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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Any new word on this restaurant, has it opened yet.. Finalized my plans.. I will be arriving this evening to my hotel in Buckhead.. I would love to go here if its open. I have made most of my plans for downtown, can anyone recommend a place like this in Buckhead.. Is LowCountry Barbecue Express any good?
  2. Daniel

    Dinner! 2007

    Wow Ling.. Has it been a month already.. Dinner looks great.. Those scallops are gorgeous and the photo of the oysters is really good.. I didnt add the non meat items but here goes.. I cooked a sea bass on the grill.. And here is the salmon steak for the little one.. I smoked it for 20 minutes of so.. I then turned up the heat really high and covered it with a lemon mayo.. Grilled it really on high heat and it came out pretty nice...
  3. Daniel

    Dinner! 2007

    Been so busy.. Havent had a chance to post anything really.. Happy New Years, off to Atlanta tomorrow night.. This weekend spent some time upstate and had the chance to use the Biggreenegg.. Its really one of the more enjoyable grilling/smoking experiences.. Still feeling it out, its really a dream.. One night we made a 2 lb ribeye.. Had the grill up to most likely 800 degrees.. Cook the steak for 2 minutes a side and then left in the grill with the flames off for another two minutes.. It was perfectly charred on the outside and medium rare on the inside.. Served with these huge organic golden beets and baby brussels with roasted garlic.. I also had a grilled octopus salad that turned out really nice and grilled a bass for the little one.. The next smoked a whole butt, baby back ribs and spareribs.. The butt and ribs were brined.. Today with some of the left over pork I made pork sandwiches.. Made a South Carolina Mustard BBQ Sauce, mixed it with the pork, add provolone cheese, ham, and pickles.. Cooked on a sandwich press..
  4. Your whole post was really kind-natured, and we need that here. But I don't think that that was the focal point of the thread, or where it really took off. I think it was this comment by Bryan that's sparking all the debate and disagreement... An interesting theoretical question for Bryan would be (I think), if he were in a fine-dining Chinese restaurant (e.g. Shun Lee Palace) before the smoking ban took effect in NYC, would he think that the management should look the other way if a well-dressed person about to indulge in a very expensive Chinese feast were to smoke a joint at the table? I mean, this is New York City after all and the cops generally look the other way because they have more important things to do than bust people for smoking pot, (because although pot's technically illegal, nobody enforces the law on a person with one joint's worth for his own use) - let alone when they're paying top dollar for an upscale Chinese meal (and it's an accepted fact that pot probably does more to ehnance that meal than an alcoholic accompaniment). Any takers? ← Problem with pot is it smells and other guests would either be scared of a contact high or be displeased with the odor.. However, if someone were to eat a pot brownie at the table, I would not expect a problem..
  5. Thats awesome.. Its surprising that such an intelligent group of people, like the ones who created this "law", would have missed something like this..
  6. Not true at all.. Lets time I checked, its illegal to masterbate in public. However, I know another place in New York....
  7. I think that before they start cracking down on places like Per Se, they should tell the candy store up the block from me to stop selling weed.. They should tell the candy store next to my car dealership to stop selling coke, they should stop the Tailor shop by St. Marks St. from selling hash(actually leave these guys alone ).. They should get prostitutes out of free newspaper publications being handed out around the city.. They should close the late night Japanese Hostess clubs that stay open until 9 am and allow smoking and other shady things in them, or the massage parlors, or the Poker Rooms, or the Drug Delivery Services, or the late night restaurants that open up and allow open drug use in the back.. They should stop illegal immigrants from working in restaurants, they should stop a lot of things.. Drinking in a restaurant, not high on the list of laws being broken out in the open.. I say that whatever the laws are, whatever extreme scenarios people are going to come up with, we are talking about NEW YORK CITY.. The rules are and should be different here.. Seriously, of course its breaking the law and yatta yatta yatta.. My simple answer is, its New York, are you kidding me about drinking??? Really, its New York and that really is the only consideration..
  8. Sure no one is looking because this is NY: ← I just think one shouldnt wash over this fact without taking this fact into consideration..
  9. In a fine dining restaurant in New York City, it is something I expect to have happen..
