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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. i second that. so would union. so would the met for that matter. i only started re-eating meat about 6 months ago and eating out in seattle was never a problem for me. ← Is it ok if I politly disagree with that? When we went to Union recently there was only one thing (a soup) that didn't have some type of meat product. Even the fish was wrapped in pancetta. Good for me, bad for my friend. She also has had a hard time ordering at Lark because so much is cooked with pancetta, bacon, lard, etc. I would think Harvest Vine to be the same as Spanish cooking is so meat friendly? Anyway just my 2 cents. I do agree with the Met, we just went about a month a go and I had a great piece of Ahi.
  2. Have you tried Union? I would go there if you haven't!
  3. Thanks for sharing! Now when does that pizza go on sale??
  4. We have a 'pescatarian' friend too. Her favorite restaurants to go to are Lola, Dahlia Lounge, Flying Fish, Waterfront and any sushi restaurant.
  5. Too funny! Friends and I just went to Lago last night. We had the antipasta plate and the Salumi plate- yum!! Shared the pizza with goat cheese and carmelized onions and the famous lasagne. Wow that lasagne is so light and airy! I loved it. Very nice bottle of Borolo, well priced. Service was great! Very nice, upbeat fun atmosphere. We will definately be back to try more things on the menu now that we have tasted the well known items. The crust on that pizza was exactly how I like it!!! I would think this or Serafina would be a fun spot for the grad party.
  6. fou that looks great!!! beccaboo- but what if you are steaming them and then freezing them? I think maybe we didn't make our paper squares large enough, fou's look better. By the way we are on our third one each for lunch right now! mmmmm....
  7. I think you must be my long lost sister!!! That is my perfect meal! We call it whole paycheck and that is the champagne we keep on hand all the time. And I love pop corn with bubbles!! Fantastic!
  8. Exactly! Just the address on a piece of paper taped on the window.
  9. Finished our bao last night but had to eat a few on the way out the door as we were running late to a friend's b-day party. priorities right?? Steaming in our double decker steamer. The first batch I crowded and they were a bit hard to get out. These I didn't and it worked much better. Steamed for 10 mins. with rapidly boiling water. Covered of course. Cooled them on a rack for just a few minutes. As you can see the buns did not get a perfect round and smooth skin. And they are a bit bigger than I've had. Darn Americans always 'super sizing' everything! YUM!! They taste soooooo good!! Sweet, savory. The dough is awesome- very pillowy and light!! I packed half into the freezer. The rest we will have for lunch today. I used waxed paper and it seemed to stick pretty badly. Dumb question for the day...is there a 'right' and 'wrong' side to wax paper? Do people usually use parchment?? We will absolutely make this again!!! I can't wait to see everyone else's!!
  10. Jack.... YUM!!!! I vote that you bake them so I can see and mentally compare the differences. Or maybe I should vote that you steam them so I can see if I did ok?? hmmm, decisions, decisions! I have to say that never in a thousand years would I ever had thought to try to make this so THANKS chris and the rest of all you for great ideas, helpful info and the support! Waiting to steam.....
  11. pork after roasting I agree with Ben, even though the flavor of the marinade is good all the way thru you don't get the yummy carmelization on as much surface with the whole roast (I saw recipes for it both ways). Next time I will cut into thick strips and roast. The flavor is sooooo good though, I'm very happy with it! After shredding and chopping- we had to do both so even more reason for doing the strips. The texture would be just the same. Stir fried with scallions, garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce and thickened with cornstarch This mixture rocks!! I almost just ate it! We did a little assembly line, taking turns rolling the dough and filling the dough. Now they are resting/rising and we'll steam them in about an hour. BAO!!
  12. So I'm reading my filling recipe and it is only calling for a 1/2 pound of the pork. Does that sound right? If so YEAH!! I'll be able to slice some up and freeze some too! Anyone, anyone?? Bueller???
  13. The pork is in the oven roasting Damn it looks good!! Now how to make sure I use it for the filling instead of just slicing it and eating it?? I decided to roast mine whole after reading a bunch of different recipes. Since I marinated it overnight and turned it occasionally I think it will be ok. I love the texture of shredded pork!
  14. The dough ingrediants are 1 package dry yeast with 1 c water and 1 c flour in the first bowl. The second bowl is an addition of 1/4 c sugar, 1/2 cup water and 2 TBS shortening boiled together, cooled and added with 3 1/2 c flour. This one has no baking powder so it will definately be a breadier bun. I'll have to do another recipe next time to compare on my own.
  15. First yeast and flour rising After kneading- I did it with the KitchenAid, will have to see if that makes a difference vs. doing it by hand??? Now it needs to double in size. Will start roasting my pork butt soon!
  16. ouch!! hmmmmm......I wonder who sets the rates? Cooks and Books? The chef and the restaurant??
  17. step one is happening pork butt marinating overnight in the fridge. Marinade of soy sauce, hoisin, honey, dry sherry (I know, I know!), sugar, fresh ginger, 5 spice, sesame oil Tomorrow we BAO
  18. i live in west seattle ← haha! well I think you and your cute guy should make some this weekend too and then we can do a taste off here in Pioneer Square
  19. Excellent, all is well in the world again. Now back to cooking people!!
  20. Just back from Dim Sum at the China Gate. Yum! I thought it was great. And the price was sooooooo cheap!! Can't recall everything we had but I am chalking it up to research for Char Siu Bao that I'm attempting to make this weekend. eGullet Cook Off
  21. I'm planning on marinating my pork butt (shoulder) tonight and making these tomorrow! Still interested in hearing more about the different marinade ingrediants. I'm also planning on roasting my pork whole and then shredding it as I like that texture better than cubed. Comments on that?
  22. Dayne and I stopped in to VT last night spur of the minute. Got there about 7:30 and the place was packed, 20 min. wait we snagged a seat at the bar. Ordered a bottle of Sandrone Barbera and thought it was very good, thought the price was good, like that they gave us nice stemware for it and also that the bartender was very gracious letting us know he would transfer that to our tab when we sat. The temp of the wine was a bit warm. The hostess use to be a co owner at Sapphire on QA. She may actually be one of the co owners here. We ended up sitting in the semi private room in the back and shared the big table communal style. It sits 14 and would be a great place for a group dinner. We shared the Salumi platter, it is from Armandino's, they say it now on the menu. Awesome! and the olives kick butt too. Shared the Margahretti. The edges were all crispy and had nice char, the middle was actually cooked!! No floppy center. The pizza cut nicely with the dull knife. Sauce had good flavor, mozz creamy, I would have liked a few more basil leaves. We shared the teramisou (I just butchered that spelling!). It was good, not the best, not the worst. I LOVED the space! the candle chandaliers, brick walls, just the right level of noise. We'll go back.
  23. I think your comment is rude. Jin please don't let someone who is rude take away the information and inspiration you provide those of us who appreciate it. We are on this thread to learn and to gain new insight. Now about those scallion pancakes.........
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