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Everything posted by mnebergall

  1. I agree, nothing beats Matchbox's mini-burgers... but they're cute little suckers and they don't sit in your stomach like rocks. Sometimes you want grease, and a Five Guys burger is the ticket.The first time I had a Five Guys burger, I made the mistake of ordering one with "everything... except mayo". Not only was the result extremely difficult to eat (the darned toppings kept falling out... and they don't give you a plate!), but it was hard to actually taste the meat. I've learned from my mistake, and have realized that the best Five Guys burger has at most 3 toppings (in addition to condiments). Oh, and bacon doesn't count as a "topping", it's a given. First: Welcome to eGullet tcpanda. Second: What "toppings" other than lettuce, tomato and onion do they offer (or are those condiments?)?
  2. You might consider growing your own. However, it is kind of late in the growing season for that. Also, I see that Whole Foods has a few stores in Michigan. You might give them a call and ask the produce manager if they have them or plan on getting them in.
  3. mnebergall

    Do You Mop?

    Any sort of sauce with sugar in it likely will burn if used while grilling. I only put the sauce on right before I'm ready to take the meat (typically chicken) off of the grill. When smoking, I don't use anything.
  4. Donald Sutherland, Oddball, Kelly's Heros.
  5. An ambitious agenda. I would not know how arrange a system for prosecuting it, short of putting the names of the places on little slips paper and drawing them out of a hat. I, for one, am interested in trying Johnny Boy's on Rt. 301 near La Plata, MD, and the place outside of Warrenton, Jammin' Joe's. Those are somewhat long distance endeavors.
  6. Can you give us some coordinates regarding the Safeway event? http://barbecuebattle.com/ I might be able to make this. It looks like fun. I can bring my kids. They love barbeque.
  7. Can you give us some coordinates regarding the Safeway event?
  8. Count me in. Edited to add: If there is critical mass, perhaps a new thread is in order.
  9. Scary They really maybe probably don't care.... Well, I must say, I'm impressed. alporcini from Tampa, eh? The radio ads could be a little less annoying, no? Interesting, I did not know that Flemings was owned by Outback.
  10. I, for one, am willing to keep an open mind. I will not rule it out when looking to have some Italian food and Carrabas should happen to present itself as a choice.
  11. I don't know what they serve for lunch, but if the veal short ribs with polenta is on the menu, it is definitly worth a try. Before doing so, I would check the calendar to see if there is time for an afternoon nap.
  12. Congratulations to Chef Cathal and Todd Thrasher. Wow, three stars from Seitsema after being open only a few months. A stellar acheivement. Note: Please reserve the bar stools at the end of the bar for us "regulars." After all, we were there first. And thanks to the staff for letting us in the front door during the deluge last night.
  13. They value the customer based on how much they think they can get him/her to spend at their restaurant.
  14. There is a farmers' market in front of City Hall on Saturday morning. Alexandria is known for its frequent fireworks displays so I would make it a point to be down by the river by 10:30 to view them. Since the Waterfront Festival will be in full swing on Saturday, you should go down there and see what's up.
  15. That's why I put a ? after Majestic, because I was unsure. I've only had a drink at the bar, never eaten their food. It seems to be popular.
  16. There are plenty of good restaurants in Old Town and there are plenty of mediocre ones as well, just like anyplace else. In addition to the ones mentioned above (and I will second DCMark's reference to Restaurant Eve, which is worth making Old Town a dining destination) places like Le Refuge come to mind. Landini Bros and Geranios I believe are still good. Majestic Cafe? There appear to be a couple of new places opening up on upper King (Flying Fish???), that sound interesting.
  17. A lot of Alexandria used to be segrated, the schools, the movies theaters, the restaurants. My buddy could not go to the movies at the Old Town Theater. His parents sent him to Blessed Sacrement and Bishop Ireton because the schools were segregated. Al_Dente, The original Dixie Pig used to be on Rt. 1 across from the Beacon Mall. They tore it down and put in a Rite Aid drug store. To get another view of what life in Alexandria used to be like, check out the Supreme Court case of Sullivan v. Little Hunting Park.. (I used to be on the LHP board of directors.) I still think there needs to be an eGullet BBQ "fraud squad" who's mission it is to travel around and inspect the local BBQ intellegensia. I would only be active one-day every month or so when the "squad car" would travel to make its inspections. I volunteer to be "wheel man."
  18. Yes, I recall it and I have eaten there. A good friend of mine who is a lifelong Alexandria resident recalls the days when the NAACP used to picket the Dixie Pig because they would not serve blacks. Also, there used to be a Dixie Pig on Powhattan St. just north of Old Town. Now it is an Italian joint of some sort.
  19. I assume everyone is aware of the Penzeys' paprika recall. There was an article in the Sunday Washington Post and it is on their website.
  20. This will sail through the Montgomery County Council in the same fashion as the restaurant smoking ban, like crap through a goose.
  21. There needs to be a more organized eGullet investigation of the local barbecque scene in the DC area and its environs. However, I feel it will entail roadtrips. I say this after having dined on leftover barbequed brisket with bootleg Kansas City sauce.
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