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  1. Pairing chocolates with desert wines is nothing new. And most restaurants bring the flavors of wine, blackberry, raspberry and coffee into their chocolate deserts as well. San Francisco Chocolate Factory has taken this one step further. Most people know that Zinfandel wines go great with Dark Chocolate. Now there is a chocolate formulated specifically for pairing with all the major California red wine varietals. San Francisco Chocolate Factory has six dark chocolate products that can be paired with Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, Zinfandel, Port and Cabernet Sauvignon. Recently, I had the good fortune to taste all the chocolates with their respective varietals. I wasn’t too thrilled with the Pinot Noir blend. The chocolate really overpowered the Alder Brook Pinot Noir I was having. The other varietals paired nicely with their chocolate counterpart, providing an excellent balance of flavors between the chocolate and the wine. So that your wine isn’t overpowered by the chocolate, I would recommend drinking wines that represent the most flavorful of their respective varietals. San Francisco Chocolate Factory varies the % of Cocoa in their quest for the perfect pairing. 54% Cocoa for Port, 55% for Cabernet, 56% for Pinot Noir, 58% for Merlot, 61% for Syrah and a whopping 72% for Zinfandel. The ZAP (Zinfandel, Advocates and Producers) festival in S.F. offers chocolates to the attendees along with bread and cheese. So I think the link between Zinfandel and chocolate is pretty strong. Has anyone else had a positive chocolate and wine pairing experience? What kinds of chocolate do you like with your wine?
  2. Several times now I've worked with others off site thru pm's exchanging recipes, in search of "the best of". I'd like to bring this topic up to everyone........would you participate and share you best recipes, test others recipes, compare and see if we can all benefit from this? I'd like to see other pro's get involved, will you too be interested and participate? The main recipes I'm interested in networking on are basics: the best chocolate cake, the best white sratch cake, best yellow, best sponge, etc....These seem like simple cakes, well they are, but to a certain respect their very difficult because most don't compare in texture to a mix. Unforunately I live in a world that judges cakes to mixes and usually the mix wins in taste tests, especially white cake. Yellow cake which I get requests for, recipes doesn't really seem to exist (theres only a handful out there labeled yellow). You have butter cakes, sponge cakes, etc....but nothing really seems to come close to what consumers see in the box yellow mises. I feel like I'm already using the best carrot and banana cake recipes. Cakes that get flavor from ingredients other then butter, flour and sugar are much easier to achieve good taste from. But the simple chocolate, white and yellow cakes are very ilusive. I also don't see the challenge in genoise or non-american cakes.........seeing that their rarely used on their own as is or in a wedding cake. So what do you think? Unlike the other thread were they're working from one book, "Baking With Julia", you can bring the best recipe you've ever found from any source.......as long as we link to the recipe and excerpt or we put the recipe and directions in our own words we won't plagiarize and we'll respect fair use. So who's in?
  3. How do you put a thin, hard-crack coating of sugar on nuts, then cover that with a thin layer of chocolate. Any suggestions for doing that? Equipment? Manufacturers who do that? How? Thanks, Tom
  4. Hey, all, Does anyone know how to temper chocolate until it looks as shiney as glass? I tempered some recently and it was glossy and beautiful but not like a mirror. Is that possible? And what kind of thermometer is best, since temps are so important? Thanks, Tom
  5. I am a hot chocolate addict and frequent Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar. About a year ago, I began buying copious amounts of pure cocoa tablets (100% cocoa beans) and experimenting with various flavors. My staple so far is made of 1.5 cups of coconut milk, 2 tableas, and 1.5 tablespoons of raw muscovado sugar. Sometimes I throw in a cinnamon stick or some anise. Any other cocoa addicts, and variations??
