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Quail Recipes and Cooking Advice

Chris Amirault

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excellent tips, thanks derek.  you're definitely not too late--i'll be doing them again, and soon too.  i'm not sure about boning them quite yet, because i'm not sure i have the energy on a given day--i generally give myself about an hour to prepare dinner, and while that's feasible on a general basis, it gets kinda sketchy when it comes to prep like boning quails.

ok my childish side just can't believe i wrote that last bit.

In direct contradiction to the French, I buy the quail on Saturday, bone & brine them that day, then freeze them. Maybe it's the brining, but I can't tell the difference between these quail and those I've cooked fresh (which is pretty infrequent, to be fair).

heh. yeah, in contradiction to that these came pre-frozen from the asian grocery. so i have no idea when they were killed...

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Boning the wee buggers isn't as hard as it sounds, it's just fiddly. I did it for the first time in a "black box" scenario at cooking school, with my clumsy arthritic fingers (and under time pressure at that), so there's hope for anyone! :blink: Just make sure your boning knife is really, *really* sharp at the tip.

“Who loves a garden, loves a greenhouse too.” - William Cowper, The Task, Book Three


"Not knowing the scope of your own ignorance is part of the human condition...The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you’re a member of the Dunning-Kruger club.” - psychologist David Dunning


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