Peet's has a "Small Batch" subscription program in which I'm taking part. Each month I get a pound of coffee, each different and, thus far, enjoyable and interesting. For me, however, the pound doesn't last but about three weeks. I've been supplementing my subscription by buying interesting-looking coffee at TJ's. It's a price thing as well as a way of exploring and possibly discovering a jewel of a blend.
This was my recent purchase at $8.99 for 13 ounces. It's one of the nicer TJ's coffees I've tried. More complex and aromatic than the others, with subtle hints of, I think, blueberry and citrus.
If you're looking for a budget coffee that punches above its weight class, this blend is worth considering. Or, if you just want a good cuppa Joe, regardless of price, this is worth a look, tool. In any case, I like it ... 👍