doing multiple people than using a mini table Raclette grill, plus means we don’t have the single-use Raclette grill taking up storage space. (Sometimes with Raclette sitting around cooking it slowly is a big part of the fun, but sometimes you just want fast comfort food for everyone, y’know?) I imagine we’d use them for other individual-ish-portion things also if we had them, like maybe a pot pie, or making a single meal sized fruit crumble? So they’d be more useful than the Raclette grill and take up less space. But for normal cooking without RV/camping related issues, I think they’d often be too small? ETA: We do have a larger paella pan (I forget what size) at home and honestly it’s one of my most used pans. I don’t usually toss stuff by the pan handle due to arthritis so I tend to reach for the paella pan over the similarly sized frying pan because the handles don’t get in the way of the other burners, etc.
  12. quiet1

    DARTO pans

    My SO and I were JUST discussing getting a set of the tiny paella pans to use for doing raclette in the RV toaster oven… How did they know? 🤣
  13. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    Let’s see if this works this time… Kind of, let me edit… I have several meals because I was having trouble posting images from the RV. So: Yesterday’s tofu stir fry with butter-soy mahi mahi. First time trying Mahi Mahi, I think I overlooked it a bit but it was good. Asparagus frittata with a salad First meal back at home instead of in the RV, I had a random craving for something Loco Moco-esque. Stir fried Napa cabbage on the side. One of my RV experiments - quick riff on butter chicken in the instant pot. Turned out okay but a bit too much tomato. RV chicken and asparagus risotto in the Instant Pot - overcooked the asparagus because I had to mess around a bit to be able to release the pressure without getting steam everywhere, but I have a system in place now. RV tacos cooked on a butane camping stove outside - this campsite had a lovely view of Lake Erie so the annoyance of cooking using only a tiny table and my lap was worth it.
  14. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    Yes. The wheat were called rava Dosa, I think? Thicker and lacier and a bit crunchy in bits. We got chatting with another RVer (safely distanced) and it got too late to cook, so dinner was tacos from a local chain. Not very picturesque, and there was some flavor I don’t care for, though my SO didn’t mind it. The dessert empanada was good though.
  15. quiet1

    Dinner 2021

    I took a photo last night but our internet has been wonky so I can’t get it to properly upload. It was tacos, though, cooked outside on a little butane burner. We were at a campsite on Lake Erie with a lovely view of the lake so I had to cook outside. Tonight I found a restaurant called Dosa Place which is predominantly South Indian which is one of the SO’s most favorite things, so we had a sampling from there but by the time we got everything set up so we could eat we were far too hungry to pause for photos. They had Dosa made with wheat which our local South Indian doesn’t typically do, which was an interestingly different texture. Weirdly many of the flavors were essentially identical to our local place back home - I’m used to there being some variation just because not everyone makes things exactly the same, people tweak things. I’m wondering if there is a connection that isn’t advertised.
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