I've tried making shortbread cookies today and the cookies really puffed up in the oven and the majority didn't retain their shape - I used cutout + stamps
Can anyone help me to understand why or offer a similar simple recipe that should work?
This is what I followed:
- 115 g (1 stick) butter
- 60 g (½ cup) powdered sugar
- 175 g (1¼cu) AP flour
The recipe :
Soften the butter, add powdered sugar and smush together, add flour and mix.
My dough was a bit crumbly so I "kneaded" it a bit until the butter probably softened a bit more and combined the flour so it wasn't as crumbly anymore.
Rolled out to 0,5 cm (¼ inch) thick and made the cutouts and stamps.
Pust the cutout cookies in the freezer for 2 hours and then baked in preheated oven at 180°C (350 F) for 8 min (recipe said 12, but were done a lot sooner).
If you take a look at the video where I got the recipe from, you will see hiw clear the stamps remained in the video after baking. Mine really puffed up and lost shape.
Any ideas?
Edit: adding some pics for reference:
after 5 min baking (doesn't look thqt bad "yet", but getting really puffy),
Done baking (some overdone 🤭), some look better than others, but the flowery one, on the right to the corgi dog in the middle said "Merry Christmas), and the cookie on far right should be a cat on scratching post, and the furthest down and to the right is another corgi dog that just lost all of it's face.
The dough was thick enough for the stamp to go deep enough I think.