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Maison Rustique

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Posts posted by Maison Rustique

  1. :blink: I don't think I even know of an art gallery in Laguna Niguel!

    I do think that to base this discussion of good restaurants on a handful of cities in a large county is unfair. And what types of cuisine are we considering? I suspect that you might find some Mexican immigrants here that can name some mighty good hole-in-the-wall places that would rival anything you'd find in their home country.

    Maybe. Just my humble ramblings...

  2. By this morning, there were rose petals all over the table. It saddens me that this obviously expensive bouquet didn't last as long as it should have.

    Your fault. If someone is thoughtful enough to drop about $50 clams on a bouquet of roses for you, one STOPS what one is doing, and prepares the bouquet with care and attention. As well as appreciation. It takes less than 5 minutes to cut stems and plop in vase. Think of them as an appetizer someone brought that requires a bowl and a serving spoon or cheese knife.

    Hmmmm... Interesting that you didn't think about what I might have spent on ingredients that might have been at a critical point in preparation.

    We all have differing opinions on these things. That's what makes the world go 'round! :smile:

  3. As a recent hostess (yesterday--same people: family of 6 for lunch, cocktails and dinner) here's my $.02.

    Our guests arrived bringing a lovely bottle of Port and an enormous bouquet of roses. Both gifts were lovely, quite appropriate and very much appreciated. However here's the problem I always have when someone arrives with a bouquet of flowers:

    I'm busy in the kitchen. I have to stop to search for a vase. And in this case, it took some looking to find one that was large enough for this particular bouquet. It's quite warm here this time of year. As they arrived late morning, we hadn't yet turned on the a/c. The flowers laid on the kitchen counter whilst I located a vase. Once I found one I realized that I did not have time (nor space) to go thru the bouquet and trim the stems as is always recommended, so they were simply plopped into the vase with some water.

    By this morning, there were rose petals all over the table. It saddens me that this obviously expensive bouquet didn't last as long as it should have.

    OK, so the moral of my story is when you're selecting a hostess gift, please make it something that doesn't require immediate action on the part of the hosts. Something that takes no effort on his/her part will be appreciated much more!

  4. Lisa, I always want hardcovers when it comes to cookbooks (unless they're really old). I will indeed let you know if I can't find it anywhere.

    Now that this has all come up I've hit on a great idea. Don (DH) and his daughters (who live the SF/Bay area) are always trying to think of things to get me for BD and Christmas. They all love to browse book stores (online and storefront). So I think I'm gonna make a wish list for them!! That will make all of us happy and I won't have to send back any sweaters that I'll never wear!

    And now just a little aside. When DH and I decided a good many years ago to take our French (language) to a much higher level, we enrolled in classes at a local JC for several semesters. As we advanced and had to write essays, no matter what the subject matter--art, history, literature, etc.-- I always turned it to food and made a recipe from that era/area. Do I need to say that I always got good grades? :laugh:

  5. Damn! I missed a historical cooking thread???? take pity on me; point me to it, please. Phooey - the things that happen the minute my back is turned - it ain't fair.

    I'm also on a quest to pick up a couple of the other books that were mentioned in that thread--Food in History, Much Depends on Dinner and Near a Thousand Tables.

    Pick all of 'em up for a song via ABE.Every one of them is well worth having, though the Tannahill book is a bit of a dry read.

    Here is the historial food thread that I was referring to. (I think!)

    Thanks for the tip on ABE. I'll check it out. I also just remembered reading that you had written such a book. I'll definitely add that to my list!! :smile:

  6. A couple of years ago I went to a (by reputation/review) very good French restaurant. It was highly recommended by my sister's in-laws. When we arrived I was dismayed to see a helth-dept. notice in the front window that they had failed inspection. I questioned our server about that before ordering. He said something about grease on the floor and that it had been corrected.

    I ordered one of their specialities--a pork dish. It arrived swimming in blood. There was no way I was going to eat it. I sent it back for further cooking. Apparently I'd been a bit too pesty, because when I got it back it was so tough and over-cooked that it was inedible. I picked at it and ate bread and dessert. Needless to say, I've never gone back and wouldn't.

  7. That looks fabulous! The recent thread here on historical cooking encouraged me to rummage through the cookbooks and pull out a couple to re-read. I'm also on a quest to pick up a couple of the other books that were mentioned in that thread--Food in History, Much Depends on Dinner and Near a Thousand Tables.

  8. The really funny thing is with Granny's burned green beans..

    Before the Depression, Granny owned a restaurant. (When everything went beserck, she walked out of the place and never went back.) I just asked Mom recently if she burned them when she had the restaurant. Mom said she didn't know as she wasn't yet born. So then i asked if she burned them when she was growing up in Granny's house and she said she can't remember! How the heck can you not remember something as tasty as burned green beans!!!! :blink:

  9. Heap your plate with her stuff. Take a huge forkfull and put it in your mouth. Turn your head and spit it out screaming in rage and horror and throw your plate at them with deadly aim while shouting, "What did you do to this poor food you incompetant hag!!!"



