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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Oh sure I agree with you.. National Chains make a better story.. Everyone knows about Olive Garden, not everyone knows about Betty's Truckstop Diner or whatever.. And yeh no place is safe from these issues..
  2. Nah.. I am willing to say as a member of a food board that Olive Garden Sucks.. I am sorry, I dont think its snobby rather I think it keeps up the integrity of a website Devoted to Food.. But this issue has been done to death..
  3. I have a lot less respect for the norovirus now.. Showing up in such gross food.
  4. Hey I have that bottle on the top right there.. Is that Chinese Vinegar.. I love that stuff.. Put that on some cold lo mein, its really good.. Looking forward to reading your blog, I was very impressed with your late night entries some time back.. I am not overly familiar with cooking Japanese food so I would like a little help.. Have a good week..
  5. Great photos guys and really nice write ups.. They really did New York so well.. My girl and I had the pleasure of meeting Henry and Lorna on two seperate occasions.. I must say there knowledge and passion is really unmatched.. Not to mention they are just really so nice and fun to hang out with.. Lorna mentioned that 5 minutes after arriving at our apartment she remembered she left her purse in the taxi.. She really handled the situation so well :biggrin I still can not believe she got the purse back so quickly.. I am shocked! Thanks again for including us in your travels..
  6. In terms of Bone Marrow I was thinking of making a Bone Marrow soup and using a riff from Fergus by drizzling a parsley oil around soup.. Bone marrow ravioli could be good too. And of course bone marrow goes great in risotto.
  7. This really was one of the most upsetting things that I ever had to go through. The other day while cooking dinner, Gully was standing by the counter watching me cook. I was making a chicken soup so the chicken was boiling for a long time. When the chicken was finally cooked, I took the meat off the bones and put it back into the soup. With the left over carcass I chopped it up and went to put it in the garbage disposal. I turned on the switch and started feeding the bones into the hole in the sink. I was almost positive that the switch was off when I went to answer the phone. A few minutes later I heard the most horrible sound I had ever heard. It was almost like a screaming. It turns out that gully had stuck his hand into the disposal. His right hand was completely off, but not clean. There was jags of skin hanging over where bone and flesh should have been. His shoulder had been dislocated I guess from rattling around in the disposal. He was hoping around screaming and bleeding, it was really the most horrible thing. I didn't know what to do, he was suffering so much. I wrapped him in a blanket and put him on my counter top. I really just must have panicked or something because I started wailing on Gully with a rolling pin. I didn't know if I was trying to knock him out or kill him. But it only made Gully scream more and more. I couldn't keep beating him. So I took him out of the blanket and stuck his head in the toilet to put him out of his misery. He began to fight back and scratch at me even though he was kind of in a daze. Again, I panicked, so I just threw Gully in the toilet and sat on the lid. Maybe after a half hour Gully stopped crying. I opened up the lid and threw the Gully into a bag. It must have lost a lot of blood because his eyes were rolling in the back of its head. I could no longer deal with all the pressure I was going through.. I simply threw the Gully down the garbage shoot. When I came back to my apartment, it looked like a crime scene. There was blood on the ceiling, on the walls, all over my bathroom floor. I normally would have just called my cleaning lady, but I didn't want her to ask question. My night was ruined, I had to spend like 2 hours cleaning all the crap up. I feel so terrible about what happened. I will really miss Gully.. The soup turned out pretty good.
  8. I dont know what time your flight back is but if you are having a late lunch at Momfuku, you could hit Chikalicious when they open at three.. Its not my favorite but hey its certainly dessert.. http://www.chikalicious.com/
  9. Daniel