  6. I have a huge disadvantage in that I don't do my own ordering. I'M A TEMP., I will NOT be placing my own orders (so skip that suggestion). But I still have to comunicate with my chefs what I want and where they can get it- otherwise they'll just order whats cheapest and I'll have no input. I've given my chef a brand that I want to try E. Guittard (as Steve and Chefette recomend it). He's having a devil of a time finding someone who distributes this. After calling the company dirrect he can buy from them, but they have a 500 LB min. order (and that's not in the relm of possiblities) and two distributors in Chicagoland that carry their brand. Dawn and Bakemark (who if any of you aren't familar with those companies-their both large bakery suppliers), but both companys only carry Guittards coating chocolates, no couveture. I suggested he call European Imports because they purchased my favorite pastry company "Classic Gourmet" and promised to continue carrying their products. Sooooo turns out EI doesn't have Guittard in stock (aslthough they might be able to special order it)... and the sales person told my chef "Why do you want that brand? No one likes that brand." that's why they don't keep it in stock.... (I didn't appreciate the chef who doesn't have any understanding of chocolate coming back to me telling me that the sales person thinks I'm clueless and I want a crappy chocolate.) Then of course the sales rep. has to confuse my chef and push his stuff. Like I'm clueless and the rep. knows everything. Uurgh! So this is where I've been in the past: For many years I used Flechlin brand and loved it. But I was working at a place where money wasn't a problem and buying in their top of the line chocolate wasn't a problem. So at this new place I was offered Flechlin thru Albert Uster Co. at a great price and I tried a couple boxes. I didn't like this at all. It was their bottom line Flechlin...and had no similarity to their top line. Next I got in Cocoa Berrys Calaubout (53%). I don't like this either. The semi-sweet has to be adjusted in recipes because of it's density....and over all the taste on all (white, milk, semi) is nothing great-Nestles Choc. chips at the grocery store tastes better to me. While were searching to Guittard we got in a couple boxes of Calbouet with a 60-something %....and maybe I'll like that better....BUT the price is higher and my Chef is as cheap as they come and I know that price will be an issue down the road. Soooooo the point to this thread-well I have a couple. 1. Who sells E. Guittard in the Chicago area, anyone know? 2. I'm really mad at European Imports which promised to continue Classic Gourmets product line and have in only a very short time NOT followed thru with that promise. They are NOT stocking anything/product that doesn't do alot of volume. BUT as you and I know we need specialty ingredients and finding them is HARD. We don't need theses items in huge volumes. AND European Imports knew this before they bought Classic Gourmet- that's what was so unique about Classic Gourmet they had all the specialty ingred.. SOOOOoooo I'm really upset that I they broke their promise and I'm going to be struggling finding ingred. in the future. I want my Classic Gourmet back! 3. Sales rep.s- rrrrrrrr!
  7. Do you recommend it, and how does it compare with other Dutched cocoa powders, such as Droste, Bensdorp, etc?
  8. So my copy of Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Herme, written by Dorie Greenspan, finally arrived. I'd like to work through the book (and maybe throw in some stuff from his other book with Dorie Greenspan). And it would be great to have some eGullet bakers along for the ride. Anybody want to make something this weekend? I'm thinking a cake or tart to start with? Maybe the Apricot & Ginger Chocolate Loaf Cake (p. 3) or the Chocolate & Raspberry Tart (p. 97) (if raspberries don't cost $5.00 a half-pint)? I'm totally open to other ideas. I'm also thinking about making something in the middle of next week to bring to my sister-in-law's house for Thanksgiving, maybe the Moist and Nutty Brownies (p. 61), or the Hazelnut Chocolate Sables (p. 69)?
  9. This is a spin-off from the cocoa thread. I'd like to try using dutch process cocoa in my brownies but don't have ready access to small amounts. I think the smallest bag my supplier has is about 5 lbs. My brownies have just cocoa, no solid chocolate and a bit of instant coffee as well as 1/4 tsp of baking soda. A few people mentioned that you should use regular cocoa in recipes that contain baking soda. Is a 1/4 teaspoon enough to mess them them up? How does the dutch process cocoa effect the flavour. I seem to remember reading that the flavour will be richer and the texture a bit fudgier. Can anyone help me with their experiences? Sorry, this is a bit long. To sum up, my questions are: 1. Will 1/4 tsp baking soda affect my brownies negatively if I use dutch process cocoa? 2. Is it worth trying dutch process cocoa? Is the flavour that much better? Thanks for your input.
  10. I am trying to make (for my own knowledge) a dessert consisting of a layer of chocolate cake, a layer of chocolate mousse, and a layer of white chocolate mousse. I want to put it together in a mold so it's really nice and neat. My question is: I've only been able to find molds that are about 3 or so inches high. How do I layer the cake and mousses? I bought acetate paper but I don't think this is what acetate is for. Should I cut a piece of parchement that's double or so the size of the mold and pipe the mousses onto one another that way? But then how do I get the paper off the mousse without messing it all up? By the way, what can I use acetate paper for? thanks!
