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Posts posted by demiglace

  1. A friend of mine has lost her mothers butter tart recipe and is trying to recreate them. She remembers the recipe used only white sugar. The recipes I've found all have brown sugar or both brown and white..can anyone help? Thanks.

  2. I truly admire the guy with the broken wrist (Dave), who not only seems like he can actually cook, but is totally a team player and a pro.  I'm keeping an eye on Kevin, too - and let's not forget Ariel.  I think Suzanne, good or not, will get kicked off the island, and none of the other three women are strong enough cooks (or wily enough strategists) to survive the usual HK machinations.

    Does anybody know whatever happened to Heather, from a few seasos ago?  Did she ever get her own restaurant?

    Not sure..her bio doesn't say much.


  3. I haven't seen Jamies Eat to save your life or Fowl dinners..are they on now? I get homesick when I watch Wild Chef.. I really enjoy Martin and Hugue...they crack me up. I enjoy Throwdown too.

  4. I was thinking popsicles just yesterday..I was wondering how to make a coconut one..any ideas? I have one of those plastic molds too. I remember making Kool Aid popsicles as a kid ...time for an upgrade!

    No idea if this would work, but what about coconut milk and a banana puree. Would it freeze hard enough, or would you need to add water (or something with high water content)?

    Not really sure..will have to experiment I guess. Did you have any other flavours in mind?

  5. I was thinking popsicles just yesterday..I was wondering how to make a coconut one..any ideas? I have one of those plastic molds too. I remember making Kool Aid popsicles as a kid ...time for an upgrade!

  6. Her wake was today.  As you know, Broadway dimmed its lights for 1 minute at 8p last night (traditional curtain time), and Liam Neeson came with Vanessa Redgrave to see her mourned and remembered.  Poor man.  He's aged about 15 years since Tuesday.


  7. so upon further investigation it turns out that there was a "coating" on the rice..would this be more than soy sauce..maybe something thicker? Any ideas out there?? Any help is appreciated.

    I don't remember the brand name but hubby and I were talking about this very recently. The can was red, as I recall, with silver writing? It contained just white rice and the seasoning package was added in the pan. It turned out to be a very, very dark colour and there was little identifiable in there except the rice and the soy sauce. It was always a challenge to get the rice out of the can!

    Edited to add:

    I think this may have been it!

    Thanks Anna N!! That sure looks like it.

  8. Ok I know this is a weird request but I need to find out how to make Chinese fried rice Montreal style..if such a thing exsists. While I did grow up there I didn't start to like Chinese food until I was older. I have been asked to make fried rice like we got back home but I haven't a clue as to what would be different from regular fried rice..any suggestions? Oh and one other thing..back in the 70's there was a brand of fried rice that came in a box..I think there was a can in the box and maybe seasoning..does anyone know the brand name? Thanks.

  9. Or crazy Canucks with potato chip sarnies?

    Are potato chip sandwiches Canadian?

    I guess that explains why I put potato chips in my sandwiches (sometimes), but it's usually in addition to whatever protein is in there. It's never just potato chips as the filling. Does it still count as a potato sandwich?

    I also put french fries in my filet o' fish and hamburgers when I go to McD's, but that's also an addition, not the star.

    When most people make potato chip sandwiches, do they use plain potato chips, or can you use flavoured potato chips, too?

    I always had bbq chips (Humpty Dumpty) on my PNB sandwiches..still do sometimes.

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