I think its terrific
that you've found a Culinary Hobby
that gives you a fine reward for your effort.
however , id suggest this :
are your efforts
independently taste tested
( double blind , pick from three , etc )
that much better than Fz , of various
Stripes and Colours ?
possibly .
consider taking your efforts
where no Fz Tot has been :
subtle , very slight
"" Mix- Ins ""
Picograms would be good
not to mis the point : Potatoes , Cruchy , Crispy
1 ) a tiny bit of exceptional quality Bacon ? w some fat
2 ) some snap , from an equally small bit of Green Chili , w heat ?
3 ) etc. ?
Ore-Ida nor Tj's makse anything like that
nore does Stop&Shop
a Dutch Company
think Twice Baked Russet Potato
but more like a Tot