  10. I have told my Babbo story as a 26 year old getting ID.. My girlfriend has reminded me of another incident which happened less then two months ago.. Now, as a 30 yr old, I was at a wedding at the Soho Loft Space, wearing a tuxedo, and the guy at the Martini Bar would not serve me.. I told him to call a manager and the manager apologized and served me a drink.. So thats two times it has happened to me since I started drinking at around 15..
  11. are you sure no arugula? When I had it it was this little wispy wild arugula you'd never guess... It's one of my favorite dises in the city right now. I popped into ssam on new years after bako and degu...the perfect little trip, really. the chocolate eggnog mochi ice cream is not to be missed. ← It looked like was an herb of some sort.. Tiny thin stems with little leave on it..
  12. Really, I thought they did? Since I have started taking notice, I have seen it done in Newark, LGA, JFK, and Ohare.. I just assumed it was everywhere.. And hey, I brought it up?
  13. I find that completely outrageous Bryan.. I cant believe that happened to you and it would have affected my tip with the waiter big time.. I dont care about the actual laws.. This is New York City, and a controlled and distinguished environment.. You were with your mother for crying out loud.. The waiter was and is an asshole unless that is the restaurants policy.. And if it is the restaurants policy, they should do what airport bars do.. And that is to ID everyone, whether its an 80 year old man in a wheelchair, or a 20 something looking kid.. Do you think he stands on the street and alerts Traffic Cops to expired meters? Can you just see this guy in the back of the class informing the teacher she forgot to assign homework over the weekend?
  14. Haha.. Thats funny, actually my girl got me out of bed to go to dinner last night.. She was craving Bahn Mi and it would just be better for everyone if she got her sandwich 6pm now thats just really great news.. Picnic shoulder, why those are just little guys. I guess I could share with another person or two.. Depending on what else was ordered..
  15. Had a late night dinner there last night.. We were very happy with the offerings.. The menu has a nice mix of choices and the chef's love of pork is very apparent.. From Pork Buns, pork jowl in the salad. offerings of various sliced country hams,to the $180 pork butt feast, pork really seems to be a star.. Unfortunately, there were only two of us, so we felt it might be extreme to get the pig out..Plus you need to pre-order.. However, there was plenty of things to keep us happy.. We started with the pork buns and the pickled plate.. The pork bun I am sure everyone is familiar with.. Its a great little sandwich.. Infact, next BBQ I do, there will be steamed buns present.. The pickled plate was really fabulous.. From what I remember there was kimchee, pickled celery, pickled mushrooms(really good),baby brussle sprouts,those little root guys that look like baby potatoes they sell at the green market baby crones?,cucumbers, and two other things.. I am sure everything was pickled separately because the pickling process really drew out the flavors of each ingredient.. I loved this dish.. We also had the apple salad with pork jowl.. The description on the menu mentions it has arugula.. Our version last night did not.. However, it was fabulous.. The pork was perfectly little crispy pieces that went so well with the apples.. Now this would have been a perfect time to try some sliced Country Ham.. A rare find in Manhattan.. However, I have a leg of Serrano sitting in my kitchen and I am a little sliced hamed out these days.. However they all sounded fabulous.. Especially the smoked and cured ham from Benton.. Speck Americano perhaps? We then had the Bahn Mi sandwich.. This guy was outrageous.. Its a three terrine sandwich, one is veal head, one is chicken liver, and finally a ham terrine.. I am a huge fan and am happy its far enough away that its a rare offering.. In fact, I am happy there are no bahn mi sandwich places in my neighborhood for that reason.. I would not get much done.. We also ordered the veal sweetbreads.. I enjoyed this too.. However, this place is pricey and when I am use to paying very little for sweetbreads, its hard to get a small little plate of sweetbreads for 14 bucks.. They were char grilled and cook to a perfect pinkish white.. We ended with the rice cakes with pork, collards, kimchee topped with crispy breading.. This dish was one of my favorites.. It tasted and looked like an Asian Bolognese.. The rice cakes were glutonous little barrels.. Very good.. I really enjoyed our visit here.. We did not get a Ssam, so it looks like we are forced to go back.. The staff was really nice besides a couple of cooks that were in the back cursing like sailors and having loud "male" conversations.. It was nice when one of management looking guys walked back to tell them to quiet down a little.. Its a really nice late night place..
  16. I have made some recipes from this book, but one stands out.. If you like the pat of butter on in the recipe, I am pretty sure one of her sauces call for a whole stick..
  17. Daniel

