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MxMo XXV: New Horizons

Chris Amirault

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As Erik (eje) has well documented here in the Spirits & Cocktails forum, Paul over at Cocktail Chronicles has been organizing a monthly online cocktail event he calls Mixology Mondays. Once a month, hearty imbibers, studious cocktailians, and other assorted tipplers submit drinks in accordance with guidelines provided by a host blogger.

This month's event is being hosted by the Scribe over on his blog, A Mixed Dram. The theme is New Horizons.

Wrote the Scribe:

I issue you a challenge: Try something new!

  • Try a new base spirit. Never mixed with Tequila? Give it a try. If you’ve never made a beer cocktail or a wine cocktail, why not give it a shot? What about something really exotic? How about aquardiente from the Caribbean or arrack from the Middle East? (Okay, so that’s basically rum and anisette, but you get the drift.)
  • Use a technique you’ve never used before. Ever been itching to give molecular mixology a shot? Now’s your chance. Ever been eager to infuse vodka or spice rum, or toss fruit and spices in something else? Here’s your excuse. Been reading about those really cool and wacky purees infused with spices and herbs and other flavourings, or some other cool culinary technique? I challenge you to bring it here next month.
  • Now some of you are saying “I already do all of that.” (Mssrs. Boudreau, Morgenthaller, and others, I’m looking squarely at you.) Well, guess what? If you you are creative enough to use every conceivable base spirit, and creative enough to use every commonly used technique, then you are creative enough to come up with something.

If you would like to participate, please post a cocktail in this topic before Monday, January 19th at 6 pm EST. I will compile a list of cocktails posted and email them to the organizer.

I'm already thinking about a method I'd never seen until Dave Wondrich and Dale DeGroff made New York Sours at the NYC Food & Wine Festival this past fall: the claret float. What about you?

Chris Amirault

eG Ethics Signatory

Sir Luscious got gator belts and patty melts

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Sad to report I have nothing to contribute this month -at least that I'm willing to admit to. Let's just say caramelized-onion infused tequila was not one of my better ideas :sad:

Hope some other forum members can take up the flag.

It's almost never bad to feed someone.

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Bummer. The spiced lardo I was planning to make a fat washed bourbon with is locked in my cooler at work and we're closed tomorrow so I can't access it. I guess I'm out for this month too... :sad:

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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