    butter cheese

    Butter cheese is another food product brought to you by the P-Dutch. I would melt it and use it with a stronger cheese.. They sell butter cheese at a Local Amish place I go to.. Its very mild.. You could use it in a base for mac and cheese or something.. Its not strong enough for me.. I would like to hear what you end up doing with it. Or if you get a slice of ring bologna and some good mustard, thats all you ever could possibly want.
  10. If you go to Union Square and notice groups of kids gathering around be careful.. article
  11. Not much at all actually.. I was really just kidding and should have put a smile after my comment.. However, I can tell you that on my last trip there about 3 years ago, I was very unimpressed with the quality of sushi available.. I became sick from an experience.. But in terms of going to markets, I cant make the comparison.. But, if you are thinking that all New York has is rancid duck and bad beef, I really think you had bad luck..
  12. Woofy what Citarella do you shop at.. I have been going to the UWS several times a week for the last couple of years and have never had a problem with quality..I agree that the butchers are meat wrappers in white coats for the most part..However, I think you are having a bit of bad luck.. I get ducks from them frequently and have never had a problem. In fact, you can ask them what day they get them in.. The service and products on the UWS are perfect.. I really do contribute a lot of this to the manager.. He hangs out by the left side of the fish department often.. He is extremely sharp and on top of things.. In terms of England vs the U.S however.. I am going to give it to the U.S for lack of Mad Cow scares..
  13. She is no Miss Rushdie.. She is really beautiful..
  14. So it wasnt the meat or anything just the vegetables.. Now that is funny stuff, the vegetables are the dangers at Taco Bell.. This happened not too long ago with ChiChis..
  15. Last night was the second time I watched the show.. I really like Marcel in terms of cooking.. But he is really strange.. He has hair inspired by the kids on Growing up Gotti and he did something on this episode that made me feel uncomfortable. Oh the not going to be elminated song and dance.. I like the French girl more and more.. It looked like a lot of fun to cook on the beach..
  16. Hey Donbert, Nice Blog, I just found this yesterday and have really been enjoying it.. What a cool place you have.. I really enjoy your enthusiasm and your knowledge of the drink.. What a display you put on last night, very impressive.. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  17. You are good.. Thanks for the recommendation, I will certainly try it.. I blindly chose this spot and was happy.. But Charcoal would be a lot better.. Thanks.
  18. Daniel


    They have been growing since the date I posted about them.. I finally pulled the plug on them two weeks ago.. I just had these tall fragrant tomato plants with no tomatoes on them..
  19. Daniel


    My AeroGarden provided me with beautiful tomato plants.. The only problem was there were no tomatoes..
  20. I was staying in Rosemont the other night and went to Bob Chin's in Wheeling.. For dinner I had a Jonah Stone Crab Appetizer, Blue Crab Claws in garlic and a pretty nice NY Strip.. Anyway, as I was driving back to my Hotel on N. Milwaukee Road I noticed that there were a lot of Korean Restaurants.. Actually, I missed the turn off and ended up going on Golf Road I believe.. Luckily, I noticed Super Dog and made a quick right to get me back on track.. The following night I drove down River Road until it changed to 45 and then it change to Milwauke Ave and then I came to this Korean BBQ Restaurant.. I had my father in the car with me and he very nice to come on this mission.. We arrived at this Korean Restaurant right next to an AmeriSuites I think.. It was also right next to a Strip Mall too.. There was some nice looking Asian Bakery in the back that I will have to check out next time.. The place looked rather empty but when we walked in there was a large table of 20 Korean People sitting with the BBQ'S fired, pots on portable hot plates with vegetables boiling.. We knew we had found a nice place.. We sat down and had the all you can eat BBQ for 19.95 a person.. It basically included as much of anything on the menu you wanted.. We had sliced Short Rib, Spicy Pork, Baby Octopus,and Lamb.. There was goat on the menu but only in a stew... The quality of the meat was great.. And for 20 bucks we certainly ate a ton.. I really liked a lot of the side dishes they offered.. Anyway, I recommend this to people in the area and if someone else has a Korean Place worth going to, I would appreciate it.. It seems to be a nice sized Korean Population in the area.. Also, if someone could help me with the name.. It was three of four Korean words.. I think it started with a P.. If not I will have to do a better report the next time I go..
  21. You are right.. I think it was in the same space in the Benjamin Hotel though.. But I could be wrong again..
  22. I have been there about 6 or 7 times. I lived right next door to it and would take customers.. I really liked a few things there. Never had the prime rib.. It was called An American Place I am pretty sure...
  23. Yikes http://www.news10now.com/content/top_stori....asp?ArID=87913
  24. Yikes http://www.news10now.com/content/top_stori....asp?ArID=87913
  25. Marinara sauce goes well with a ton of butter in it.. Butter.
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