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    New Mexico

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  1. Orbit

    Dinner 2022

    Quail breasts roasted and basted with honey orange cumin glaze.
  2. A friend is bringing over some quail on Sunday and I need cooking inspiration! What are your favorite ways to cook quail?
  3. 5pm is my preferred dinner time
  4. Orbit

    Lunch 2022

    Simple pizza; dough is half 00 half AP.
  5. Orbit

    Dinner 2022

    Peruvian chicken
  6. I tried the Seedlip "fake gin" and was severely underwhelmed.
  7. We went through an Italian-American food phase due to viewing The Sopranos
  8. I have an adorable polka-dotted apron I got from etsy. I only use it when baking. (I seem to get flour everywhere)
  9. We don't have a hood. It's annoying but I don't think there's an easy fix.
  10. I use Isopure protein powder but it never occurred to me to try baking with it. Does heat break it down?
  11. When we travel and AirB&B it, I take a stripped down "kitchen" with us. It includes: A cast iron frying pan A non-stick saute pan A corkscrew Spatulas (one metal, one nonstick) A saucepan An 8x8 baking pan A 9x12 baking pan Dutch Oven I find if I have these things I'm covered for most cooking that I would want to do. Good luck with the move!
  12. This is a cooking-related question: I just bought an All Clad stainless steel frying pan. Does it need any kind of seasoning? Is there anything I should be aware of in caring for it/using it?
  13. Orbit

    Food recalls

    Thanks for this; a newly purchased jar was from the affected lots -- it went straight into the trash...
  14. Orbit

    Dinner 2022

    Oh wow! I love Char Siu Bao, and your Chair Siu looks delicious! Are the Bao hard to make?
  15. Orbit

    Dinner 2022

    Roasted a chicken tonight
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