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Posts posted by demiglace

  1. Where in Costco do you find these? I had a look for them the other day and could not find them. Either they are not in the refrigerated areas or Coscto in Canada doesn't carry them. Was I looking in the wrong place?


    It's been a few years but I remember the peeled garlic being with the spices. My cousin used the peeled garlic..he loved it. 

  2. I know you guys like a steak dinner so I'm happy to oblige!


    A nice Dexter rib, 1.2kg aged for about 5 weeks. Seasoned it liberally with salt the day before cooking. Used the Ducasse method for cooking a fat steak and roasted some bone marrow to go with it. I garnished it with crispy chimichurri (my take), served with truffled spaetzle and a salad. Check out the crust and the gorgeous yellow fat that comes from pure grass-fed beef, it was great eating.



    I haven't seen that colour fat on a steak in ages. Did you lick the plate? 

  3. My Mom receives a basket every year from her family down east. Last year's included a sampler of flavoured maple syrups. There are always a jar of jam or lemon curd. I love the homemade fudge and goodies that are sent. She has sent (over the years) specialties from the East Coast which are a delight to receive. Would you consider sending some of your canned items or would the recipients have their own canned veg or sauce? You are a trooper to do this for your customers! 

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  4. I tried the Bacon Poutine ones. I ate the whole bag so I guess they were ok. I would like more of a gravy flavour. The bacon and cheese were prominent. Not sure about cinnamon flavoured but who knows what I'll try next.

  5. When I cooked at the home we filled the hobart with set jello and a whipped cream product and mixed it up for a very refreshing dessert. It was quite tasty! I remember Jello 1-2-3..thats a blast from the past.

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