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Everything posted by Mabelline

  1. Yeah, a sweetbread is in the neck, not the nards. It disappears when a calf's voice changes. But with regard to the testicles, cajones works for me. But do not knock them if you haven't tried them.
  2. I do not know of a single rancher or farmer in my circle of acquaintances who does not have a deep feeling for the animals they raise. Those who don't, do not stay for long. Factories are vile. Be they animals or humans, the point is to make the most out of the least possible outlay. No offense taken, none meant.
  3. AGHHHH, I hate it when I try to make a simple statement. FB, Paul, who married my gram in the 40's and adopted all 7 of her kids, was German from Dueseldorf. The raising of the poultry and fowl were my gram's provenance and money. He was, however, the one who advised on the geese and ducks, as the way they were raised in his homeland. I am real sorry you mistook GUTTER. That is the trough for birds. Don't ever think consumers are pickier today. The folks then all knew what a good bird looked and smelled like. We raised about 700 poults, 50 geese, and 100 ducks each year. I'm talking about the 50's and early 60's, and we only had 960 acres. So yeah, they weren't taking on the market, but everything got sold. My point was exactly as slk took it. You do not have to be cruel to raise an animal.And I did not EVEN mean to imply that working with animals for a month would induce to be nonchalant about cruelty---quite the contrary.
  4. Alright, semantics aside, I was attempting to relate the ability of raising big healthy, over-fattened ducks and geese in a humane way, such as voluntary feeding. And yeah, take away my keyboard, I wrote fois for foie ; so sue me. All the folks who've never raised animals, but "KNOW" how they should be brought up need to go live on a real working farm for a month. I dare ya.
  5. I said this a long time ago, but I'll say it again. My German Stepgrandpa raised "fat Geese" and "fat Ducks". They were fed noodles cooked with butter every day, separated from the other birds. They certainly were not forced. And hon, they would knock you down if you were between them and the feed gutter. Therefore I believe that fois can be humanely raised.
  6. My fortune that I am the meat cooker, the cake and bisquit maker, in addition to being a fair hand at butcherwork. I am proud of my tamales and frybread, as well. I am blessed, because folks like my food. I will try any cuisine, if the directions make sense.
  7. I guess I am just a catfish of the human variety, because I didn't see any ingredients that made me blink twice. But I feel that if you've a food reaction or genuine allergy, there must absolutely be truth involved if you ask if a dish is exclusive of that ingredient. C'mon, really, that's just a stupid thing to do.
  8. When I was a youngster--like 11 on-- it was my chore to get up in the early am and prepare hot mash for the horses in training and the rest of the family. Like *Deborah*'s post, I did have a favorite, and that was a couple shredded wheat 'bales' with boiling water poured on, then butter added. That was it. Cream of wheat was my alternative to grits with sausage and toast. Good oats-that's good stuff. Here in Montana we have a local product called Cream of the West Roasted Seven-Grain Hot Cereal.GOOD STUFF, MAYNARD! " Ingredients: Hard red spring wheat, oats, barley, rye, triticale, soft white wheat, spelt, and extra wheat bran. No salt, sugar, or preservatives." Made in Billings since 1908. Maybe I could have been more specific. The warm mash was for the horses. People type folks got oatmeal, CoW, or grits. I don't think my mom would've let us eat crimped oats with molasses and beer.
  9. Happiest wishes on this day for youall, Chris, Andrea, and Bebe. Have you wondered at the miracle of the miniature human who's attached to you so inextricably forever? It's the circle that carries the world; embrace it's sacred meaning. Then buy your lady whatever she is wanting to eat
  10. Mabelline

    Leftover Cornbread

    Dogs are a corn animal to Native Americans.Seems they knew whereof they spoke.
  11. I've never brined except for aged poults.
  12. When I got that far along, I would've chose scrubbing floors and slidin' around on t-shirts at that point, because my idea of sex was "Look what you've done to me" in a very wimpy wail.
  13. Mabelline

    Leftover Cornbread

    Cornbread salad works well with cold leftover blackeyes and drained very dry collards or turnip greens, or all the makin's for coleslaw, with puried avocado mixed in. Those are both nextday chuckwagon recipes.
  14. Mark your calendar(too late now for you, unfortunately) 1 month later than it ought to be. You become fixated on that date--I was always pregnant in Arizona, in the summer--and start to believe it. But beware, 2 or 3 come much sooner than one. Red raspberry leaf tea. But be careful. I do not advocate any herbs that you are not fully aware of the consequences of.
  15. Mabelline

    Leftover Cornbread

    Ahhh, Jaymes, give me the chuckwagon salad with green onions, ranchstyle beans, black olives and cornbread! How could I've forgotten? Go sit in the corner, child! OOPS! Forgot the cheese cubes-rat cheese.
  16. I may get to take you up on that kind offer if a Congressional hearing panel about a certain Native American problem does come into accuality. Then it'd probably be a "tribal tort-out".
  17. Mabelline

    Leftover Cornbread

    Crumbled-up cornbread in a tall glass in the summer with buttermilk! EGADS! Good squared, or cubed.
  18. How about "Which is to say..."
  19. With regards to the link gus_tatory provided, if you were really going for beauty, skill, esthetics...those round potatoes in square cages have it all over tourne. So does the cored piece stuffed with batons of some other vegetable. That was a cool link!
  20. I've been thinking of the difference between my superstition about the gift of knives. The best I can figure is that it's truly a cultural-based thing. My ancestors did not posess iron or steel until acquired as trade goods or tribal gifts. Lewis and Clark's expedition might have not gotten too far had they not had blacksmiths on hand to repair pots and make hatchet-heads with which to trade for corn with primarily the Mandan for their first winter. It took awhile to realize that what was being traded was not the right to pass through a hunting ground, but the very property itself. Especially when you return to an established area and people were settled on it...something strictly unthinkable, and indeed, sacreligious to the native mindset. Anyway, back to the knives. When they were given, not traded, you were supposed to give a coin, and the recipient was supposed to bury the coin in a secret place. As long as the coin was safe, so was the recipient. So it would really root from the native custom of always reciprocating, gift for gift, and, two, the scarcity of silver coins to natives. If you were serious enough about the gift, you would go to the trouble of obtaining the protection for the recipient that was required.
  21. harina or maiz?Maiz is my absolute favorite, unless it's the old-fashioned Sonoran harina cartwheels, made with lard. But hey, anything fresh is good, no?
  22. Aw, shucks, ma'am, I just think in metal
  23. Jaymes, I think if you went to a metalshop and described the size of your burner, they could bend a piece of bar or rod for next to nothing to fit around the burners. Find an old shop with scrap in quantity, and chances are you get it for free. The reason I say a ring of metal is that it seems to me as if the Chinese ring would keep the comal kind of high and precariously balanced, might unneccessarily weaken your comal, and use more energy to get a stable heat. If I still had my shop, my solution for you would be a very simple box made of 1/2" expanded metal, simply bent over, and not even requiring any welds. Just smoothed so it wouldn't scratch. Then you could use the box for charring chiles, etc.
  24. I am thinking that a lot of the menstrual prohibitions may stem as well from ladies who had a justified wish for a day doing something less labor-intensive than cooking (hand washing clothes? spinning yarn? mucking barns? plucking chickens? no real idea, but if it had been in my power, I'd have specified 'those days' required everyone else to do the work, under the pain of extreme woes for the near future!)
  25. Mabelline


    Very fast party guac from my kids' numerous parties were a can of Rotel to each two or three avocados. Works good, easy, easy, easy when you are tryin' to make sure youngin's are grilling hot dogs and not digits.
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