    I misread.

    You wanted "polite".

    I have this thing where I randomly see "im" or "un" before words. I think it's these new bifocals.

    Raynickben's answer is a bit more appropriate.

    :laugh: You have got me crying with laughter!!!!! I wish you lived near us. We could have some great times!!!!

  10. Here's my Mom's recipe:


    ½ cup (1 stick) butter

    17-oz. can corn with liquid*

    17-oz. can creamed corn*

    8 ½-oz. box Jiffy corn bread/muffin mix

    2 eggs, slightly beaten

    1 cup sour cream**

    1 cup grated cheddar cheese**

    *I have never seen a 17-oz. can of corn. I think they’re usually 15-16-oz. Works fine.

    **Mom & I both usually use more than this of the sour cream and cheese.

    Melt butter in a 9x13 dish. Add whole corn, creamed corn & corn bread mix. Gently mix with a fork. Add eggs and mix in with fork. Drop sour cream by tablespoons over the top of the corn mixture. Dunk them under a bit. Cover top with cheddar. Bake 20 to 30 minutes at 350, or until it is firm. Let cool slightly before serving or serve at room temp.

    Everyone always loves this!

  11. Uh-oh! :shock: I must admit that I've never heard of this person before. I guess I just don't watch enough TV (not just FoodNetwork). I will be there for the eG dinner, but if he is there do you think he will be offended if I don't recognize him (yes I've seen his pic that you posted but don't have a clue as to what he does on TV)? If so, can someone give me some pointers--something to ask about/discuss?

  12. I asked my daughter the biologist/botanist about this, as I'd never heard of anyone eating cattails. Here is her reply:

    Whoa!  I've never heard of eating cattails.  I do know that the rhizomes (thick roots) are starchy.  The long green blades are soft and new in early spring, and a lot tougher by the end of summer.  If someone's wondering where to harvest them, I would avoid harvesting them from wetlands and/or drainages that receive runoff from residential areas, paved roads, golf courses, or other sites where pesticides and petroleum-based chemicals are likely to be present and washed away by rainwater or irrigation systems.  That rules out most cattails near urban and suburban areas.  Cattails and many other wetland plants are very good at removing toxins from water and soil and storing them in their tissues.  That's why you see them in wastewater treatment wetlands, like the ones constructed in Laguna Niguel.

    So, eat them at your own risk! :wacko:

  13. I just can't see how I can fit that huge bundle of leaves in a fridge that is already loaded with a week's worth of groceries.  Maybe when I get a small bar fridge I can find room for it! Oh well, there's lots more foods to try.

    I'm sticking my oar in here even though I have little experience with chard. What if you wash it, then stick the stems into a bowl of ice water, as though it's some herb or flower? Would it keep? The approach works well in the refrigerator with herbs, but I've no idea whether it would work on chard out on the counter. If I had access to chard and limited refrigerator space I'd give it a try. Maybe it would keep for a day, anyway? Think of the centerpiece it could make on your dinner table! :laugh:

    Failing that, maybe you should invest in an ice chest or two? Wash it, wrap it in damp towels, lay it in the ice chest with something frozen?

    I'm no expert either, but I did this recently. I got a lovely fresh bunch of chard and had no room in the fridge. So I filled a pitcher with cold (not ice) water, trimmed the stems about an inch, stuck it in the pitcher, set it on the counter (out of the sun) and it kept very nicely for 3 days! The bonus was that it was red chard and looked absolutely lovely!!

    Edited to say that this was just last week. I made a lovely chard, bacon and potato chowder and still have some left-overs in the fridge. That is gonna be my dinner tomorrow night when DH is gone. YUM!

  14. I'm not clear on how I can support the farms directly. We have some "farmers markets" around here. The ones in my area are not on days/times that I can go to them and make reasonable purchases. For example the one in my city is on Friday afternoon. I work during the hours it's open. There is another that is actually closer, but it is on Sundays. I do the bulk of my cooking Wednesday thru Saturday. That means I'd be dealing with old produce. Organic Express delivers in my area on Thursday. And I can get some grocery items from them, too. It just seems to work out better for me timewise.

    They do say that 90% of it is produced in California. Is that bad? I'm happy to ask them questions about the farms that supply them, etc. What should I ask? Clearly you all are in areas that know more about this. In my area we no longer have "local" farms. We just have concrete and buildings. Ther are still a couple of small farms that grow strawberries and corn, but not much more than that. I loved it when I could walk across the street in San Juan Capistrano and buy from the farm directly. Unfortunately the land was sold (it's now a community center) and we moved out of the area.

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