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Posts posted by demiglace

  1. 1 hour ago, FauxPas said:

    A few nights ago, we had burgers for dinner. There wasn't much of anything that was special about the burgers - we were in a hurry to have dinner that night, the patties are ground chuck and I didn't shape them very well, the buns are store bought, a slice of tomato, some mayo, melted cheddar. But we also had red relish on them, something we have both been missing on our burgers.


    Other Canadians may remember the red hamburger relish that Bick's Pickle (of Ontario) used to make, before they were bought out by US-based Smucker. Smucker continued to make it in Canada, or for the Canadian market, for awhile but the grocery version has been completely discontinued now. Both my husband and I (and some of our friends) grew up on this red relish and we associate it with back-yard burgers and we missed it!


    Finally I got around to doing a search for a recipe that might be similar and found one at Canadian Living. And it's really good, probably better than the original. And this weekend, the local paper featured a similar version, which I will also try soon. 


    Funny how these little things can take you back and make you smile.  :)



    A very unglamorous burger. 



    But it had this lovely condiment on it, ha! 



    What, no Bick's Hamburger Relish? Oh I am so out of the loop it's not funny. Thanks for posting the links, I will have to make my own from now on. Your burger looks so tasty!

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Anna N said:

    I did think about doing something similar ...  for at least a nanosecond .....before my lazy chromosome kicked in and reminded me of the can in the cupboard and the diners of my misspent youth. 


    It probably is an acquired taste. The packaged Suisse Chalet dipping sauce is good. I think it's the West Coast equivalent of St. Hubert. 

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Anna N said:




    Darn. Was hoping everybody would take it at face value and not force me to admit that the gravy came out of a can (as it does in the finest diners) -- St. Hubert's Hot Chicken Sandwich.  Other than that -- leftover chicken, squishy white bread, frozen peas. 






    St Hubert is not a bad way to go Anna N 


    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, HungryChris said:

    Shrimp cocktail is a good thing when done right. Those of you who live in shrimp country, will probably want to change channels when I speak of frozen shrimp, but up here, fresh shrimp is a crap shoot, at best. I quickly thawed frozen, raw gulf shrimp (these were 31 - 40) in cold water, peeled, deveined and steamed until cooked. Then plunged them into ice water. You know the job is well done when they squeak against your teeth when you bite into them. Good cocktail sauce depends on a hot horseradish. Without that, you are doomed. You want to add just enough to threaten, but not frighten, to ketchup with a bit of lemon juice and a dash or two of Lea & Perrins, mix and chill. Here, I served with bruschetta and fresh corn on the cob. I include what I hope is a corn money shot  out of respect (and sympathy) for the corn deprived (demiglace).




    Oh I love you! Thank you so much, buttered up and all. I feel better now. Love the whole meal.


    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, sartoric said:

    This is oxtail braised in Guinness with lots of garlic, bay and thyme.

    Served with herby cheese damper.




    Looks awesome, have some Aussie recipes, damper included.


    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, HungryChris said:

    Kielbasa and onions, cooked in foil on the grill, bruschetta and corn on the cob.



    Please give me one photo of your corn, preferably with butter dripping off of it. You can call me corn deprived! Thanks HC.



    • Like 7
  7. 31 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:



    Over on the Create my Meal challenge - Anna produced this fabulous seafood chowder with cheese biscuits. Downside of our lovely corelle bowls is the inability to get them to our mouths at the end of the meal to suck the last bits of soup out of them.




    That is one good looking soup!


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Anna N said:


     Yep. Should have checked it at the 30 minute mark. Cake is just a little overcooked. I had one instead of lunch and it was perfectly satisfactory and I'm guessing Kira might enjoy one for dessert after her hotdog this evening.  Nice though not to have to mess with a bain-marie. 



    They look really good. I enjoy pudding cake. Haven't seen milk in a bag in years, your blogs bring back so many memories.



    • Like 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, Anna N said:



     I have to tell you that they are tasteless and I shall be glad when I've eaten enough to throw the rest away with a clear conscience.  Good cretons are so easy to make but I was suckered (and hungry) when I was shopping!  


    Yeah, shopping while hungry has never worked out well for me.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Anna N said:

    Moving very, very slowly this morning. Between chores, laundry and washing all the greens we bought at Pike's Farm yesterday I don't seem to have made much headway. 




    lunch was leftover steak, romaine leaves, pickled red onion on a ciabatta. None too exciting but tasty enough. 


    No cretons today? I love saying it with a Cdn accent, but I am easily amused! Loving this thread. Thanks to you both!

  11. 2 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    My watch strap broke yesterday - I've brought 4 watches with me that apparently all need batteries - one of which I hope can be pressed into service to replace the Omega that I was given for my 16th birthday until I can get it's metal bracelet repaired/replaced. So my island time is via cell phone for now.


    It will take me a couple of days to slow down to island time - I nearly bit the head of the girl in the grocery store when she threw my avocado towards the packing area - I told her to keep it - once she'd bashed it around I wasn't going to pay for it. Then she proceeded to manhandle the rest of my groceries. I suggested to her that she was being a bit rough with stuff - but that had no effect on her behavior. I shall avoid her in future!


    I hope your trip doesn't live up to the title :(

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, rotuts said:

    CSB = Cuisinart Steam Oven




    that's a remarkable price.  maybe not down under


    there are several threads    it what one needs / wants etc  maybe a bit bigger etc.



    I like how it can handle a whole 45 lb chicken!

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