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Everything posted by mnebergall

  1. They finally have opened. I plan to try to stop by and have a drink at the bar this evening after work. I will try to get some details regading the menu and will post tomorrow (if I actually make it this evening).
  2. See what I get for only looking at the pictures. I should read the articles as well.
  3. I can't wait either. Unfortunately, it's turkey and 'shroom season and I will be out in the boondox looking for both. Reruns?
  4. I think this tartiflette recipe needs to go in RecipeGullet. What kind of ham (looks like serrano) and how much? What kind of potatos, russets??, and how much? One glass of white wine,what kind (at my house it would be a glass of whatever is open at the moment). Looks like butter, salt and pepper as well. Anything else? I'm dying here, I need the details. And what the heck kind of cheese is that? I know we can see the lable, but there are three chances of finding that specific kind of cheese (other than the place you found it): (1) slim, (2) none, and (3) fat. I wonder if it would be good with tasso ham? I'm not going to look at these food blogs anymore if I'm going to be sent into some sort of carbohydrotic shock with pictures (people will think I have had a stroke, what with all the drool leaking down my chin) and no directions. If I had wanted that I could have bought something from Ikea. bleudauvergne, your fans around the globe await. PS: Can we assume the the piece of unidentified blue cheese upthread somewere is a hunk of bleu d'auvergne?
  5. That place sounds like it might also suck the proverbial "ventworm nut" as well.
  6. I think this post refers to the episodes which reran on Friday and Saturday, the 2000 Flay/Morimoto shows done in NY and Japan. Oh, I didn't know that was a re-run. But nonetheless, he jumped on the countertop twice, right? Or more than that? What nauseating arrogance. How embarrassing to be an American in those circumstances, around someone so unprofessional and insulting to his hosts. He jumped up on the cutting board both times.
  7. I think this post refers to the episodes which reran on Friday and Saturday, the 2000 Flay/Morimoto shows done in NY and Japan.
  8. Anthony, thanks for your input, its certainly welcome. Even though I defended DC Les Halles in this thread, it does have significant shortcomings. I first went there just 2 weeks after it first opened (93?) and have been a regular ever since. I really think the recent management is problematic and they have chased all the regular waiters, bartenders and at least one chef away. Continuity is key in any relationship-based business. Its cheesy but true: its nice to go where everyone knows your name. Well, unless your name is Senator SoAndSo, they don't recognize semi-regulars at Les Halles in DC. And I am not looking for a comp, just a smile now and then. Also, they have seemed to stop hiring French staff out front. Big mistake, they add charm and may actually know about food and wine just a bit. Mark You would think that a restaurant's reservation management software would keep track of how often a customer visits an establishment. If it showed that you have eaten there ten times in the last year, a "welcome back Mr. DCMark" would be in order, or at least you would think.
  9. So, go to Wegmans and demand tasso ham. They carry anduuwy (and Wegman's brand too boot) sausage after all. Should they not also have tasso?
  10. At the Sette Osteria event, JennyUptown came armed with spreadsheets with a run down on all of the attendees. I think that is what she means by "cheat sheet."
  11. I stopped in this evening at around 5:30 and the place was moderately crowded. The one thing I went in for, tasso ham, they did not have (nor did the staff have a clue what I was looking for). Perhaps we should make it a eGullet DC goal to goad Wegman's into carrying it. So, whenever anyone goes in, find a staffer wearing a tie and toting a cell phone and ask for tasso ham and then get them to call the office on thier phone. If they get enough requests, maybe they will stock it. Or, does anyone know where to get tasso ham in the DC area (other than Glutton Place/Balduccis)?
  12. When you set out to bust someone's balls, you should expect some sort of retaliation.
  13. So only pregnant women are invited? Main Entry: em·bry·on·ic Pronunciation: "em-brE-'ä-nik Function: adjective 1 : of or relating to an embryo 2 : being in an early stage of development : INCIPIENT, RUDIMENTARY
  14. I suggested an embryonic eGDC event over on the New DeSales Street Restaurant thread.
  15. I stepped in there this afternoon while running some errands in the neighborhood. The gentleman behind the bar who appeared to be programming the computer said that they would be opening at the end of the month. There were table cloths on the tables and bar stools at the bar. He said they were going to be serving "small plates" and that the cuisine would be "mediterranian." I said "you mean like tapas?" And he said we don't like to use that term because it sounds too much like "topless." I said I competely understood given that there could be confusion with some of the establishiments a few blocks away. Is anyone up for an eGDC happy hour event after they open? (I know, people will say that it is unfair to judge a new place right when they open. But, how are they going to learn without customers?) edited for spelling..
  16. The weather is expected to be great this weekend. I suggest that you take a stroll up or down King street and see what strikes your fancy. There is a great Greek restaurant, several Asian spots, French, Italian. I have never had a bad meal at Landini Bros. on lower King. Scotland Yard (never been but its been there forever so it can't be bad). On Washington St, a block north of King is Le Refuge, a quaint little French spot (reservatioon recommended). In short, there are a zillion restaurants iin Old Town. Edited to add: No Cuban that I know of.
  17. Is this place in the old Maloney and Porcelli space?
  18. Sorry for all the confusion. The kids came back from recess while I was typing. Now you know why I don't post that much at work It is Thursday, April 22nd. For now. Unless we move it to the 29th so that babka and her friend can join us. I could make the 29th, but not the 22nd.
  19. I'm confused too. If we push it up a week, that means today. If we push it back a week, that would be the 29th.
  20. And here I am! There are many many dark Belgian beers, even a Cherry beer Join the crowd. Now everyone knows I'm a numbskull.
  21. I'm the loser for going all the way to Brussels and ordering the Belgian equivalent of Budweiser. Talk about hitting me below the belt. I'll know better next time. I would never think of using something like Stella Artois in a carbonnade. That's why I use Sierra Nevada. But, next time I go to make it, I will try to hunt up a Belgian ale to go with it (both cooking and eating).
  22. I guess I should get out more often. I was thinking of the Stella Artois I had at a sidewalk cafe in Brussels.
  23. Does it really make a difference to the flavor of the carbonnade where the beer came from? While I hate doing it (because I would rather drink it that cook with it), I generally use Sierra Nevada Pale Ale for carbonnade. I think (I could be wrong and if I am I'm sure someone here will correct me) most Belgian beers are lagers or pilsners and you may be hard pressed to find a dark one.
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