  11. I'm a huge fan of the choc chip cookies made by City Bakery in NYC--they're rich and chewy and crispy and almost toffee-like, studded with big ol' shards of chocolate. I've got a recipe that actually tastes pretty close, but I have two problems: 1. The cookies come out flat and crispy, which, while fine in its own way, is not what I'm trying for 2. They're fairly greasy-feeling, with much more butter left on the fingers than CB's version. Today I tried chilling the dough--rolling it into a cookie schlong and slicing instead of scooping--but it only made them crispier. Here's the recipe I'm playing with. Any suggestions would be VERY much appreciated! 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour ½ t. baking soda ½ t. salt ¼ pound (1 stick) cold unsalted butter, cut into ½-inch pieces ½ cup sugar ¾ cup tightly packed light brown sugar 1 ½ t. pure vanilla extract 1 large egg, at room temperature 7 oz bittersweet chocolate, cut into 1/2 inch chunks 1) Preheat oven to 350. Adjust racks to lower and upper thirds of the oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or Silpats. 2) Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt into a medium bowl and set aside. 3) Using a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment or a hand mixer, cream the butter on medium speed until pale yellow, about 2 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and the paddle. Add the sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla. Cream on medium speed until it is smooth and lump free, about 2 minutes. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl and the paddle. 4) Add the egg and beat on low speed for 15 seconds, or until fully incorporated. Do not overbeat. Stop the machine and scrape down the sides of the bowl and the paddle. 5) On low speed, add the flour mixture. Beat until just incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the chocolate chunks and mix until they are just incorporated. If using a hand mixer, use a wooden spoon to stir them in. 6) Spoon the dough using a cookie scooper 2 inches apart onto the prepared baking sheets. 7) Bake for 11-13 minutes or until golden brown around the edges, swapping placement and turning the sheets front to back halfway through the baking. 8) Remove from the oven and carefully slide the parchment or Silpats directly onto a work surface. Let cool until set, then slide cookies onto rack to cool fully.
  12. It's me again with yet another question. I'm sure I've used up my quota of questions for the last couple days but I have one more... Here's a lsit of what my supplier sells: CA13 Mi-Amare (Pistols) 5kg IFF2 Callebaut - D811 5kg IFF3 Callebaut - 811 5kg IFF21 Semi-Calets (USA) Item#95842 D811 25lb LIN3652 Lindt Surfin (Dark) Chocolate 2/1kg LIN3673 Lindt Extra Bitter Chocolate 2/1kg LIN2832 Lindt 70% Excellence (Bars) Couverture Bitter 10kg KR7635 Semi Sweet Choc. Squares (GENIE) 10kg KR7636 Unsweet Dark Squares (Bakerettes) 10kg CC1 Schokinag Bitter Sweet Slab 2.5kg CC5 Schokinag 55/45/35 Chips - 1000ct 10kg BC501 Couverture Wafers - C501/J 10kg I am not sure what would best serve my purposes. I'm not clear on the difference between "pistols" & "calets" and "semi-calets". I work for a higher-end coffee house but it's not a bakery so I have to choose good products but not neccessarily the best as cost is a bit of an issue. I use chocolate melted in cheesecake, melted with margarine to top some types of squares, melted in one of my frostings and chips in cookies. Do I need to buy block chocolate or can I use calets or wafers? Are calets the same size as chocolate chips and can I use them in cookies or do I need proper chocolate chips for them to hold their shape? Or is there enough cocoa butter in the Schokinag chips that I could use them for the other purposes as well? My rep is very kind but I don't think he's a baker, just a salesman, so I'd like the opinion of someone who actually uses the products. Thanks again for all your help!
  13. I'm looking for a premium hot chocolate to serve in a cafe. Someone recommended Ghiradelli which I plan to try. What else? Jacques Torres is out - they won't sell their hot chocolate unless you buy their candy. I'm also going to the Chocolate Show in NY tomorrow and these are the exhibitors. Anyone that I should make a point of seeing?
  14. The mechanism for tempering chocolate is well known, as is the taste preference for the form V crystalline polymorph of cocoa butter. But, what is special about that polymorph when compared to the other five? Jim
  15. In the Fall 2001 issue of Martha Stewart Weddings magazine, on page 292, there appeared a wedding cake done by Wendy Kromer. It was totally covered with rose-petal-shaped chocolate. I attempted to recreate this, but with no success. I used Valrhona chocolate as directed. I would love to master the technique used to make this chocolate shape and am hoping someone can provide an explanation for how I might succeed the next time I try this.
