Soup & Salad.
Tomato soup.
EV olive oil, chopped-up onion, chopped-up celery, tomato flesh w/ juices, sea salt, water, fresh basil, simmer, break up w/ a stick blender, simmer.
Served w/ a generous dollop of basil pesto & basil sprigs.
On the way there: tomatoes [Van Antwerp Farm] after de-skinning and de-seeding.
Red-leaf lettuce hearts, cooked (fresh) soybeans; sugar snap peas & peeled baby potatoes both just-barely cooked (separately, though) in salted simmering water; golden beets cooked to crunchy tenderness & de-skinned; hard-boiled eggs; chopped parsley.
ETA: ...and sliced wong nga pak (Napa cabbage) leaves.
Vinaigrette made w/ whole-grain Dijon mustard [Maille], EV olive oil [Alziari], Agrodolce Bianco Delizia Estense, Maldon salt, turbinado sugar.