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Everything posted by mnebergall

  1. To the contrary, there is generally more game today than there was 100 years ago. Market hunting and habitat loss nearly wiped out the waterfowl flocks. There are more duck and geese today than there were at the turn of the 20th century. Also, the deer herds were depleted as well. I think we all understand that there is plenty of deer today, they are a traffic hazard. Also, the wild turkey was nearly extinct. Today, there are hunt-able populations of wild turkeys in most every state in the continental US. I think bobwhite quail is one of the only game birds I can think of where the populations are down in many states, mostly do to fescue (provides no cover for the birds).
  2. mnebergall


    Jenny; I recommend that you freeze the remainer or else you risk it going bad.
  3. How sad. I spent many an evening enjoying bad wine and good pizza. I konw a number of people who would break the fast on Yom Kippur there. Has the whole chain gone down the tubes? There is (was) one on South Washington St. in Old Town. I will take a closer look the next time I drive by.
  4. I still remember the radio ad's Marino's did, it sounded like a marine drill Sergeant ordering you to go eat their pizza. I went in their once and when I points out a big cockroach crawling on the wall, the guy behind the counter smacked it with his pizza spatchula. I never went back.
  5. Is that little Italian place across the street still open? The one with (seemingly) two names? Mama somethings? Ennio's? If that's the one, yes. It's probably one of the first places I ate at as a new DC resident and I pass it on my way to the gym. They have good pizza.
  6. Is that little Italian place across the street still open?
  7. I have not seen the Cert. petitions so I don't have a clue what the technical constitutional arguments will be. However, rather than using an "amendment trumps an provision in the original Constitution" analysis they likely will try to harmonize the two provisions. The central question is, does regulation of interstate commerce that would be banned under the dormant Commerce Clause become permissible under the 21st Amendment because alcohol is involved. Put another way, was the 21st Amendment intended to permit discrimination against out of state goods. Let's see if we can get hold of the Cert. petitions and the briefs on the merits once they are filed.
  8. Here is the text of the Supreme Court's order granting the Cert. petitions: "The petitions for writs of certiorari are granted limited to the following Question: "Does a State's regulatory scheme that permits in-state wineries directly to ship alcohol to consumers but restricts the ability of out-of-state wineries to do so violate the dormant Commerce Clause in light of Sec. 2 of the 21st Amendment?" These cases are consolidated and a total of one hour is allotted for oral argument."
  9. Perhaps this should be merged with the "Interstate Wine Shipments" thread which has been dormant waiting for the Supreme Court to act on the Cert. petitions.
  10. My guess is that most any restaurant with a bar will accomodate a patron with food service at the bar. I've eaten at the bar at Ten Penh, Restaurnt Eve (Old Town), Sam & Harrys, Oceanaire. I thnk I recall a mention that even Citronelle will serve you food at the bar. However, I would not exepct the service to match what you would get at a table, but the food will be the same.
  11. mnebergall

    I Have Much Pork

    This thread is what eGullet is all about; gathering the knowledge of the collective,. testing it, and putting it to use.
  12. Joe: With regard to your report on Chowhoud about the lamb: "The last savory, a "Spring lamb chop with tiand of roasted onion, tomato, basil and spinach" was disappointing. The lamb lacked the charred crust and the juicy, flavorful meat that I've had elsewhere. This was a dish that could and did wow me only a week ago in the Black Forest. Here, it was merely all right." This is in sharp contrast to my experience with their lamb loin appetizer. It has a nice crust and a nice red interior. As I've said before, a double or triple order of the lamb appetizer would make for a nice entree. After all, the place has been open for only a few weeks. Perhaps instead of the total immersion method, you might have tried the big toe method.
  13. Well Joe, it appears that while you were in the back swining down, I was at the bar at the front, well just swining. Actually, I was at the bar eating the confit of pork belly. This stuff is unique as far as I can tell. I have never seen it on a menu before. Reminds me of something that might be prepared on Iron Chef. But, they brought me two pieces of the stuff. I thought the portion looked a little meagre at first, but they are really filling. I don't know how they cook this stuff, but the fat is (this is hard to describe) not melted, but not firm either. It sort of melts in your mouth. There is a broth and some baby carrots, carmelized cippoline onions and some greens of some sort in the bottom of the bowl and they accent the pork belly nicely. The only complaint I have about the dish is there is nothing to soak up the broth with. I stole some polenta from my friend's veal short ribs (those are good too, I am ordering them the next time I go) and used it to soak up the juice. Joe H, you had a nine course dinner but only described (by my count) four of them. What else was served and can you give us a report?
  14. If I were you (which I'm not) I would take a look here.
  15. A buddy of mine and I had dinner at the bar this evening. Confit of Pork Belly (me) and Veal Short Ribs w/polenta (him). A description of the flavors and textures will have to wait until I can better operate the keyboard. UBFL.
  16. Larry may own the building, but he does need to receive a return (aka "rent") on his investment in the building.
  17. It's kinda wierd tha this thread should show up today. I was at Oceanaire in DC yesterday evening for happy hour and the beer taps were briefly out of action. They had to give me abottle of Anchor Steam. By the time was finished with the AS, the taps were back in operation and I had the SNPA on tap. I still like the SNPA better after having had an opportunity to compare the two back to back.
  18. Thanks for this post. With the recent thaw in relations between Libya and the US, I have been thinking that it might be possible to visit the land of my birth (former USAF base, Wheelus Field).
  19. I can't see Jaleo being competition for Tosca on any level. Tapas vs. Italian Casual setting vs. more formal Inexpensive/moderate vs. moderate/expensive i think he was referring to the tapas place LA TASCA...but maybe i am wrong... My apologies -- Pastramionrye is correct. I was in my hooked on phonics mode and was referring to La Tasca -- vice Tosca My apologies too because I look like a big fat bitch who was trying to be smart. I really thought you meant Tosca and just didn't get it. Where's that blushing smiley face when you need it? My recollection is that it took you a while to figure out the "Ray's the Steaks" pun too.
  20. I wonder what impact brining chicken has on its "cleanliness."
  21. You should be aware that there is a substantial liklihood that the crabs you get in many of those restaurants are imported from places like Louisiana. The crab harvest in the Chesapeake Bay has been dismal for several year. There is a sign in the Harris Crab House on Kent Island notifying customers that the crabs they get may not be local.
  22. NO we are not going to "the Cheesecake factory" So no bets, its not a option. Any yes I often has meals without alcohol and sometimes meals of only alcohol. And alcohol at breakfast does happen (bloodies and mamosas) Grin! I that case, I will take the bet.
  23. I have never been to a cheesecake factory. I assumed that all they made was cheesecakes. I never understood why there was so much demand for their product. I have never seen any of their cheesecakes in stores.
  24. One could get excommunicated for a comment like that. We might have to perform an exorcism.
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