very interesting .
Tech gone Bananas .
if you have a family of 4 , do you need to buy two ?
( see the vids @ YouTube )
Jan 2020 this might have been very interesting.
now , how ever, for this to take off , they need to add a
Suvie Shopper to go to the grocery store and Motor around
( electrically of course ) to pick up your stuff.
as we all recall , there were some similar ( but very different ) ideas
ref'd here in the past : The modified CSO that scanned what was delivered to you
and then cooked your meal , always *****. ( five star )
I think that fizzled .
if their pre-packaged food is up to your personal standards ,
and you can and chose to afford this and the subscripstions
( until we all get vaccinated re C-19 )
go fo it.
its also really important that you dont enjoy cooking
and dont get personal satisfaction with prep , knife works etc.
pre-C-19 : this is a dud.
post C-19 : who knows.
thanks for the refs. it is interesting
P.S.: in thinking about this for a family of 4 :
it would work , Im guessing , but the family would be on the thin side.
and no , I have not started in on my TJ's Home-blended dry white wine
just yet