Okay, it sounds like the IP is pretty useful. In fact, judging from several (not all) pages of this thread it can be used for just about everything except maybe a grilled steak, but I don't really have a sense of what it does best. I don't own a pressure cooker or a rice cooker. Some of the things I might want to do faster and simpler are the following:
Cook rice for a crowd (I love the rice I cook stovetop, but large quantities for more than 4 or 5 people when I have lots of other things to juggle is a pain). Cook grits or polenta without all the intensive labor. Make modest quantities of stock quickly for specific dishes if I don't have any frozen stock on hand. It seems like all three of these tasks could be done well with the IP, correct?
Oh, and I don't make yogurt nor do I want to. The pricier model seems to involve the yogurt function. Is that good for anything else?
It would be useful to hear what your top uses are for the IP; like what three or four chores do you swear by it for?