  16. Hi All, Can someone please educate me on the rationale behind using parafin wax when melting chocolate. I have come across a recipe that I want to try out and it calls for melting chocolate with 1/4 of a parafin bar of wax. I have never done this before and I have seen other recipes but I never been willing to try them because of the wax factor. Thanks in advance for the lesson.
  17. Unforunately I don't get the chance to try a wide variety of chocolate brands. I recently bought Valrona's milk chocolate (retail) and I personally was a little supprised by it. I'm currently using all E. Guttaird's line at work.........I've always thought the E. Guttaird milk chocolate to be a little bit waxie and timid (compared to fechlin's I used at a previous job, and admired)..........until I tasted Valrona's. I expected the Valrona to be great and really much better then the Guttiard and Fechlin, I'm supprised that I thought it wasn't nearly as good. This has me wondering if others feel the same way, that Valrona's milk chocolate is pretty weak? Or am I missing something? Am I comparing it too much to a typical American candy bar and not really the 'right standards'? So, who's milk chocolate are you buying?
  18. This is a wintertime topic. Anywhere you can recommend for excellent hot chocolate? The only one I could find discussed here is Le Pichet's, which I've tried, and it's delicious but not drinkable. It's extremely rich, like liquid chocolate mousse. I'm looking for a deliciously chocolatey drink that's a beverage, not a dessert. The one I tried most recently was at Top Pot, and it was unsatisfactory, more like warm vaguely chocolate-flavored milk. With all the coffeehouses in town, I'm sure someone is making a good hot chocolate. Suggestions welcomed. (Matthew makes a fabulous hot chocolate from Pierre Herme's recipe, but I'd like somewhere to get a good one while away from home.)
  19. Norman Love does some exquisitely beautiful chocolates that are glossier than a new Ferarri. Mine have the finish of a 1995 Mustang that hasn't been waxed- Not bad, but nothing like Norman's. A lot like a plain old Godiva, in fact. How can I achieve that beautiful luster? On a separate note, what dyes do you recommend using in cocoa butter? The stuff I have (powdered, from Chocovision) doesn't dissolve well in cocoa butter, the colors are drab, and the results are less than wonderful. Thanks for the suggestions, guys and gals. Norman Love Confections
  20. Just wondering how well frozen ganache defrosts, anyone?
  21. I just ran across these: http://www.e-royce.com/servlet/product?item=920 chocolate covered potato chips..... why would someone do this???? I also recently had the joy of eating chocolate covered gummies, I couldn't spit it out fast enough. for the record, I also hate chocolate covered pretzels....
  22. Yesterday we hosted a party for about 30 people. Most of the food was provided by others, but we wanted to make sure we had at least one munchie, one soup, and one dessert. Everything went off without a hitch until I tried to cut the brownies I'd baked into squares and they crumbled to the point where they were too ugly to serve at a party. Taking a page from numerous eGulleteers, I whipped up a batch of butterscotch pudding, and layered it and the brownie crumbles into a trifle of sorts. It was yummy, if a tad heavy. I started thinking that a bit of fruit layered in with the brownies and pudding would have been a nice addition. My question: what fruit would go nicely with both chocolate and butterscotch? I know that bananas would have been an obvious choice, but bananas are the one food I cannot stand in any way, shape, or form. The strawberries we picked earlier this spring and sliced and stored in the freezer were another possibility; I knew that they'd be a slam-dunk with the brownies but wasn't so sure about the butterscotch. What else might have worked? Bonus points if it's available in small-town upstate NY in early December.
  23. I am searching for a natural source of food colorings, to tint buttercream, & use in chocolate work. I don't like commercial FC, it is synthetic and toxic to boot. Has anyone found a good source/vendor who has naturally derived colorings
  24. I would like to know what my peers prefer to glaze with..... Ganache: with the addition of butter, eggs or no eggs, no butter? trimolene, glucose, sugar????? Simple chocolate glaze, chocolate, cream, simple syrup? Glacage? Love it, but way to fragile...... I guess I'm searching for the perfect glaze.... One that shines, coats evenly, slighly resilliant, retains its luster and dear god, please no sweating......
  25. Just thought I would share my pictures of the chocolate competition I was in today. One of Michael's assistants was in the masterpiece competition as well. My first competiton and I placed 2nd! It was a stressful day after I got lost getting to the venue and arrived with only about an hour and a half to set up, but so glad I did it. It was a nice step to challenge myself since I am a newbie to competitions. Hoping the link works! I have be awol from the computer for a bit this past week.
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