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Newspaper Food Sections - The Good Old Days


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In the course of moving recently I jammed some folders full of newspaper clippings from the Los Angeles Times Food Section into my short term luggage. I just went through them and found a treasure. November 22, 1992 (Sunday before Thanksgiving- special section so they could pack it with adds for turkey etc.)The line-up:

Ruth Reichl: a portrait of the Cirque du Soleil traveling kitchen and cooks

Marion Cunningham: a note about the demise of home cooking and pointers on teaching children to cook entitled "Teach Your Children Well"

Steven Raichlen: an article about that newcomer "chipotle chilis"

Russ Parsons & Charles Perry: articles about great local home cooks

Barbara Hansen: an article about a home cook with a Sonoran hornilla oven in her garden

Any other fond memories of great Food Sections?

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Not other sections or papers, Heidi, but I'll share a moment of silence with you for the LA Times food section that was. I remember well the glory days of Reichel's stewardship, and the time when I could spend at least an hour perusing the articles and recipes. No longer, sorry to say. 15 minutes tops, and *THAT'S* only when they feature a Russ Parsons article. Wednesdays used to be a highlight of the newspaper-receiving week for me, even my pathetic little hometown rag used to have a passable food section. Now, its almost a throw-away. And contrary to what the media barons would have you believe, the content they used to have is NOT on the web. The Times' website is pretty good, but the section of it dedicated to food and restaurants is merely a web-posting of the sorry offerings in the print version.

Such a loss......

Edited by Pierogi (log)


"Let's slip out of these wet clothes, and into a dry Martini" - Robert Benchley

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