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Everything posted by mnebergall

  1. I think I would prefer my burgers from Five Guys a little on the well done side, for health reasons.
  2. mnebergall

    Roast meat

    To paraphrase DonRocks, I think this statement needs closer analysis.
  3. Where can I get some of those fish trou?
  4. mnebergall


    I cook mine just the opposite. Into a saute pan, I put some sliced onions on top of some olive oil, then I put a layer of sliced zuchinni and summer squash, then a layer of sliced green and red pepper, then some diced tomato, then some salt, pepper and Italian seasoning, and some chopped fresh basil, if I have some. I fire it up on high to get it going and then reduce the heat and cover. When I think everything is cooked, I take the top off to let some of the liquid evaporate. Great with grilled flank steak and potatoes. I don't think your method is wrong, just different. I might give it a try. How many pots and pans do you dirty up when you make your's?
  5. How about a potato gratin or macaroni and cheese?
  6. In addition to the split in the circuits and clashing constitutional arguments, in one of the cases, a State is the petitioner. Having a State petition for Cert., enhances the probability that the court will grant the petition for review. Bring on the regression.
  7. Is it your feet that hurt, or your back? If it is your back, then I would look into the height of the countertop a the culprit. If you are taller than whatever standard the countertop height was made for, then you need to either make yourself shorter or the countertop taller.
  8. Yeah, but if you only have one oven, how do you get your potatoes to come out looking like that if your oven is only at 65C?
  9. I think it is likely that the Supreme Court will take both cases. Whenever there is a split in the circuits, as we have here, the Supreme Court typically will resolve the dispute. On an issue such as interstate shipment of alcoholic beverages, it just is not good public policy to have one rule for some states and a different rule for others. When the rulings stand on constitutional grounds, as here, there is no other way to resolve the differences between the circuits than to have the Supremes review it.
  10. I can see you don't need to rent skis.
  11. I'm inclined to agree with DonRocks.
  12. Thanks, I washed off the ground stuff and replaced it with the whole spice version. When shopping I did run into Old Bay crab boil which is a whole spice model. I also found your McCormick's stuff at twice the price. The Old Bay was about a buck and a half and the McCormick's was 3 bucks. I also found a brand called Old Savannah.
  13. I can't seem to locate either McCormick's Seafood Boil Spices or the Zatarain's equivalent. Is Old Bay a reasonable substitute (made by McCormick's and has allspice and cloves in it? It comes in a one-ounce foil pouch.
  14. mnebergall


    Look back upstream. There are some references to online sources. Look at the captions of the pictures of all the difference paprikas and there are online references.
  15. mnebergall


    With regard to the Goulash, keep in mind that it is Wolfgang that says the recipe feeds 6. 6 what, 6 anoxorics? Between my three kids and myself, a double batch does not last through lunch the next day. (I guess the last time I made it, the youngest (9) demanded a goulash omlet the next morning). Also, I recommend cooking at least a half hour longer that Wolfgang recommends. Last, I buy pot roast on sale and cut it up to make the goulash.
  16. mnebergall


    Here is the simplified spaetzle batter recipe that I use instead of Wolfgang's complicated recipe: 2 Eggs well beaten 1 1/2 c sifted flour 1/2 c cold water 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking powder dash of ground nutmeg mix it all together into a batter and process through the spaetzle maker into the boiling water. Follow Wolfgang from here (cold water, browning, etc). No need to let it set. Keep in mind that I double this and plan to triple it next time because my kids like it so much (none left for me after they go back to their mother's).
  17. mnebergall


    Where is this separate recipe? Here is Wolfgang's recipe for Spaetzle. I use the cooking method but a more simple recipe for the batter. Also, you likely will find it virtually impossible to make spaetzle without one of these I make a double batch of both the goulash and the spaetzle and it is all gone after lunch the next day. I am thinking of trying a triple batch so that I can have some leftover for dinner. That's what 3 growing kids will do to you. Edited to change link to spaetzle maker to an eGullet Amazon link.
  18. mnebergall


    The Szeged paprika is generally available in the spice section of many grocery stores. I know that Giant carries it in the DC area.
  19. mnebergall


    Here is the hungarian goulash recipe that my kids beg me for (Wolfgang Puck's): click Note: I replaced this with a link to the Puck site to avoid a copyright violation. The recipe is exactly the same. -mamster
  20. I use the Weber Performer which is a charcoal grill with a gas flame igniter for the charcoal. I can usually have food on the grill within about 15 minutes of hitting the "start" button. It will prety much do any of the things you cite.
  21. Just what is "Canadian Bacon?" The only thing that seems to be available south of the border is Canadian "style" bacon which suggests to me that the real thing is probably qualitatively different and likely better.
  22. mnebergall


    My kids beg me for hungarian goulash. The recipe I use calls for some sweet and some hot paprika. I would love to be able to kick it up a notch. What is your experience with goulash?
  23. mnebergall


    Jennyuptown: The Giant sometimes, in the meat section, has a special meatloaf package that has about a pound of ground beef, and a half pound each of ground veal and ground pork. It make excellenet meatloaf and whenever I see it I buy a couple of packages and put it in the freezer. Not only is meatloaf great, but I love it the next day on sandwichs.
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