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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. I've been reading thru my new Bouchon cookbook, anyone else? I find it interesting that Keller's recipe for onion confit calls for cooking it only one hour. The picture of it shows the onions not even brown. Any comments on this? Seemed more like sauted onions to me.
  2. all ingrediants accounted for, bring on the inspecters! This larb done with chicken thighs. We love Larb!!
  3. mmm I love molten chocolate cake, and Dayne loves it even more...would you care to PM me your specifics? Dinner tonight...ginger-ini's, then Larb served with an Erath Gwertz
  4. I just got home and had a small bit of cassoulet- 1 sausage and some beans and some pork belly. How is it possible that #1- something that looks like such a mess tastes soooo good? and #2- it is actually even better today, day 3. My cat has also decided it is her new favorite dish ( a few days ago she thought foie was, haha!) Wendy
  5. some left over Delmonico steak from nye dinner went nicely with a fried egg today! mmmmmm...
  6. The sausage was a nice pork sausage from a local butcher, not Italian as we talked about the dish and both felt that the seasonings would get in the way. It's just a nice brat. Duck confit was made with Muscovoys as that is what was available to me. I will search out the other kinds for my next try. Pork belly and pork rind were used. The beans were Great Northerns. I followed Bourdin's recipe. And although it looks like it is in dishes, these are actually wide low bowls (pasta bowls) perfect for stews and the like!
  7. Pictures for Reese: pork belly finished cassoulet, thanks for your help guys!
  8. My husband had never had cassoulet......he is a convert. I got many kisses and "this is sooooo good" at dinner tonight. Didn't have a damn French wine in the cellar so we had a 10 year old Cristom Pinot Noir, excellent. The only thing was my duck confit was a bit salty. Will read thru the duck confit thread and make some notes. The Les Halles book has received its christening grease stains. And the best part......we have leftover too! Lunch tomorrow
  9. hey chris, your pictures are great!! And you are way less messy than me! my cassoulet cooked yesterday and today will go back in around 6:30 so we can eat it! I left the duck legs whole as that is how I've had it served to me, I also had to add a bit of water to my bean liquid as I didn't have quite enough. I've also found that I need a new big Le Cruiset pot!
  10. I've been making cassoulet all week, it will be dinner tomorrow. Tonight we are going out for dinner with friends so we will be having a snack in a bit of duck foie gras on toasted brioche with bubbles!
  11. beans, pork belly, pork rind and aromatics are simmering on the stove in preparation for tomorrows meal. I'm doing this before I head out to a party later, probably will smell like pork. I'm sure I'll be a hit with all the guys! haha!
  12. I have never worked in the restaurant business but if they were out for so long couldn't they choose to open a bottle they had and serve by the glass? This whole thing sounds weird! I would call Carsberg.
  13. alright! duck legs are confit'd (is that a word?) and beans are soaking overnight! I'm a bit short on duck fat. Do you think I can use a little bit of the fat that is holding the duck legs? I really don't want to go buy more! The fat was used to cook them and is now storing them in the fridge. Also I have been reading the duck confit thread and it's interesting that the times for duck confit are slow and low where as in the Les Halles book it was 1 hour at 350F. Any comments from those who normally make either?
  14. one of the last days I can cook all day..... cocktails served with Land Jaegger, parmesean hunks and crostini (no picture) braised lamb shanks and twice baked butternut squash which is my DH's favorite. Also did up some chard in garlic and red pepper to try it ( I'm not really a fan of the cooked greens). Served with a Bandol which was perfect with this hearty meal.
  15. Della and I tried Crave yesterday and on our way down 12th passed Lark. The sign wasn't up?? I'm sure they are closed this week for the holiday, there was a note in the window but we were in the car. Anyone know why the sign was down though???
  16. little ms foodie

    Confit Duck

    Well I used Muscovy and they took 1 hour 10 mins at 375F. I know they are done by the sight of them...I have eaten A LOT of duck confit in these 36 years (tee hee). I know there is a reduction of time because in cassoulet they will cook again and also the temp is higher than chefs 200F. hmmmm...still curious though....
  17. Dinner tonight... pork tenderloin medalions breaded and pan fried with parmesean, and what is better with pork than more pork?? carrots with rosemary and sausage. Salad with cucumbers, pomegranate seeds and red onion on the side. served with vodka tonics and then a pinot noir (OR)
  18. I have purchased both the kafir leaves and galangle today! Larb is in our future for this weekend. Tana, It is the most interesting spicy, limely, tart, tangy taste. We rolled it up in the lettuce leaves and had it like 'tacos'. Fantastic, fun and easy to do, a quick barely cook meal that is very hands on. Try it!!
  19. Not mamster, but I'm guessing "University Seafood and Poultry"? ← DUH! smaking self on forehead!
  20. little ms foodie

    Confit Duck

    Dig it out! Just scrape back the fat and remove as much meat as you need. Theoretically, an unopened jar should last a significant number of years. Once opened, you should definitely keep it in the fridge and use within a month or two. ← I have a jar of duck foie gras in the fridge also covered in fat, do you think the same holds true? I'd like to have some on new years eve but I know we won't eat it all! will I be able to just take what I need and cover the rest and use it within a few weeks? Also I'm making the cassoulet too and just confit'ed my duck legs. Les Halles called for cooking them at 375F for 1 hour. This is much different. What are your thoughts on that?
  21. Dave, I have wanted to visit this area of the world for some time. Tell me, do you speak any of the languages? Is French spoken? How/why did you pick this area and plan your trip. Do you know a lot about the food, are these things you cook at home?
  22. Hi Mamster, I don't know what USP is?? Found the pork products at Uwajimaya, how fun is shopping there?? Totally cool. Anyway I am well on my way to cassoulet. Hope to see some of you cooking along!
  23. would that be the same thing as raisins? or am I lost in some dutch-french-english translation mess here? yes, I'm a horrible speller. Sorry!
  24. Santa told the in laws to bring it!! Love it! Hubby is alergic to peanuts and I am off work this week so I had toast and peanut butter which I never get anymore! yum!! Extra super crunchy is the way I like it!
  25. Hi Chufi, raisons are dried grapes. The recipe is French and actually called for dried currants but I didn't have any
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