I accepted a Hit for the Team : a Heat Hit
mise :
yesterday AM I cooked the Aldi tortellini in my medium Saucier.
fortunately , my Thinking Cap
( remember those ? )
must have been near by : I microwaved the water in a pyrex measuring cup
to a boil , rather than used the Saucier on the gas stove.
I did need to use the GS for a bit to get the cooking done.
and its heat was noticeable , yet not deadly
the package says 2 minutes . the Tort's were from the refrigerator .
4 minutes @ a light boil deemed to get the job done.
I used tap water to cool , and changed it 3 times
as tap water here is beginning to warm up
I divided the cooled T's into two containers
and added some Artichoke supernate
( shaken up first ) to one sample
and left the other sample plain.
refrigerated over night .
these T's did not have prosciutto
that made a difference . they were plain and a bit bland
the Supernate sample was tastier , but the oil for the Aldi's was soybean .
Ill use a vinaigrette next time . TJ's has some Dijon , from Dijon !
these will be fine on a hot day , w some of the marinated artichokes
and the vinaigrette . maybe even in a Role-Up w dressed mature spinach.
something new for me to work with on a Hot summer day.