Time to replace the beat up, second-hand, yard sale hand mixer that has done little more than take up storage space for the last eight years. I was surprised to find no discussions about this topic ... <shrug>
I've read a few reviews that speak favorably about the KitchenAid mixer, but there are several models and they have different beater shapes and accessory blades. I don't know about the pros and cons of the different beater blades or if the accessory blades are worthwhile.
The 5 speed: (eG-friendly Amazon.com link)
The 7 speed: (eG-friendly Amazon.com link)
The 9 speed: (eG-friendly Amazon.com link)
Then there's the Cuisinart that looks to be a good value, especially with the extra blades and storage case:
I'm drawn to these because of name recognition, comments and reviews I've read, and because I'm ignorant of what else might be available.
How important is the beater blade shape? Do I need more than five or seven speeds? I'm totally out in left field here, so any help and suggestions are very welcome. I'd like to keep the price under $100.00 or so, but quality and usefulness are important and value is very important.
Edited to add: Almost forgot, I've also read some good reviews of the Breville mixer, and it's been a winner in some tests. It's a bit more than I'd like to spend, but not out of the question if it's a good value. I've been happy with my Breville countertop ovens, so I'm at least comfortable with the brand.