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Posts posted by demiglace

  1. 1 hour ago, sartoric said:

    Lunch was with a four year old.

    From the back - in the pink basket is olive sourdough, there's quiche type things next to it. 

    Then we have an antipasto plate with olives, tomatoes (both grown and cured at home), salami, pickled zucchini and Brie.  Next comes Pumpernickel with smoked salmon, sour cream, capers and dill. Lastly a tuna and white bean dip with garlic pita bread.




    What a treat! Beautiful little one!

    • Like 2
  2. Thank you mgaretz


    On 9/21/2016 at 10:57 AM, mgaretz said:


    All the ones near us in the East Bay closed long ago (but SoCal has tons).  They did just open one fairly close, but still a 20 minute drive.


    Anyway, here is the marinade recipe.  This is for 1 chicken, or like I do, 2 breasts and 4 thighs.


    1 tbs white vinegar

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 tsp salt

    1/2 tsp dried oregano

    1/8 tsp pepper

    1/2 tsp sriracha

    6 ozs of pineapple/orange juice (see below)

    2 tbs lime juice

    1 tbs olive oil

    8 drops of yellow food coloring (optional)


    For the juice, I use the small 6 oz cans from Dole.  They make a Pineapple/Orange blend, but it can be hard to find in that size.  (The cans come in a 6 pack and they are perfect for this recipe as you have no leftover juice and you don't even have to measure.)



    Thank you for posting the recipe. I appreciated the description as well. I can't wait to try it! 

    • Like 2
  3. 16 hours ago, Thanks for the Crepes said:

    Well, I had dinner, but it is a sad tale. Everything on the plate was pretty bad, and worse, I was completely responsible for this gustatory failure.


    My husband did not excoriate anything, nor did he praise it, as he usually does. He did not eat more than a few forkfuls. I was similarly disappointed, but I choked mine down because I was hungry.


    I served the leftover salt and pepper shrimp, and as I had been warned, it loses its crispness if not eaten quickly. I ate a couple of heads and tails and most of the legs, and peeled the bodies and ate those. My husband ate one, but spit most of it out. Peeling his own shrimp is just not something he's interested in doing. They were so good the first time fresh cooked, but this dish does not lend itself to leftovers.


    I had a stash of purple hull peas in the freezer that I had been anticipating since I bought them. They were frozen from fresh. They were the mealiest pulses I believe I've ever eaten.


    I made a salad with lemon tahini dressing, green bell pepper, grated carrot, iceberg lettuce, peeled store bought cucumber and a garden tomato. It was a waste of the garden tomato, that was very good when I chomped on the stem core and a wedge I snitched while preparing the salad. The dressing was fine when I tasted it for seasoning, but the finished dish sucked hard. I really don't know what happened, but I think I prefer a leaf lettuce with lemon tahini dressing.


    It doesn't help that my husband brought home a nasty respiratory infection that is messing with our taste, smell and ability to even draw breath. Yeah, I'm sick. That's my lame excuse, but I think this is one of the worst meals I have ever had, where every single dish was really, really bad.


    I also made a creamy herb sauced angel hair pasta. I later figured out why it was sticking together so badly. I forgot to add the butter! I have made this dish a hundred times or more.


    Bless his heart, my husband requested the leftovers for lunch. xD I knew he wouldn't eat the shrimp, so I gave him the purple hull peas and some of the pasta with his container of cantaloupe he did not eat yesterday in favor of the catfish sandwich I also sent. Every thing else went down the garbage disposal. I almost never do that, but I could not face this terrible food again. If my husband is smart, he will ditch the food in the construction dumpster, except the cantaloupe, get one of his guys to bring him takeout, and bring the container home pretending he ate it. 


    Well tomorrow is another day. I am sure dinner will be better then. Well I sure hope so anyway.


    It's difficult when a great cook like yourself has an off day. Just wipe it from your memory and take care. Feel better soon.


    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, mgaretz said:

    El Pollo Loco-style chicken again.  This time I forgot to add the yellow food coloring!  Served with pinto beans doctored with a bit of Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory BBQ sauce, salad and the last of the Old Soul Zin.







    So I Googled El Polo Loco chicken and it says it's fired grilled. Are there specific spices that it is cooked with? Looks great!


    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, Dave the Cook said:



    No offense taken. And let's be honest: what one sees at McDonald's is a pretty low bar to clear. ;)



    Yeah, when I read that, I was about twenty minutes past finishing off some leftover ribs myself. But this might be one of next week's meals, just because I need a cooking project (and it does seem like a project) to amuse myself with.


    If you are able, photos would be nice.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, chromedome said:

    That's not a "thing" up here...at least not in any part of Canada where I've lived. 


    My late (American) wife asked for it once in a restaurant in New Brunswick, and got a reaction of astonishment and revulsion from both the server and me. :P


    In my years of cooking for a living I was only asked once for cheddar with the apple pie. I was also the only one who had heard of it. The younger cooks all looked scared at the thought, lol. Very English as far as I know.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, ElsieD said:

    An example of the scenery we are going through.  (Still have Internet! )  On the highway picture, there is a Penninsula across the water which we will be travelling on tomorrow.  It is the Burin Peninsula.  The road picture also shows what shape the roads are in.  One piece of highway was downright terrible. 





    Beautiful ElsieD NL is on my list of places to visit. Thanks for bringing us along for the ride. 

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    Hello, everyone! I know I've been gone for a long time, but not by choice. I've been dealing with my mother's health issues and hospitalization. I'm now living with her temporarily and not doing any interesting cooking. I've had some free time in the last couple of days and have been trying to catch up. Really loving all the posts in the dinner, breakfast and sweets threads! Please know that I miss everyone here and I miss being involved! Thanks to those who have missed me and I'm hoping that I'll be able to contribute starting in September.


    Glad that you are back! Sorry to hear about your Mom. Have you made any special foods for her?

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