ExpandI like the Key West wild shrimp, but I'm an even bigger fan of the Argentian red shrimp. I'm curious what you think of their smoked salmon and gravlax once you have them. I'm assuming the smoked salmon is cold smoked, not hot smoked, right? Once you defrost them, how long do they recommend they'll keep in the refrigerator? Although, to be honest, it's been so long since I've bought smoked salmon or gravlax that I don't know how how long those would last either.
I like the wild caught gulf or Keys shrimp, simply because they don't fuck with them like they do with Argentinian shrimp. Here's the ingredients for the Argentinian shrimp:
Ingredients: Shrimp, sodium-metabisulfate
Both of the salmons are cold-smoked; the "gravlax" is also a cold-smoked product that they simply add gravlax herbs and spices to. They should last up to a week, with the amount of salt and smoke in them.
ExpandI'll be quite interested in your take on the NY Steaks once you've had the opportunity to try them I've had my eye on those for a while.
I will let you know; it might be a while.