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Maison Rustique

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Everything posted by Maison Rustique

  1. Much sympathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Having broken my foot quite badly a year and a half or so ago, I understand how terrible this is! I'm curious.. You said "we" in your initial post. Can't the "other/s" help? That was how I existed during the first 2 months of not being able to be on my feet. I had help from family.
  2. Hmmm... When I saw ID, I thought it was Idaho. Can someone tell me what ID means in this group? BTW, I don't live in ID (Idaho), but do visit occasionally.
  3. Don had a couple of days of biz meeting at the St. Regis last week. When he gets back from Florida tomorrow, I'll ask him if he went there.
  4. For Indian, don't forget about Korma Sutra! I had dinner at their Westport location at Christmas time and it was outstanding.
  5. I've got the French version, too. My conversational French isn't nearly as good as it used to be, but I can manage to get through most recipes.
  6. I forgot to say before: I always figure that if it takes long enough, they will eat it regardless of how it turns out. edited to clarify
  7. I am slow as molasses! Even when people are hanging over me drooling! Can't help it--that's just me in the kitchen.
  8. Thank you, Sara! It's been nice to get to know you through your posts. I hope we'll see more of you here.
  9. Thanks! And your comment about liquids--when is it or isn't it acceptable to subsitute one liquid for another., i.e., broth for stock, non/low-fat milk for regular. And there are so many new products out there--there is even non-fat half and half. Have you found a way to incorporate these into recipes without sacrificing texture and taste? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions.
  10. So, do you really measure all the spices and seasonings in a recipe--even the first time? I'm a complete novice/home cook who has never had a lesson in her life, but I never measure unless I'm baking. I usually eye-ball it. Does that make me a bad person? And thanks for being here--this is just a wonderful learning experience.
  11. This is exactly why I love to buy old "community/church/what-have-you" cookbooks. They give such insight into the variances of "cuisine/home-cooking" in all the areas of our country. I seldom cook from these books, but seek them out because they provide such a wonderful look into the various parts of our country. I wonder if these kinds of cookbooks exist in other countries. Surely they must--and I'd love to get my hands on some of them!
  12. I haven't been there for many years, but Wally's Pastry Shop on North Oak Trafficway (north of the river), used to be a favorite! I'm hoping someone has been there more recently and can give a report.
  13. LOL! I'm with Maggie--potatoes: mashed or twice-baked. You don't "have" to eat the peel if you can't.
  14. Had some 0% this afternoon with a bit of cinnamon, ginger and honey.
  15. Well, don't forget that it's "mush" in the mid-west. We loved mush fried nice and crispy when growing up in KCMO.
  16. Oh my, yes. Click for Khmer preserved limes, or here for limes from Guyana, or.... ← Ooh-la-la-la-la!!!! Can't wait to try this, and love the links! Where can I find wirri-wirri peppers or a reasonable facsimile in So. California? Sorry--I know I'm showing my ignorance, but that's why I read here.
  17. Can you make preserved limes, like with lemons?
  18. Yes, it's delicious for breakfast with granola, muesli, etc.
  19. Don't know about typical of all NMs... I worked across the street from Fashion Island for several years and ate lunch many times at Nieman Marcus--mostly just us "ladies" as it was dainty fare. The restaurant name was different then, but they still had the popovers, strawberry butter and broth. That's been at least 18 years ago, if not more. Aaaack! I can't possibly be getting that old. Edited to add: Oh--about the credit cards--you're supposed to have a NM card!! I did and suppose still do somewhere--just not sure where I've got the stash of cards that I never use anymore.
  20. I am just insanely jealous!! As an antiquer and foodiphile, I would kill to have this. Unfortunately ion Southern California, it is not even remotely possible. In our current house, we've never used the fireplace--we'd be too hot even with the doors open. I grew up in the mid-west and lived in Boston and though I don't miss the cold, ice and snow, I do miss the opportunities that those conditions afford.
  21. I'm still in KC and while I haven't been dining out much, I've not come across a tuna melt on any menu yet. Hunh! Somehow I remember eating them lots when I lived here. Enough posting on dial-up. Cable has spoiled me!
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