    Pork Tenderloin

    Ok last suggestion this is my weird one.. I am a big fan of Portugese Food and one of my favorite dishes is pork with clams.. The pork is normally a butt and cut into cubes.. But I was thinking (still not sure) if it might be cool to actually stuff a pork tenderloin with clams.. The clams will certainly keep the meat moist.. Here are the normally ingrediants in pork with clams.. I think a combo of this might work.. In fact, I am really considering this for dinner tonight.. I might even use big cubes of bacon with the clams in the stuffing,.. 2-pound boneless pork shoulder or butt, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 cup dry white wine, or as needed 3 tablespoons sweet paprika 1 bay leaf 2 whole cloves 5 cloves garlic, chopped 4 tablespoons lard or olive oil 2 yellow onions, chopped 4 tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and diced 2 pounds small clams such as Manila, well scrubbed 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro (fresh coriander) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf (Italian) parsley
  18. Hey thanks Divina.. The party was really just such a success.. I dont have many photos of the food, but I will post them shortly.. After the dishwasher and my computer at home broke, everything after that was perfect.. One of my presents was a wireless thermometer which took a lot of pressure off of me.. I was able to walk around the party and hang out until the alarm went off on the Lamb and Pork.. The times worked out smoothly! Having only one oven, I had the lamb on the stove top, the pork in the oven right after I took out the pastas.. I was really shocked at how much I over made.. But there was a few people helping us out who were more then happy to take the food home with them.. I was certain I needed four more dishes.. I am very happy I went against my instincts and didnt do the fish courses I was going to add.. The only indication that there was a party of any kind is that lovely leg.. Covered with towels, sitting in my dining room, it will make another appearance on New Years Eve..
  19. Daniel

    Pork Tenderloin

    And if you are going ot bbq them, you might as well throw them in a brine now..
  20. Whats the state of affairs since Chef Blais has left? Worth going to?
  21. Also I wanted to ask about Watershed in Decatur.. I love Scott Peacock's Book and would love to eat his food.. Is it far from Atlanta and would I have to rent a car?
  22. What about the restaurant from the guy who battled Batalli in Iron Chef..The guy Blaise from One Midtown Kitchen.
  23. Daniel

    Pork Tenderloin

    I just made something for Xmas that went over really well.. Take ground pork and cook it with fennel,garlic, onions and fennel seeds.. I might even pour a little sambuca in the pan.. Then stuff in the pork tenderloin.. Cooked with onions and wine.. The other day I also stuffed greens and age provolone into a tenderloin which worked out well.. Cooked with wine. I only had canned turnip greens in the house but, a nice brocolli rabe would have been better.. Sauted first with garlic, prosciutto, oil and doused with red pepper flakes, then rolled up.. Sounds great to me.. What if you stuffed your oriental pork with fried rice.. Might be interesting..
  24. Thank you, I woke up this morning with a knife in the bed and ham all over the place.. I must have been sleep walking.. Just kidding.. I got the stand and the ham at latienda.com
  25. Daniel

    Rye Pasta

    I was wondering if it was possible to make a rye pasta.. Or maybe like a rye spaetzle.. So you can do a rye pasta with pastrami and a mustard sauce.. It might be disgusting tomorrow, but I think I would eat it in a few beers from now. Maybe a cold herring salad with rye noodles. Or how about like a rye lasagna where you have deli things in between.. A turkey and cheese rye lasagna? Stop me when you start to feel sick..
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